
All That Formal Shit Makes Me Feel Ancient

A gentle knock on the bedroom lets me look away from Therion, who is still sound asleep with our little girl sleeping on his bare chest. He has his arm gently wrapped around her little frame.

"Who is it?" I ask loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear but not loud enough to wake up my two precious angels.

"It's me, Your Majesty," the gentle and soft voice of my Lady-in-waiting and friend Siraye calls out.

"Come on in, Siraye," I chuckle and step out of my bed. I take a bit of distance and look back at the two figures still sleeping in it. "Aren't they just adorable?" I ask, smirking slightly at the beautiful little faun. Her dark brown, almost blackish hair shines underneath the soft morning glow streaming into the room through the large windows. Her cute little horns are hard to notice between her wild curls. Siraye's skin, only a few shades lighter than her dark hair, gets accentuated by the beautiful lacy cream dress she is wearing.

"They really are," Siraye smiles as she stands beside me. "But His Majesty would kill us if he finds out we called him adorable."

"Well," I shrug. "I guess he has to deal with that because he is one big cutie pie. Also, what he doesn't know, doesn't kill him," I shrug again, this time with a small grin. Siraye chuckles softly. I eye her again. "By the way, you look beautiful, Ray." The cheeks of the little faun immediately turn a few shades darker. I chuckle again. Siraye clears her throat somewhat awkwardly. "Awh, don't be embarrassed, Ray!" I laugh and pull her in a tight hug.

"S-sorry, Your Majesty," she mumbles quickly.

"Siraye, how many times do I have to say that calling me Nives is fine? I'm only twenty. All that formal shit makes me feel ancient."

"Oh, shit, sorry, Your Ma- I mean Nives." I chuckle and walk towards the bathroom with my lady-in-waiting following me on my heels. Siraye helps me clean myself and get dressed. Since I am expected at some formal gathering, a little later today, I am wearing a dress. It is a beautiful light dress. One that allows me to move easily. it is truly one of my favorites. The dress is made of baby blue silk with a low cut back, and it keeps in place by the various strings of white pearls.

Currently, Siraye is brushing my long, red hair while we are talking about, well, everything and anything. I chuckle at Siraye's ramble about her many annoying siblings when the door swings open. Therion walks into the dressing room. He is fully dressed in his leather fighting attire and has our little girl in his arms. Elin seemed to be awake, just as she seemed to be a little fussy. Therion smiles at Siraye before turning his attention toward me.

"Good morning, Ladies. Sorry, I'm interrupting, but I'm pretty sure the princess is hungry."

I chuckle and stretch out my arms so Therion can hand over our daughter. Therion walks further into the room and hands her to me. I take Elin better in my arms and kiss her cheek. "Are you hungry, baby?" I ask before attaching her to my breast. Almost immediately, Elin starts to feed. I look down at her smiling brightly.

Elin's dark hair starts to get long, and her beautiful apple-green eyes stare into mine as she drinks.

"So, why exactly are you dressed in your fighting attire, My Love?" I ask my husband without looking away from those mesmerizing green eyes. I smile down at her, causing her to smile as well.

"Because I'm planning to investigate further into that rumble from last night." Straight away, I look up from my little angel and into the onyx eyes belonging to my husband. "Don't worry. I'll be back before the social gathering."

"You better be!" I frown and watch him walk out the door. "Please be careful, Therion!" I yell after him.

"You know me!" he yells back from down the hall.

"That's why I say it," I grumble, and look back at my little angel. "Your Daddy is a reckless idiot," I nod. "But he is my idiot, and I love him just as much as I love you," I add. Elin smiles up at me while continuing to fill her belly with my milk.


I take a sip from my water and grumble some incomprehensible curses, not meant for the ears of younglings, under my breath. I can't believe Therion is not back yet. I roll my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose.

Actually, I can.

It's fucking Therion we're talking about here. No surprise there.

Again, I roll my eyes. I scan the crowd gathered in the ballroom where I sit on my throne. They are talking, eating, dancing, and just enjoying themselves. Now and then, someone climbs up the small flight of stairs to ask me for a dance. Every time I politely decline.

I have always hated these formal gatherings with a burning passion. I'd much rather be out in the beautiful nature, or roaming down Karmina, especially its market. I've always loved the market. The smells of the fresh spices and herbs, the joyful sound of chattering and children's laughs, the sound of the splashing water of the fountain, and last but not least, the musicians that honor us with the pleasure of their art.

My gaze strands on the closed oaken door at the other end of the room. I keep staring at it. Hoping that my husband will march in and put me out of my misery.

But he doesn't show.

Oh, in the name of The Mother and Nine Gods, where the fuck are you, Therion?! It's been hours!

A sharp pain in my side makes me drop my chalice of water. A groan filled with pain stays lost in my throat. The pain is so terrible, my eyes quickly start to water.

Everyone falls silent in the room, and I don't need my blurry eyes to know that they are all staring at me. Siraye quickly finds her way beside me and starts stroking my upper arm. "What's wrong, Your Majesty? Are you okay?" she asks with that soft angelic voice of hers. I shake my head and suck in a sharp breath.

"Therion," I say. "Therion. He is hurt."