
Grandpa Naruto and our troubles began!

Tap tap tap tap.

Airi kept tapping her left foot on the creaking wooden floor of the hospital room. Desperately waiting for someone to open the door.


Now that she was aware of her surroundings, excitement was an understatement of what she was feeling.

Whom will she meet first? 

Granpa? Uncle?  Big sis? Which one?!

Saruto told her not to use any of those terms in front of anyone.

But she was just as excited to call out to them this way.

Though everytime she gets excited, Saruto's pissed face crosses her mind and she groans in frustration.

How long?? 

Saruto on the other hand was nothing but worried.

He had a plan.

But he needed to wait before making a move.

The current biggest problem was their interrogation.

He didn't had any story to put up with the circumstances.

If he revealed himself as a shinobi, he won't be able to prove his affiliation.

Konoha was obviously out of options. While other villages will confirm his lie as well.

Then how the hell did  they survived the attack of 5 jounin level rouges? 

Saruto didn't had any counter to this particular statement.

He can run away at that very moment .

But to tell the truth, he wasn't sure if he should leave Airi all alone.

What if the people he knew in his time were actually different in the past?

He wasn't sure what they would do to her.

To them.

Bringing her along was out of options either.

He couldn't do that, even if he wanted to.Hence he decided to delay his escape and observe.

Once he was assured of Airi's safety he would leave.

But that was possible only if  they made it out of the interrogation.

Who were they sending anyways?

He just prayed that it wasn't Ibiki-san.

No way in hell. He wasn't ready for that shit.

The long wait and the intense silence came to a hault when he heard the creak of the door.

Someone was here.

He could now feel the slightest bit of nervousness crawling up his spine.

The large glass door in front of his room. He could see shillouettes of few people entering.

Nothing other than that.

Another 'creak' was heard before he could utter anything.

[Airi.... Someone entered the other room as well. ]

"Is it him? "  An awfully familiar voice ringed through the glass frame.

Saruto's breath hitched. Of course it was going to be like this, how can he be so stupid.?

The raven said nothing and remained still on his hospital bed looking outside.

He heard another voice answering the Hokage.

A few more words were uttered before he heard a slight 'hmmm' in understanding from the said person.

He could feel the pairs of eyes observing him. Observing his every breath,his every motion.

This awkwardness continued on for a while before he heard a sigh with an "All right."  from the observer in a slightly lighter tone.

It wasn't much long before they left the room and Saruto felt his heart at ease for a minute.

Though the door to his room opened just the next moment and before the ravenette could say the least, the same people entered the room without warning.

He immediately turned his head and the first thing he noticed were..


Deep and blue.  Something he was very familiar with.

Saruto gulped.


The dark purple orbs were locked with ocean blue ones and no words were exchanged.

These were probably one of the very unique eye colour the nanadaime has ever come across before.

They somehow reminded him of Hinata's Lavendar ones.

But Naruto shrugged that thought away.

A slight smile crypted on his face, he couldn't help but feel at ease after laying eyes on the boy.

He was in much better condition from what Sakura informed him.

This was the first time they were finally meeting though.

The boy had dark hair and deep eyes.

Though his face had a strange and familiar softness hiding beneath its sharp features.

Something he just couldn't put his finger on yet.

" You don't need to be afraid of anything. " Naruto began in his official but calm tone.

"Ye-Yeah..  Thanks.. " Saruto answered a slow tone.

"We're here just to help. You were badly injured after....  You know.. " He trailed off scratching the back of his neck.

"I know...  " He heard the boy answer back and sighed.

He already sent Shizune to fetch the girl from the other room while Sakura remained with him, guiding him to the boy.

He wasn't sure if they have already met taking advantage of their absence.

But for now he just assumed it wasn't the case yet.

The letter he received did answered most of his queries but not all of them.

Hence, he waited . Keeping the room silent once again.

He could feel the boy's confused gaze on himself.  He seemed almost same as Boruto's age though.

But he decided not to confirm things yet.

The door to their room opened once again before all eyes landed on the new comer.

Though Naruto's remained glued on the boy.  Watching his reaction as the ravenette's still eyes widened the slightest.


Airi didn't knew what was happening in the other room.

She tried to hear by keeping her form stick to the adjacent wall but all she could hear were some muffled voices.

Before the door to her room opened as well.  She glanced at the person and her face immediately lit up!

"Shizune-san! " She chriped before making her way to the medic nin.

Shizune just smiled in return and patted the blond on her head.

"I see, so you were made to wait here?  I'm sorry. Something urgent came up and the doctor just had to leave."  She answered earning a confused glance from the girl.

Airi didn't knew what to answer to that before shizune spoke again.

"Though they are waiting for you in the next room."

"The Nanadaime has arrived as well.  We might as well leave now. " She added slightly unsure if the girl understood what that meant.

Airi on the other hand couldn't control the sudden wave of excitement she felt.

Na-Nanadaime.. The hokage?!

Grand..  Grandpa?!

She looked down before nodding her head being led by Shizune to the adjacent room.


The moment Airi entered, her eyes landed on Saruto. 

He laid still on his bed, his eyes widening as he saw the girl enter.

"O-Onii—"  "So I see you both have finally met? "  Airi mentally slapped herself.

She was about make her first mistake by calling Saruto her brother.

She had to stick to the plan!

Focus Airi!  Focus!

Airi shook her head before moving her head towards the person who spoke.

Sakura stood stall eye smiling at the girl. Next to her was the cream haired aunty she saw before!

And next to them was....

*Gasp* "....HOLY SHIT GRAND—?"

"Hey aren't those Hima's ?" Naruto chuckled the slightest, motioning towards Airi's attire .

"Yeah. I lent it on the way home yesterday. I already asked Hinata and she agreed. " Shizune answered.

Airi licked her lips. She was about to that again.

She didn't had the slightest intention to look at Saruto's face anymore.

Though she could feel dark eyes boring holes on her back.

Airi gulped before the tall figure bent down to her height. She looked up, only to meet eyes slightly less bluer than her own.

Naruto felt a deep pang of familiarity the moment he saw the girl yesterday. 

Though given her messy figure, he couldn't quiet tell her appearance.

It was when she entered the room Naruto felt it again.

Not to mention the identical big blue eyes he can't expect from anyone but from his own blood.

Though that certainly wasn't possible.

He just had two children and he was sure of that fact.

"Now then.." The hokage sighed before smiling at the girl earning one in return as well.

He stood up straight, stretching his form before sticking his hand into his pocket.

He took out the small note and showed it to the ravenette.

"There isn't much need of questioning now that we know who you both are. " 

His words sent deep shrills down both the kids.

Saruto looked at the note in horror while Airi just stood there, mouth wide open.

"You two are.....

" ... Um.. Eh.. " He tried to let the words out but felt a little wierd given how the information didn't matched the kids appearances at all.

"Toneri's apprentices? "

Sakura stated.  Earning a gasp from shinzune who was completely unaware of the whole scenario.



"Eh? "

"EHHHHHHHH???!!! " Saruto internally screamed almost choking out at that point.

Airi on the other hand didn't knew how to react. She didn't knew who this toneri guy was.

She just stood still, closing her mouth back.

Naruto immediately eased up unable to maintain his official tone.

He already recieved the information a few days ago.

He wasn't surprised to say the least.. He was mortified.

Toneri's letter today was just a reminder that he wouldn't forget the thing.

Which he obviously did.

"Honestly.. " Naruto began ,containing his wierd chuckles.

" I seriously assumed you two to be slightly....you know different..? "

"Like some pale cold blooded Aliens or something Ya know! . " Naruto chuckled.

"Naruto! " Sakura warned him before he muttered a slight apology still unable to control his laughter from what he imagined them to look like.

Saruto kept his eyes wide opened.  He knew Toneri... He knew him very well.

Though how the heck did the Toneri-san of the past got to do with anything?! 

He was confused and bewildered. Though he didn't had any choice but to agree with what option was given to him.

"Nah! No way that's bullshit—" 

"Yes we are. "  Airi almost choked again when her brother said that.

What the heck?!  she wanted to scream at her brother's stupidity. Saruto remained still.

The room felt silent.  Though Naruto already expected it, the confirmation still somewhat felt wierd.

"I apologize that you had to go through... You know.  We'll keep our guards up from the next time. " Sakura intervened patting her hand on Airi's blond head to which she almost purred like a cat.

Sakura's eyes widened.

If anything the pinkette  knew she absolutely adored this bundle of blond cuteness already.

Saruto was in deep thought to notice any of that.

He had to make a note to confront Toneri-san later.

In his time, he's one of his father's  most trusted people.

But he couldn't understand how his past self even knew about them?

Keeping that thought aside ,he sighed. 

Now that the story has been made, they might just be able to leave without any further delays—

"Now what remains is the place for you two to stay. "

And down the drain goes his hope again.

"St-Stay..? Like here in the village? " Airi couldn't help but show her excitement to which Naruto only showed a confused look.

"Huh.. You didn't knew?  The letter says you two need a place to say while he sends someone to pick you back up."  Naruto answered getting a little suspicious.

"Uh.. I—" " Yes.. We already know of that. It'll be a great help thank you very much. "

Saruto intervened before standing up and bowing in respect.

One glare at his sister and she did the same.

Airi knew all too well how such thing's work.  She needn't to be told twice how to behave where she needed to.

If anything Naruto was slightly impressed.

It seems like the kids were decently taught the formalities and ways to behave in front of higher officials.

Unlike a certain blond boy he was familiar with.

He couldn't help but look forward to what they had to show to him.

"You can ease up,there's no need for formalities. Besides, you're still recovering. " He motioned them to stand straight to which they only nodded in return.

"Now for starters.. Lets begin with your names. " He added looking straight to the boy.

"I already know yours. Its Saruto isn't it? " The moment those words left her mouth Airi gulped again.

Saruto just smiled and nodded muttering a small 'yes' but Airi could feel the fury behind that single monosyllable.

"Saruto...? " The nanadaime waited before Saruto added.

"I don't use my family name. Its just Saruto. " He stated which wasn't actually a lie.

"I see.. " Naruto answered.

Airi wanted to kill herself. She couldn't come up with any fckin good name at the moment.

She already messed up big time. And now it was her turn.

"And you little one? " The elder blond asked before Sakura interrupted

"Oh..  Wasn't it something.. Airi.. Uzu..? " She said before Naruto eyed the two suspiciously.

Great. Just great.

Looking at Saruto would be the last thing she'll do in this situation.

Darn it!  Just say something dattebahi!

Ahh yes!

"Airi.. Airi Uzukaze!!  That's my name!! " She exclaimed a little too loud than she intended to.

Naruto remained silent and Airi's heartbeat fastened.

Did she... Messed up? 

"Very well.." The hokage answered putting the note back and Airi let out a breath she didn't knew she was holding.

"Sakura.. " He motioned the medic nin to continue to which she smiled and nodded.

"We've already decided your stay places. " She began while both the kids heard her seriously.

"Airi will stay at the Uzumaki residence —"

"EHH? " "no wait—"

"—And Saruto at the Uchiha's. " she completed.

"WHAAAAAAAAAT?!!!! " they both yelled.

This was just the beginning after all.


Hey guys. Just as I promised, here's the next chapter. Hope you'll like it!

Don't forget to vote! 🤧