
A Demon And An Angel

Planet Earth , Solar system number- unknown , Milky way galaxy , Multiverse 5000 ,Universe 5000, omniverse--- A calm planet located in an insignificant galaxy called milky way galaxy, well it was in the past. Wait you are telling me it's not calm anymore, There are monsters, demons , dungeons, dimensions , leveling up? This is a story of a boy born with a curse... A demon and an Angel... The cover is ai generated.

Undeadtheman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


"IS It the dome " thought everyone

"It must be" a voice resounded "I'm sure we are inside an anime troupe or something, this is so surreal" ranted a student . If it was an anime , all he wanted was a beautiful women by his side and that he didnt die in extreme ways.

Sure enough 5 minutes later, it had been one hour since the strange phenomenon and suddenly from the clouds a voice resounded.

"Humans" it said

Everyone from america to japan was shocked and looked up into the sky where the voice came from. No one was confused about the direction from where the sound came from. Everyone knew it came from above.

"Is it god" some thought. The abrahamic people thought the judgement day had come and they started preparing themselves.

"Humans" again the voice resounded "I know all of you are confused of whats happening ,and whether this is the beginning of human extinction" the voice which sounded feminine stopped.

"But let me assure you that this is not" She continued " But rather a phase where your species will ascend and compete with other species in the galactic verse or the omni verse"

Karthikeyan and the others who were looking out of the window pondered. Ascend? Compete with other species, like as in aliens?

"The dome looking thing from earlier which shook your planet " Continued Yuri "is nothing but the mana and chi energy that was expanding throughout your planet."

"I'm pretty sure you all know these energies as your species have always pondered about these kinds of energies . It has always existed in your planet . we just stimulated it but adding further energy" Finished Yuri. She let some time to settle in as humans digested the truth. Indeed the energy they were feeling from before was Mana and Chi !!!. The thought made some excited.

After a good 2 minutes passed Yuri continued---

"Also , you guys would have awakened the universal system by this time and I would like you to open it by saying a single command or by just thinking of opening it so you could see your information. Don't worry only you would be able to view it unless you decide to otherwise."

Karthikeyan had a vague understanding and everyone around him began to comply and were shocked when their respective universal systems appeared in front of them

He too thought of it and it appeared


[AGE] [16]


[LEVEL] [1]

[HP] [100]








[SPEED] [2]


[LIFE FORCE ] [10]




"This is so unreal. This is literally the wet dream of otakus and eccentrics who disconnected themselves from the world" he thought . He then carefully studied the stats and saw that not only did the system display his stats , it even had settings which allowed him to change the background, the option that allowed to whom he wanted to show my system to and so on , it had a shop where it seemed he could buy anything as long as he had some weird currency that he didn't quite understand . He was already given 100 of this currency as a bonus . But what interested him was not all of these miscellaneous things.

There were 2 stats windows on his system. One was the normal one which appeared first when he opened the system but another was titled "Special Stats" . He gulped and opened it. He knew this was something important and wasn't dumb to not check it. It appeared :


[CURSE ] [TWO FACE] [+] [RANK - ???]


His soul left him . What the hell was this? it seemed he didn't have any talents , was he useless ? . He thought his life didn't even begin at this point . Nevertheless he tried to drive away the negative thoughts but couldn't when another shock struck him . He had a curse on him. He was cursed. No talent but only a curse and that too of an unknown rank.

After calming down for a bit he pressed the plus button on the curse icon and read the details it provided . According to the system his curse gave him many effects which he carefully assessed for a good 5 minutes.



Gives the host 10 times increase in physical attributes such as physical damage and physical defence for a moment of 10 minutes . Cooldown of 5 minutes . De buffs - Defence attributes reduced by 10 percent after usage of effect, n number of skills at random obtained by the host will be locked for 5 minutes after the effect ends . Active effect.


Gives the host an increased sense of perception and sense in dark environments and a considerable boost in other environments although less, but still potent . The host is also able to hide perfectly in the dark or noon conditions . The host is able to sense demon forces around him and the demons would consider him friendly at first glance. Cant be nullified by opposite skills . Passive effect


The host is able to heal themselves for 50 percent of their total health . The host is also able to heal their allies at bunch for the same percent of health or could revive them under 3 days of death. Cooldown of 8 minutes . Active effect.


The host is able to absorb the full capacity of his mana or chi in just 2 minutes. Will be able to expand mana by 10 percent of the total capacity in duration of 10 days automatically . Unlimited usage . The host is also able to assess others, with no limitations. Active effect.


The host is able to make anyone their slave and imbue them their own skills including the effects gained through talent or curse . The host can choose what level of consciousness the slaves have . No specific consciousness . Slaves once killed cannot be revived unless provided with the required mana or chi .Usage unlimited .


As the host has gained immense power in return his soul will be contracted automatically devoid of his consent . The host will only be able to increase his soul quality only when he has finished 10 quests given by the system . He must not die otherwise his soul will go through the wrath of the creator. Misfortune always finds the user. The condition will not be removed until he kills The demon emperor.

Hmm interesting but wait a minute.

If not for the people around him , he would have shouted . How could this be in the curse section if he had the op "Effects" the curse gave him . It didn't feel like a curse to him but a highly ranked talent but then he saw the condition .

"My soul is contracted ? what do you mean by that ? and the condition involves soul quality " he thought . It also talked about misfortunes of some sorts.

For getting more information he went through the soul quality section and came to know that it determined the maximum years one could live for . It also determined the life force one could hold . He had no idea what life force was for . Truth to be told He only had a vague understanding of everything . As to confirm the doubts. The voice from heaven resounded again...