

A deal with Mr Arrogant.

(Bride for Rent)

Episode 04

The next day.

L.A investment

Lucas sat on top of his travel waiting for Natalie to come coz he called for her.

Natalie arrived and opened the door lightly.

"Come in Nat." He said.

Nat frown her face and entered fully.

"You ask for me, I'm here." Natalie replied.

"Seriously, are you gonna keep acting like this because of your friend?" Lucas asked.

"Do you just heard yourself, you called her my Friend, do you know that because of Stacey, I can quit working here, because I can't tolerate anyone like I can never tolerate anybody insulting my Friend even if that person is you."

Natalie replied Angrily.

"You know, no one dares talk to me in this manner in this whole company than you, I will have fire then, but you are different because you are dedicated to your work, let's just say, my dad is pestering me to get a bride within a well else he will hand over everything to Leo, using Stacey is my last option, don't be too mad at me." Lucas exclaimed.

"And I don't pity you one bit, I don't care about that, why did you call me to your office Mr Lucas?" Natalie asked.

"I want you to tell me the address of your friend." Lucas said.

"Then the answer is No, I'm not gonna tell you." Nat replied.

"You have no option okay, don't think because I'm been calm you will take advantage of me." Lucas yelled.

"Then to hell with you and your company, my Friend matters to me than some fucking business." Nat replied angrily and walked out of the office.

She knew well that Lucas will definitely beg her to stay, because she is the best accountant L.A investment could ever have.

Lucas sighed frustrated.

"She is crossing her limit." He yelled and banged his hands on the table.

He carried his phone.

★"to my office now." He ordered and hang off.

Not long after, someone Knocked.

"Come in." Lucas replied.

"Thank you sir." The guy replied.

"Tony, you see this girl, look at her face clearly, I give you two hours to find her address for me else you will be fired."

Lucas ordered.

"Sure Mr Lucas." Tony replied.

"You can leave now, I will be waiting."

Lucas said.

Tony left the office.

Collins entered.

"What's up man, you look tensed."

Collins said.

"Was it that obvious?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah." Collins replied.

"Why won't I look tensed, first that arrogant Natalie decided to go by her friend and quit the job, secondly my dad want to see my so called bride to be today, and thirdly, I fucking don't know where she lives." Lucas yelled.

"Oh, that's sad, but wait, you have gotten a bride?" Collins asked.

"Yes, a slum poor living girl who needs money desperately and I used that to get her." Lucas replied.

"That's nice, I can finally get to eat wedding rice, that's my favorite."

Collins Chuckled.

"That's not funny." Lucas replied.

"Oops sorry." Collins said still laughing.

Leonard's investment.

A well builded guy walk through the company hall way, his workers greeted him and he replied with wide smile.

He wore a brown suit, with brown eyes glasses, brown shoe matching with his suit, that makes him look super handsome, he has a cute small lips, dark silky beers and a long pointed nose.

He is extremely handsome but not as handsome as Lucas.

The only difference between them, is that

Leo is a free spirit and simple unlike Lucas that is very cold and arrogant.

His female workers admire and crush on him.

He arrived at his office and settled on his chair.

His phone rings, it's his uncle, Andres.

★"hey uncle."

★"hey son, how are you doing." Mr Andres Asked.

★"let's say, busy with work." Leo replied.

★"cool, will you be free to come to my home in the evening?" Mr Andres asked.

★"Oh uncle, even if I'm not free, I will be free for you, so why do you want to see me?" Leo asked.

★"well, your silly Brother is gonna introduce his wife to us so I want you to be there." Mr Andres replied.

★"that's a good news, I won't miss it for anything, uhmm, uncle, I have a meeting in the next five minutes, I will call you back later, take care." Leo said and hang off.

In the Afternoon.

Stacey's home.

Stacey was mopping the room, her dad returned.

"Hey Angel, I got a surprise for you."

He said.

"Wow, I love surprise." Stacey replied.

"Okay, I got us three tickets to the Cinema, it has been long, so are you excited?" He asked.

"Is that even a question, I'm super excited, I will go get ready dad."

Stacey said happily and dashed to her room, she had her bath and dress up on a simple gown she gotten from her dad during her 19th birthday, is the best gift she ever had.

In twinkle of minutes, she returned to the room.

"Wow my baby look so beautiful." Mr Raymond said and peak her forehead.

"Thanks Dad, let's get going, I don't want to miss this for anything." Stacey replied.

Lucas was driving carefully to avoid hitting anything, he felt so disgusted, hissing severally.

"What kind of a dump street is this."

He yelled trying hard to locate the address.

He finally arrived just on time when Stacey, her dad and mum were coming out of their house.

"Miserable family." He said and parked infront of their house almost hitting her dad.

"Are you insane, watch where you are driving." Mr Raymond yelled.

"You should watch out old man, don't you see the car coming?" Lucas asked.

"You have no manners really, I won't blame you, you rich people are always like that and think because we are poor you can keep on stepping on us and there is nothing we can do about it."

Mr Raymond said.

"What's happening dad_." Stacey asking coming out of the house and she was surprised to see him.

"What are you doing here?" Stacey asked.

"Do you know him?" Raymond asked.

"Yes dad." Stacey replied.

"Get in the car." Lucas ordered.

"Why will she do that young man?"

Raymond asked.

"Maybe you should ask her yourself."

Lucas replied.

"I'm sorry Mr Lucas but I'm going out with my family, I can't go anywhere with you."

Stacey replied.

"Oh wow, family? You call this two things family, when they can't even provide you a good_." Stacey cut him off with a slap.

"You have no right to insult my family, I can bear anything coming from you, I don't mind if you will use the loud speaker and insult me infront of everyone but if you don't know the value of your parents then I know the value of my parents and I will never watch a jerk like you insulting my family." Stacey yelled with tears in her eyes.

Lucas closed his eyes still shocked that she slapped him

He opened them ranging like a lion.

"You should have thought of that before collecting the money from me, now get into the car." Lucas shouted.

"I'm not going anywhere." Stacey replied.

"What is he saying Stacey, you collected that money front this monster." Raymond asked feeling really hurt.

"Dad, I have no option, I have to, I can't watch you get evicted from the house you worked hard for, I know what I did was stupid, but i signed an agreement to be his wife for 3 months, I know it will be hard for you, but please try to understand that I did everything because I love you so much." Stacey said.

Raymond walked to Lucas.

"Do you know how hard it is not to be able to provide for your family, not to be able to take care of the girl that loves her dad so much, do you know how that pains alot, I guess not, because you have gotten everything you ever wanted there by treating us the poor like trash, I will rather live on the streets than my daughter to be with a psychopath like you." Mr Raymond said.

"No dad, please, I have already signed the agreement and there is no going back, you guys should go ahead and go to cinema without me, I promise to be fine." Stacey said.

"No Stacey, please." Her mum said for the first time.

Stacey smiled at her.

"Don't worry about me mum, you just be Happy okay, I will take care of myself."

Stacey said.

"Get in the car will you, you are wasting my time." Lucas half yelled.

Stacey have him a hateful glare and entered the car slamming the door hard.

Mr Raymond breaks down in tears.

His daughter is getting humiliated and there is nothing he can do about it.

Lucas zoom off.