
You Have To Tie Me Up

An intense panic starts to develop inside my ribcage. My palms turn sweaty. I cannot look away from the blood. It is not an abnormal amount of blood, but it is enough to start worrying.

What happened here? Where is Dagon? Is he okay? What if he is severely injured? He cannot be, right? It is Dagon we are talking about. He is fine. He is absolutely fine, I try to convince myself. But then I eye the amount of blood on the floor again. A sharp pang shoots through my heart, and I start to shake all over.

He has to be okay.

I need him to be okay.

I look up, startled by Dorin snapping his fingers in front of my face.

“What happened here, Dor? Where is-“ my eyes widen when the realization dawns on me. My trembling worsens.


Weyden is behind this. That explains why Weyden was not present with my training. If there is one thing he loves more than hurting me, it is torturing. And my gut tells me that is exactly what he is doing to Dagon right now.