
What? It Saves Us a Lot of Hassle

It feels like the whole world fell silent after those words left Dagon's lips. My heartbeat picks up its pace, and my hands turn clammy. "What do you mean by that?" I ask, trying to sound like his words did not startle me and catch me off guard.

Dagon looks at me. His head slightly cocked sideways. A lock of his hair falls in front of the dark orbs he has for eyes. He does not bother tucking the string of hair behind his ears. "I know, you know what I am talking about." He pauses and shifts his gaze to the lamp hanging from my ceiling. "You're not exactly in control of your powers. Your emotions are." He moves his gaze to look me in the eye.

"You need to train your powers. If not, it won't be long before you accidentally blow up a building."

Accidentally blow up a building.