
I Need a Century Long Sleep Because of This

Gaia’s bloodred-painted lips touch my ear. It gives me goosebumps in the wrong kind of way. My stomach turns, and my muscles tense up.

“No, I do not.”

She seems to be taken aback by my truthful statement. Something that gives me the chance to kick her off me. quickly, I twist myself off the ground and press the point of my longsword against her exposed throat.

“You really should have taken my sword from me instead of trying to seduce me. Maybe you would have defeated me if you did.”

Gaia’s silver eyes shoot fire. “This can’t be happening! No one can resist my powers! Only beings who have found their ma-“ Gaia cuts herself off and looks up at me with her eyes wide open.

I cock my head sideways while I keep our gaze locked with hers. Gaia hits my sword away and storms out of the training ground without uttering another word.