

A deal with Mr Arrogant.

(Bride for Rent)

Episode 05

Mr Andres Mansion.

A lot of decorations is taking place in Mr Andres Mansion, he has invited alot of business partners are other rich men's from different perspectives just to witness Lucas bride to be introduction.

The mansion sparkles and shines so beautifully, different types of food have been cooked, one can even mistaken it to be the whole wedding party or engagement, but it's actually an introduction.

Mr Andres was making a call when leo arrived.

★"I will call you back later."

He said and hang off.

"Hey Uncle." Leo said and they hugged.

"Wow son, you are looking handsome as always." Mr Andres replied.

"Thanks, you are looking more younger than the last time we met." Leo said and they laughed.

"By the way, is Lucas not here already, I'm so excited to see his bride to be, I hope she will be cute." Leo added.

"Uh I guess so, I probably won't want my grand children to be ugly." Andres said and laughed.

"Okay, I'll go take a look around and I will see you later okay." Leo said.

"Sure, will see you later, I will go check the decorations." Mr Andres replied.

Leo left and hide to make a phone call.

★"mum, can you believe what's going on in uncle's Mansion, that jerk is bringing his wife to be for an introduction, you can't love to see the money uncle spent in decorations and food like today is Lucas wedding." Leo yelled Angrily.

★"this will be the worst news ever, how on Earth do you let that happened, you can't let Lucas marry, else you gonna loose everything, even the so called company you are rulling, your evil uncle will take it from you and hand it over to Lucas." His mum replied.

★"I won't let that happen, everything is just messed up Okay, you told me to be nice and calm go uncle Andres so he will hand over everything to me, but all in vain, what the heck do you want me to do now." Leo asked.

★"hey, don't yell at me, but I will find a way." His mum replied.

"Leo come quick." Mrs Evelyn cut in.

"Oh you seems angry, are you alright?"

She asked.

Leo sighed and closed his eyes.

"I'm good okay, don't worry, it's just that, the company is expecting some goods to be delivered but it got stocked at the airport so that's why I'm angry."

Leo lied.

"Oh that's sad but still a simple issue, I Know most of the people at the airport, which airport is that so I will talk to them?" Mrs Evelyn asked.

"No, okay, infact, Everything is under control, you just have to be worried about the introduction, don't worry About me."

Leo forced a smile.

"Sure, I will go ahead, if you need anything, just let me know Okay."

Mrs Evelyn said and left.

"I have to find a way, I can't let Lucas marry that girl." Leo thought.

L.A investment.

Lucas decided to drove by the company before heading home.

"I can't believe Mr Lucas is getting married, Tessy have been crushing on home for like forever." A worker said.

Lucas stared at them.

"If you really know what's good for you, then mind your business, by the way, you all are invited for the introduction party, and for Tessy to believe that she is just dreaming, give her an invite you, and go back to work right now." Lucas ordered and keep the invite on their table.

He sighted Natalie.

"Nat!." He called.

"Do you need anything?" She replied.

"Today is i and your Friend introduction party so I will love you to be there."

Lucas replied.

"Sorry, I'm busy." Nat replied and try to Walk away.

"This cold attitude is not yours so cut it, I know you are angry with me, fine, I promise after this wedding I will get a good job for Stacy's father." Lucas vowed.

"Not like I care." Nat replied.

"Look Nat, stacey is there all alone, you have to be there with her atleast as a friend because I don't like how she is acting like an egg, so could you a kind and he with her." Lucas asked.

Natalie twisted her lips.

"Okay, I'll but don't forget your promise."

Nat warned.

"I won't." He replied.

"So shall we?" He asked her.

"Okay." She replied and they headed to the car.

Stacey saw Nat.

She hugged her tightly

"Are you okay?" Nat asked.

"I'm fine, I'm glad you are here, I'm so scared." Stacey said.

"Don't worry, I will be by your side."

Nat replied and they entered the car, Lucas entered too and they zoom off.

Lucas stopped in front of a big shopping and make-up mall.

"What are we doing here?" Stacey asked.

"Is that supposed to be a question, you know your aren't going to my Mansion with this rag clothes." Lucas replied.

"You don't need to be mean, besides that's the cloth I have, and is better I appear to them as who I am not what you want me to be." Stacey replied.

"What do you even know, so you think you will go see my parents and their business partners with the way you are looking, it doesn't make sense at all."

Lucas yelled.

"Stacey, just calm down okay, do as he said, they are rich people, you have to look good so you won't get laughed at."

Nat Said.

"Alright." Stacey replied and they hopped down the car.

They walked into the building with Lucas frowning his face.

"Welcome to G.B shopping mall, how may we help you?" A receptionist asked.

"It will be great if you can transform her to something meaningful, I will pay for it."

Lucas said.

"I'm sorry to say, but she is really beautiful and simple, a little make-up will do." The receptionist replied with a bride smile.

"Why not mind your business and do what I told you to do." Lucas shouted.

"Sorry sir." She replied.

"This way ma, trust me, you will love how you look." She said and pulled Nat and Stacey with her.

Some moments later.

Stacey stared at her self in the mirror, she can't believe her eyes, she look very pretty with a huge make up, and was dressed on golden ball gown, he hair was made in a bun.

"Oh my God Stacey, you look so beautiful." Nat Said.

"Your friend is right ma, it's has been long someone look this beautiful, I guess yours is simply natural beauty." The make artist replied.

"I don't know, buy I don't think I like this, it's just not my thing and I feel so uncomfortable in it." Stacey said.

"Hey don't worry, you will be fine." Nat Said and tab her back lightly.

Tessy's apartment.

She just finished up with her yoga training and her phone rings.

It's her colleague from L.A investment.

★"hey Ana." Tessy said.

★"hey Tessy, how have you been?"

Ana asked.

★"good I guess." Tessy replied.

★"well, Mr Lucas said I should send you an invitation to his wife to be introduction party, so be nice to come, see ya." Ana said and hang off.

"No, this can't be happening, I have to know who she is and so anything to stop the introduction." Tessy said and rushed to carry her shoe and left in a hurry, bordered a cap and drove to Mr Andres Mansion.

The mall.

Stacey walked out of the dressing room looking extremely gogeous, Lucas couldn't help but stare at her,

"Let's go." Lucas said and open the door for her, she entered and they left.

The party.

They arrived at the mansion and everywhere is sparkling,

"Just stay here and I'll be right back."

Lucas said and left in a hurry.

"This place is so beautiful." Stacey said.

"Yes, it's is a small palace, in the other way round, I'm happy you will be living in wealth." Nat Said.

"Happiness matters more than the wealth you know." Stacey replied.

Natalie's phone rings.

"I have to pick this, is important, I will be back soon." Nat Said and left in a hurry.

Stacey fold her hands together feeling cold.

Someone appeared.

"I knew it, you just be stacey."

She said.

"Yes," Stacey replied.

"I can't believe you stole Lucas from me, if you think I will let you have him, and this dress, I only deserve to wear this."

Tessy said and smashed a plate of porridge on her dress.

She Smirked and left.

"Oh my God what should I do, Lucas is gonna kill me." Stacey cried wiping her dress but it's seems to get worst.

She have no option than to wear her rag clothes.

A security arrived.

"Mr Lucas said you should come with me, everyone is waiting for you."

He said.

Stacey have no option.

"Okay." She replied and followed him,

Everyone was seated arranged waiting for Stacey, she arrived but everyone was shocked to see how she dressed.

"What on Earth is she wearing?"

Mr Andres shouted.