
A New Task.

The room was dark and silent. With the moonlight being the only visible thing piercing through the large glass window,about the size of the wall itself.

The moon stood still and high above the sky. The stars shining brightly in the cold night sky.

Such contrasting features of the dark and light invading each other kept his heart at peace.

A view so mesmerizing that he could hardly keep his eyes away. Though it wasn't what the man was here for.

"Seems like the stars are changing their places...  " The blue haired  pale man sighed before closing the lid of his scope and turning back to his room.

A solemn expression covering his face. Though it was his usual go to face expression.

He rubbed his eyes, which were nothing more than just empty sockets.

Not that he minded them. It was a reminder for him to never repeat the mistakes he had made in the past.

"There won't be much time left.You can't run away this time." he said to particularly no one.

No one.. Yet someone  seemed to have heard.

" There's no use of hiding" He muttered slowly.

"I'm aware of your presence..— " was all he said before a tall figure made its appearance right in front of his standing figure.

"—...Child. " He finished earning an annoying scoff from the intruder.

"Stop calling me that." His deep voice was filled with a mysterious anger and annoyance.

Toneri was very well aware of the reason behind it.  He gave a soft smile and turned to the window again.

Admiring the view.

The awkward silence was something he was used to. He had spent so many years being alone that he didn't cared anymore.

Though as much as Toneri enjoyed the silence , the other man dreaded it with the same passion.

"How can you be so...  Calm? " He asked which felt like a millionth time now but never received a proper answer.

"You were his guideline.. His mentor.. He looked up to you his whole life. Why are you doing this? "

That left a strange pang of remorse in the outsutsuki's heart. His smile faded away, his heart felt like it was shrinking.

"Guiding him was a task bestowed upon me by fate. " he answered.

"Same goes with you young boy— "

"We both know I'm not as young anymore." The man interrupted his voice getting restless with every word that left his mouth.

"And you.... stop giving me that lame 'fate is decided' excuse already Damn it!"  He groaned,hands running through his light blue hair.

"Lame huh? " Toneri smiled at that again.

"You surely are his moon....

....Mitsuki. "

A short silence prevailed.

"You just keep learning.Following his footsteps everytime." he added closing the distance between them.

"I don't see the point here." Mistuku stepped forward, his face now much more visible in the cold. moon slight.

Sharp yellow eyes,followed by a deathly glare.  Hair and skin just identical to his own.

They both seemed so awfully related that it sometimes hurt the Otsutsuki to accept that Mistuki actually didn't belonged to him.

"Why.... Why the hell are you so fixated on ruining his life again?! " Mitsuki snapped.

"Hadn't he gone through enough already?! "

"Haven't we all?! "

"He looked up to you so much..  He won't be able to accept the truth.. "


The silence returned.

This time Toneri himself found it awkward.  His heart was racing fast, yet he seemed as calm as snow.

"Boruto... " The otsutsuki began ,darting his eyes away from the bluenette, into the darkness of the room.

"That child is just.." He haulted, earning a confused nod from the nin.

[He's the most precious thing I ever received..]

"He isn't anything special.. " his words made the bluenette's eyes widen.

[Ever since he was born.. I never laid my eyes off of him.]

"Ever since he was born, I had to keep an eye on him. "

[Guiding him was the one thing that kept me alive. ]

"Guiding him was.. just another task bestowed upon me by fate.. "

His words left his mouth without him giving them another thought.

Mitsuki starred at the otsutsuki like he had grown another horn.

He clenched his fists in disgust and annoyance.

"Keeping him alive..  Was all that mattered."

*Thud! * *crack*

Damn it!

Mitsuki scowled, hitting the wall with his fist cracking the whole thing and growled before leaving abruptly.

If only he hadn't been the one who saved the life of his sun.

These would've been the last words that damned traitor could ever say.


"Damn that bastard! " Mitsuki groaned entering the teleporting loop not even sparring a single glance at the tensed operator.

Did he break anything or what? He was too furious to care.

Hence he couldn't remember what damaged he might've caused or what face he might be wearing for them to look so scared.

All he knew was that he was summoned to the village immediately.

He exited the loop, landing straight at the village's gate.

"What's going on? " He asked, his voice still carrying the pent up annoyance.

"Don't give me that. You're late Mistuki. " Chocho stood tall and proud, her arms crossed and her face carrying calm look.



Realisation hit before the moon's eyes widened.

"Oh Fuc—"

"No cursings are allowed, we're in our official attire...  On duty at that." she interrupted and Mistuki licked back his own lip.

He completely forgot about the Kage summit.  His absence won't end good for the village.

All in all.. He was fucked up.

"Don't worry now. I've already sent  Metal to attend in your place. " Chocho answered reading his looks like a book.

Ahh.. Transforming justu.

"Though it won't be long before he's captured by the security. " she added earning a scoff from the other person.

"I know.. I'll be there in no time. " Mistuki answered.

He quickly began checking for any  item he might have that he shouldn't carry to the summit, earning a suspicious look from the girl.

Chocho smirked at him before releasing a long sigh.

"It's not like you to forget things so easily.. Something this important over that."

"You have to accompany the Hokage since Boruto has already arrived. "

Mitsuki haulted.. Though he already saw it coming but Boruto's name made his eye lids flicker in a sudden remorse.

How will he tell his sun the truth.. ?

Boruto was already acting strange enough on his own nowadays and it wasn't hidden from any of his friends.

Not even the Nanadaime himself.

Though together they decided not to push the topic further.. Not untill the summit is over.

"Two sides.. " He muttered unconsciously, Chocho catched on that with ease.

"Two sides.. And many secrets. " She added.

Both of them could do nothing but stare at one another.

Indeed there were two sides now.

And as much as he hated to admit...

...He didn't knew which one was right anymore.


Toneri was left standing silently.

"I apologize... " he mumbled mostly to himself.

"But now I've been assigned a new task..." he turned to the large window ,watching the blue haired shinobi leave.

"Something you all will hate me for."


Yo guys Hope you liked the chapter..

So. Now I've introduced adult Mitsuki as well.

I know he seems a bit...  Out of character but that's just how I wanted his adult self to be like!

Next chapter is already done and will be updated soon.!

Thanks for reading!