
A Demon Hunts down the Lightning Thief

This is a Percy Jackson story but with a change of story instead of being the son of Poseidon, he is the son of hades. What will change, well a lot of things will be changing. Everyone will be aged up to high school that is one change

Zer0AiWhatifs · Others
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What when from Normal to What the Hell

Why Hell-o there I am, Percy Jackson, son of Hades. Ya, the one who rules hell that one. But unlike him, I am here on earth in high school wasting my time learning stuff that I will Never Use! Ever! Like his son, I got into a lot of trouble, a lot of fights in which I won, earning the nickname beater. I really like the name, but if they give you one, you know you're respected. At home, we have this ass hole Gabe my "Dad." I can't tell how many times I wished for his blood to be on my hands. My mother is the queen of hell, kind of, but I love her very much. In fact, she is the only reason Gabe is not on the floor choking on his own blood. When I was around 16 to 17, I was given a ring, but it had an opening like there was supposed to be a crystal there or something, but it's a gift, so I wear it every day. Now that you know the back storytime to go into 3rd person mode.

"Percy!" the teacher, or known as Maria Olsen, Percy would as he would look at the board "36" as Percy would flop his head back down. Everyone in the class would laugh as the answer was way off, not even close. Maria was about to scream at Percy. Ring! the bell would ring, and Percy would get up and walk out. While walking, someone would tap him on the shoulder. Percy would look to see his excellent friend Grover. "Ah, Grover," Percy would say smiling, "Ya, Hey Percy," as Grover would greet back, "You ready for the field trip tomorrow?" Grovert would ask, "Not really," Percy would say blankly as they both leave the school. Arriving at Home, Percy would see Gabe and his loser friends playing poker. "Percy" His mother would come up and Hug him as Percy would return the hug. "Hey! Woman where is my beer!" As Percy's mother would respond, Gabe would yell across the room, "Coming Dear" Percy would grab her arm before she when shaking his head no to his mother. Percy's mother would shake Percy's grip. and when to get the beer for Gabe. "Damn Bastard," Percy would think as he would walk into his room. The next day Percy and the rest of his class would be in the museum looking at all the god and greek stuff. "Now can anybody tell who the three brothers were?" Mr.Bunner would ask as no one would answer till he chose Percy. "Um... Zeuss, Posiden, and....Hades," Percy would say as he felt a weird connection with the last brother. They would soon get a break as they would all go outside, but before he could eat, Ms.Olsen would call for him. Percy would go back into the museum, and Ms.Olsen would not be looking at him. "Where is it?" she would ask as Percy would raise an eyebrow. "Where's what?" as Olsen would turn back. In shock, she looked like a monster. Wings would burst out of her back. "What the hell were in thouse cookies?"Percy would yell as he dodges an attack. Suddenly Mr.Bunner and Grover would burst through the door to see Percy fighting the Fury, "Oh you guys showed up Mine helping!" Percy would say as a kick would slam into his chest, sending him flying as he would hit the walk losing the air in his lungs. "Percy!" Grover would run over to Percy to help him up as they both look at the Fury. "Percy take this" as Mr.Bunner would throw a crystal, a pure black crystal, at Percy as he would grab it, "Aww that's so kind of you but now is not the time to give gifts!" Percy would yell as he dodges another attack. A sweat would drop from Mr. Bunner's head as he would tell Percy to put the crystal in his ring. Percy would look at his ring and remembered his father gave this to him, but it didn't have the crystal in the middle. So Percy would attach the crystal to his ring as a world appears in his head. "Μαύρη τρύπα" as Percy would say it out loud "DarkHollow" suddenly his shadow would move to his right hand as the shadow would move up attaching to his hand "What the Hell" as when it stops there would be a sword.

"Damn look at that," Percy would say, holding DarkHollow in his hands swinging it around. "Percy i think you should dkill the thing before you look at the sword," Grover would yell as he jumped out of the way. "Right sorry," as Percy would be running to the Fury. But something hit him like ideas, plans, and weakness Percy would see every dark stop in the room, every weakness the Fury had. "Well it's seems I got a plan," as Percy would jump into the corner as the Fury would follow, "Percy," Mr.Bunner and Grover would yell as the Fury would get closer and closer. Still, Percy didn't flinch as Percy would wave his hand at the Fury as Suddenly Boom! The Dust would clearly show Percy walking from the Dust as he was dusting himself off. "Wow what a plan," Percy would think as of right before the Fury smashed into him, Percy sinks into the shadow. "Percy what was that" Grover would ask, and Percy didn't know either, but he was glad he killed the thing. As they both leave the museum, Grover would tell Percy to pack his things, go back to his house, and get his mom. Percy wouldn't understand why but he listened and ran home.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! And

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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