
That Was Uncalled For

All my senses are immediately on edge, and the urge to protect him surges through my body. The exhaustion is only an afterthought as I push myself up from the ground with the newfound strength that comes with the urge to make sure Dagon is okay.

I groan and grit my teeth from the aches shooting through my body. But I stand. Quickly, I turn around to Dagon, still lying on the cot. I expect to see him in pain or in danger – at least awake. But his eyes are still closed, and he is in the same deep slumber he has been in for the past six days and nights.

I kneel down beside him, gently take his face between my hands so I can take a good look at him. His nose is scrunched up, and his skin is covered in a layer of sweat. He does not have a fever, does he? I reach out to touch his forehead-