
A Demon Hunts down the Lightning Thief

This is a Percy Jackson story but with a change of story instead of being the son of Poseidon, he is the son of hades. What will change, well a lot of things will be changing. Everyone will be aged up to high school that is one change

Zer0AiWhatifs · Others
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Just like your father

A day after I fell from a building, we were now getting closer to my father, but we need food. Percy and his friend would be walking somewhere they could get food. Still, before they could go any further, Annebeth suggested that we call camp. "We can't call camp," Percy said, looking at Annabeth as if she was dumb, but she told him that there was a way.

Later they would be at a car wash. "We don't have a car," Percy said as Annebeth would grab the pressure hoes and start shooting it. She would through coins in it, and Percy would notice that she was calling someone. Soon the rainbow would turn into a screen. Almost all he knew was that he would see it, and they can see him. "Ah, Annebeth," a familiar voice would come out as Percy would be shocked. "How was your journey so far." Chiron would ask as they would tell Chiron everything so far. "So Percy has already learned how to use his powers?" Chiron would ask as Percy would rub the back of his head. "Not really, but I can do things with it," Percy would inform Chiron. Soon Luke would walk in as Percy would feel Annebeths heart race faster. Luke and them would talk for a while before Luke would ask to talk to Percy alone. "How are the shoes treating you?" Luke would ask as Percy would remember the shoes Luek gave him. He totally forgot about them. "Oh, they're in good hands, very useful," Peercy would say as a sweat drop would form on his head. "Even though I can make wings out of my own shadow, Grover has used them pretty well." Percy would think as Luke would talk to Percy a bit more. Soon the water would run out, and the link would be cut. Walking, Annabeth and Grover would ask what Luke talked about. "Percy was about to say that Luke saw Annebeth as a sister, but he decides not to.

They would arrive at a huger place as they would sit down. Ordering they Percy was about to grab the money they still had left till they hear a loud louse coming from outside. Turning, they would see a motorcycle with a big guy getting off, as Annebeth would know who this was. "Ares," she would say, making them look even closer. "Yup, Clarisse is the daughter of Ares," Percy would say as he could see how they look similar. Entering, he would sit on the other side, looking at the three of them. "Oh, what do I owe the pleasure of meeting face to face to a god." Percy would say as he would sit back. "Ha, kid you remind my alot of your father always wanting to know everything," Ares would say, smiling. "Me and my father are not simliar, but i guess it runs in the blood," Percy would say as the waiter would walk up to get the money. Ares would grab gold coins out as place them down. "Sir we don't take that," The waiter would say as Ares would look at her, making her step back. "Sorry for my friend," Percy would push the gold coins away as he would grab the waiter's hand, placing real money in there. "Keep the Tip," as she would walk away. "Another thing you and your father have in common good with the ladies and making me pissed," Ares would say, a fire in his eyes as Percy would look back as Annebeth and Grover watch the two Percys right would turn darker as Annebeth would say something to stop this. "So why is a god here?" Ares would stop the staring contest with Percy to answer the question. " I have a offer," He would say as he would explain the details. "You want us to go and get your sheild because you scared," Percy would say it bluntly as Annebeth and Grover would get scared think Percy is going to get them killed. "Something like that, but of course you will be getting something in return," Ares would say as they would listen in.

Ares would leave as Percy would say, "Man he's finally gone," as he would get smacked in the head by Annebeth "are you trying to kill us" as Grover would agree with Annebeth. "Come on guys it was funny," as Percy would, Annebeth and Grover would walk over to the car Ares has given them. "Well i guess we will be going swimming before we meet my great father," Percy would say, entering the driver's seat as Annebeth would take shotgun as Grover would sit in the back. "Have you ever driven before?" Annebeth would ask as Percy would smile, "Ask Grover" as Grover would chuckle, "ya, He can drive. The first time i was with him be broken into his step fathers car and took it to a street race." Grover would say, "Bastar didn't spend hsi money good but he did get a good car," Percy would say as they would leave the burger place. "Did you win?" Annebeth would ask as Percy would smile, "Corse we did."