
Teasing Daddy It Is

"Therion, do you think we're under attack?" I ask. My voice trembles slightly. After a few minutes of silence, my husband finally lifts his concentrated gaze from the Malsonee Mountains and back at me. His beautiful onyx eyes stand soft as he cups my face between his warm hands. He presses a soft kiss on my forehead and pulls back, smiling softly,

"No, my love," he finally answers. "I don't believe we are."

I sigh in relief. Thank the Mother for that.

"But, what do you think it was? It couldn't be an earthquake, and thunder is also excluded. So, if it wasn't an earthquake, thunder, or an attack, what was it?"

Therion smiles down at me and grabs my hand. "Don't stress about it, my Nives Darling." I lower my gaze to our intertwined fingers and can't prevent the smile from creeping onto my face. "It's getting late, and you're tired of your duties. Let's rest tonight. We can look more into it tomorrow." Therion brushes a strand of my long, red hair behind my ear and kisses my brow.

I close my eyes. Enjoying the moment, wishing it could last forever.

I open my eyes again to the sound of muttering in the distance. I break free of my husband's hold and walk further onto the balcony. I smile down at my people, who cautiously make their way back onto the streets again. When they conclude there is no thread, they walk back into their homes to get the kids. Children immediately start playing in the streets. My lips curl into a sincere smile hearing the sounds of pure joy. I sigh and close my eyes, focussing on those beautiful sounds.

"Let's go where we left off," Therion breaks the silence with a voice that is sensually darkened. His hot breath tickles my ear. I open my eyes, slowly and turn around to face my King.

"How bad do you want that?" I smirk while looking up at my husband, who is one full head taller than me.

"Oh, so fucking bad," he murmurs and buries his face into the crook of my neck. He pulls me closer, mumbling words I can't quite catch. A chuckle leaves my lips from his soft beard tickling my sensitive skin.

"Then take me," I breathe. I cup his face between my hands and have to stand on my tippy toes to press my lips on his. Therion grabs my buttocks and gives them a little squeeze. I chuckle, and jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist. Therion moves his hands to steady me. He presses a small kiss on my brow and walks out of the training room to our bedroom.

Therion gently lays me down on our bed and starts kissing me all over my face. I gasp softly and start playing with his soft hair. "I love you," I smile. Therion strokes my long hair out of my face and kisses the tip of my nose.

"I love you more, Nives Darling."

"Impossible," I grin. A breathy chuckle left his lips before he started nibbling on my earlobe.

I push Therion off me when soft cries fill the room, which results in an offended grunt. I jump out of bed, chuckling, and make my way — with swaying hips to tease my husband — over to the bassinet in the corner of the room.

"Hi, baby," I smile. I take Elin out of her bassinet and started rocking her gently. Elin immediately stops crying. She cocks her head sideways so she can look at me. "Hi, baby," I repeat myself and kiss her chubby little cheek. Elin smiles up at me and brings her hands to my face. I chuckle and kiss her again. "You're hungry, isn't it, Princess? Or are you just enjoying teasing Daddy?" Therion mumbles something incomprehensible under his breath, while Elin's smile grows wider.

"Teasing Daddy, it is," I chuckle, and make my way back towards our bed with our six-week-old daughter.

Therion pulls me smoothly onto his lap and presses a kiss on my cheek. "Let me help you," he breathes into my ear, and with that being said, he pulls down my top. So, I am sitting half naked in his warm embrace. Immediately, Elin reaches for my now exposed breasts. Causing Therion and me to laugh. I attach Elin and press myself deeper onto my husband's chest. He leans with his chin on my bare shoulder and looks mesmerized at our beautiful little girl.

I smile tiredly. My heavy eyelids start to drop, and I let myself get pulled into the darkness.