
A Demon Hunts down the Lightning Thief

This is a Percy Jackson story but with a change of story instead of being the son of Poseidon, he is the son of hades. What will change, well a lot of things will be changing. Everyone will be aged up to high school that is one change

Zer0AiWhatifs · Others
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According to plan

When the bus left the tunnel, the furies would look back to see only the two as Percy was in front of the bus waiting. "Where is he?!?" one of the furies would be attacking Annabeth and another attacking Grover as they would explain that Percy left. Still, they didn't believe them as the bus would suddenly turn as everyone would be freaking out. Finally, the bus would come to a stop as Annabeth and Grover would run out, and so would everyone else. When Annabeth and Grover go out, they could see Percy leaning on the metal fence, smiling. "That was fun right?" Percy would say as Annabeth and Grover would walk to him, Annabeth snatching the hat back as she would be blushing, "Lets go," Grover would say as they would jump over the fence and walk down the hill. Finally, they would reach a spot and rest as Grover would be eating his cans. Percy would snap his fingers as suddenly fire would burst out of the ground. "How did you do that" Annabeth would ask as Percy would look at the fire. "My father may be an ass hole, but he gave me some tips," Percy would as he lays his back on the tree. "I'm goign to take a nap," Percy would say, closing his eyes.

Percy getting up a few minutes later to see Grover and Annabeth were naping as well. "What a day," Percy would say, stretching as he could feel his stomach growling. "Damn," Percy would think as Percy would walk over to the river and splash water in his face. "What time is it" he would hear as he would see Annabeth getting up, rubbing her eyes, as Grover would get up next. "Not long probably 15 mins," Percy would say as their stomach would growl. "Well it seems we need food," Percy would say as Annabeth would blush and nod her head. Finally, they would get up and start walking.

A few minutes later, Grover would tell Percy and Annabeth that he smells fast food as Percy would get hungry thinking about it. "Where" Percy would demand Grover spill the beans as Grover would lead them to a small fast-food place. Before they walked in, Grover would tell them that he smelled something odd, and Percy could feel the negative emotion coming from there. Still, his hunger took over, and he, Annabeth, and Grover would walk in. Inside there would be an old woman as she would see the three high schoolers. "Oh customers," she would say, going to them. Inside there would be statues of people, perfect-looking statues. As the owl woman would see them, they would give her money which she declined, making them wonder. The old woman just said she doesn't need it, so they just sat down as she would bring them food. They would be eating as Grover would tell them that one of the statues looks like one of his uncles. As Percy would look around, he feels negative emotions, mostly sadness coming from the statues. The old woman acted weird around Annabeth as well, as they decide that they should go.

As they go up, the old woman would suggest taking a picture to make them into statues later as they would all know that this is odd. "Who are you" Percy would ask as the old lady would smile. Before anything happened, Percy would hear an sss noise immediately. He would grab Grover and Annabeth. Spinning them around. "Aww, you turn before i could take a picture," The old lady or now medusa would say as Percy would yell back, "You think your slick," as Percy would say, "DarkHollow," as the sword would appear. Madusa would see this and get ready as Percy would grab a towel and wrap it around his eyes.

"Pick a god and start praying," Percy would say. He would spin around as Annabeth would do the same with her dagger out " two against one, I suggest you let out leave before you wish you had," Percy would say as Madusa would scowl. "Pretty cocky," as she would run at him. She didn't know was that Percy could see her move because her shadow was moving. So he turns to the side as he would yell "Now" as Annabeth would stab the ground, stopping Madusa "What?" as Percy would remove the towel and so would Annabeth. "What did I tell you" Percy would say, walking to Madusa as he would swing his sword, cutting her head off as he would throw the towel over his head. "That was close," Grover would say as Percy would look around. "Grover, bring me that box" Grover did what he was told, bring Percy the box as Percy would grab the head and place it in the box. Then he would write To Olimpas From a Demon" as he would send it. "I don't think that was a good idea," Annabeth would say as Percy grabbed his backpack. "They had it coming" as they would leave.

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