
A dash of hope and A dash of flames and Don't forget a pinch of Magic

Vernon always made some shady deals with his even shader boss, and after a business diner where Vernon's boss "Jackson" feels the immense sky and cloud rolling of the skinny three-year-old clearly neglected niece, he wants her. So Jackson and Vernon make another shady deal shader than all Vernon's others. Vernon doesn't care, though. Money for a perfectly normal and good family needs to be made somewhere when the money-grubbing eurocrats of this government don't pay up. For Vernon, it gets him a very nice check. The freak out of his hair and a promotion. For Jackson, a cloudy sky for his famiglia. The rarest type of sky, and she seems to be an inverted cloud too—the perfect weapon. It was a match made in heaven Vermon and him. Enter 15-year-old Xanxus and 16-year-old Squalo overworked boss and rain officer of varia, respectively. They just wanted to complete the purge order of the famiglia "Jackson," better known as Roberto was the don of. They just wanted to complete their job. They did not want to, in fact, save a baby cloudy sky that immediately imprinted on them. Nor did they want to take care of that very same baby sky. No mammon, do not take pictures to sell to Varia. It is not funny, Fedrico.

CutePanda7002 · Anime & Comics
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Meeting Xanxus

Xanxus was just so done with this shit.

When Squalo said, come take over Varia elite assassination squad with me. He laughed. They were 12 and 13, and Xanxus was bumped up to his grade in the Mafia Academy. So, when Squalo actually killed the last Varia boss. He wasn't surprised, nor was he surprised when he gave over his boss position to me. It was when our partial guardian bond became a full one. I was ready for my shark to finish the guardian bond whenever, but Squalo needed a chance to prove himself. He told him one late evening under the stars, at survival training in the academy after we ambushed, knocked out, and took our classmates' supplies. So, I didn't push.

What people don't tell you about Varia is a castle full of assassins who are insane in mostly the right ways. They wear masks like they do clothes and only let the people closest to them if at all, see their true selves. That makes people think they are insane in all the wrong ways. It makes them think this organization will self-combust. Only the spies, jerks, truly insane, sociopaths and rats actually think and act like they don't care about their comrades. They are usually weeded out, though. Sure we will beat you up if we disagree. The winner of the fight is the winner of the argument. If two people are arguing about if 1 + 1 = 2 or 1 + 1 = 11 (Yes, it has happened before, and I have only been the boss for six months) and the 1 + 1 guy swing a fist, well, let's say to everyone weaker than the 1 + 1 = 11 guy, 1 + 1 now is 11. You do not get to argue it. Seriously what is up with lightings?

If only I could find a cloud and lighting that are not insane in a bad way that is strong enough to kill leviathan "Levi" and Ottavio. No matter what others say, they are not "Varia Quality." I would kill them if I could, but it is not allowed.

Varia also doesn't kill you if you fail a mission. It might seriously affect the respect and any chance of promotion you could get, but we don't kill you. Leave you to deal with potentially dangerous "pranks" assassination attempts from people wanting your position. Yes, but kill no. You might have a tough time with others and be pushed around too. Maybe denied access to the medic wing if you annoyed any of them before but not kill.

At the same time, Varia is insanely loyal to you if you earn their trust and respect. They are all like a bunch of stray cats. Hissing at you, but they love you. Varia is also a nosey bunch. They sneak around a lot, and if you want to keep your space protect, learn how to set up traps fast. Also, pray to God you are not caught. Because if you annoy someone, you get to do to them as you see fit. I said Varia wouldn't kill you if you failed a mission. Killing because you are annoyed or did something wrong to someone is actually pretty common.

If you bit off more than you can chew, you better hope you don't choke. So, help me if you try to go after a female or male in a way that is not joyfully welcomed, everyone will try to kill you if the female or male doesn't do it themselves even if that female or male doesn't have the skill to do so. Suppose you go up to any of the officers exuding Levi or Ottavio and explain. THEY WILL TAKE JOY IN KILLING THEM PAINFULLY IN FRONT OF YOU. of course, after checking the security cameras, yes, they are even in the bathroom stalls. We are assassins, people. We are paranoid. Of course, courtesy of Mammon's mist tricks, everything you don't want to see is blurred out, and even then, if you want to see, you can't.

As the Varia boss, I need to have the best mask and the worst mask at the same time. So I made mine "trash" "Scum." I made mine out of my exaggerated inner monologue. It fit so well that it became me and at the same time not.

They also don't tell you that the last boss was terrible at doing paperwork and did not even have legible handwriting. I swear to god if one more assassin delivers a report in mixed languages with poor grammar and I will blow their head off. Wine glasses will be the least of their worries when they have seven rounds flying at them in honour of the seven languages you have to know to consider quality and become more than a mook or a squad leader if you know five.

You also need to have meetings with the Vongola boss every 3 months. I just got back from one, and I have a major headache, and I want to kill some scum. The trash (My dad Vongola Nono) brought the scum (Sawada) to a meeting CEDF has no business being in. They were so patronizing about things that nothing to do with what this meeting is about. Then had the gall to put more of a stranglehold on Varia and cut our budget in half.

All because we refused to take a mission that would have got most of our lightings killed and again refused to take the females in Varia out on the field. The females in Varia are dangerous and deadly and just were allowed in Varia. It was one of the new things in my rain as the boss I allowed. And something trash was very angry about. So they put us in a stranglehold and were trying to make us need the vongola by trying to control what missions we take and forcing us to take almost impossible missions without huge casualties.

Were quality so we are discreetly taking missions from around the world. I march to my office and grab the first mission on the desk and see it is in London and a purge order of a famiglia some reberto is the don of. Going by the alias of Jackson. Perfect.

"Shark-Trash pack your bags we are going to London England. Pack for a purge order." I yell

"Voi shitty boss I have plans." Is called back

"Does it look like I care trash?" I yell annoyance coursing through me.

" Voi fine, Can't have you killing the monks because you are annoyed now can we shitty-boss," Squalo says marching in my office.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I hope you like my newest chapter, Thanks so much for reading this has been a lot of fun to make.

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