
Take That, Bitch!

I open my eyes and slowly watch over our surroundings when the sound of rustling leaves enters my ears. The sound was more forceful than when the breeze makes them rustle. The sound would match if the wind picked up, but the current is still gentle.

I look over at Dagon, still unconscious and currently strapped to the cot after he had another nightmare, again calling out the names Pearl and Lorrin and then kicking me in the stomach. So yeah, after he calmed down again, I strapped him to the bloody thing. Limiting his movement so he would not hurt his back, and at the same time, preventing him from kicking and punching me.

I grumble some curses, feeling a slight twinge of pain at where I got kicked. His kick had been charged with so much power that I ended up with a cracked rib. Thanks to the ability I inherited from Dad, the rib is now healed, but it still hurt when I moved or even breathed in a certain way.