
How Peculiar

“Little Peach!” Gaia’s smooth voice awakes me from my slumber. I grumble and press my face into my pillow. I am not ready to face another day. Especially today. Today marks the day my Father leaves for his mysterious trip, which means tomorrow, we will make our great escape. Or at least attempt to.

Of course, I included Dorin in the escape plan. He is my guardian angel brother. There is no way I will leave him behind. Just like there is no way he would ever allow me to be alone in the world outside these castle walls. I did not even need to convince or beg him to come with us. He volunteered before the words could even escape my mouth.

“Where you go, I’ll go, my princess.”

When I announced to Dagon Dorin was joining and assisting us in our escape, he was skeptical at first but quickly warmed up to the idea. “Having an insider does give us a good advantage,” he shrugged. And that was that.

“Little Peach!” Gaia calls out again, this time in a singsong voice.