


Two figures stood facing each other in a moment of deep connection, their eyes filled with longing and sorrow. With a swift motion, they cut their hands and mingled their blood, a dark figure emerging from the shadows with a sinuous voice, commanding, "Bring me the heart of his mate," as the blade of the knife turned a foreboding crimson.

Startled from my slumber, I found myself sitting up in bed, drenched in a cold sweat, Belkam's comforting presence beside me. His fingers absently traced patterns on my back as his face rested against my forehead, a gesture that brought me solace in the midst of my unrest.

That night held immense significance, for Belkam was poised to ascend as the future alpha of the formidable ST GUINNEFORT pack. We had planned a grand ball on our lands to mark his coming of age, a celebration where he would be introduced to society, a potential mate sought under the watchful eye of the moon goddess. The finest alpha daughters and esteemed females from prominent wolf lineages graced the event, yet destiny seemed to remain elusive.

As I watched Belkam engage in the obligatory dance with the attending ladies, including the bothersome Lady Marguerite, a flicker of relief washed over me. Perhaps, in the absence of a mate, I could assume the role of his Luna and nurture a love that transcended the bonds of our kind.

A palpable tension enveloped the ballroom, the air heavy with anticipation. I turned to discern the source of his turmoil. The billowing fabric of my gown caught the wind as I gazed upon a pair of enthralling eyes, illuminated by the silvery glow of the moonlight, fixing their gaze upon me. In that instant, a profound realization washed over me.

Belkam might not discover his mate that night, but fate had other plans for me, for I had found my destined partner in Alpha Castien of the illustrious lineage of kings. His commanding presence and undeniable allure marked him as an ideal prospect, especially for one such as myself, an unassuming individual amidst the wolves.

"Mine," he growled possessively, ensnaring me against the balcony railing with a fervent grip. Inhaling my scent deeply, he seized my wrist, his fervent plea for acceptance leaving no room for refusal as he swept me into a delicate dance, our eyes locked in a trance-like gaze.

His features were mesmerizing—eyes aglow with the bond of mates, a vibrant shade of blue, arched eyebrows framing an expressive face, a prominent nose, tousled dark blonde locks, lips that hinted at hidden fangs. The mere thought of being claimed by him stirred a tumultuous flurry of emotions within me, his scent hinting at the primal desire that simmered beneath the surface.

Sigurd could have been rebuffed easily, but Alpha Castien? Were we truly meant to be together? The notion seemed unfathomable, yet the undeniable truth lingered in the air, waiting to be acknowledged.

His scent enveloped me like a tantalizing mist, beckoning me to envisage the chiseled physique beneath his regal attire, adorned with crown jewels that glittered with an otherworldly allure. The electrifying touch of his hand sent a jolt of anticipation through my veins, leaving no doubt in my mind that he was the fated mate of my second chance.

"What is your name, my Luna?" His eyes, warm and inviting, plunged into the depths of my soul, stirring a tempest of emotions within.

"M...my name is Lorelei, of the St Guinnefort pack." His presence seemed to overwhelm my senses, clouding my thoughts with an intoxicating haze.

"Lorelei... mine," he declared softly, burying his nose in the curve of my neck to inhale my essence, his voice now huskier and more commanding. As my breath mingled with the scent of his hair, I took in his aroma with equal fervor.

"I am Castien," he finally spoke, his voice tinged with gravitas. "The sole offspring of Lord Roger, Alpha of the Wulver pack, and you, Lorelei, are destined to be my Luna." A heavy weight settled in my chest, hindering the rhythm of my heart and causing my feet to falter.

Amidst the rosy fog that clouded my mind, Meredith's earlier caution resurfaced as a faint whisper. Despite my vow to eschew mating and motherhood, the impending union with my mate loomed before me.

"I... I'm sorry... I, Lorelei, reject you, Castien, son of Alpha Roger of the Wulver pack, as my mate and renounce my position as your Luna," I stammered, my voice barely audible over the hushed murmurs of the onlookers.

The music ceased abruptly.

His grip tightened around my wrists, pulling me closer to the railing's edge, his gaze now ablaze with a golden fury.

"Your rejection holds no sway over me, Lorelei. You are mine!" His growl reverberated with a primal intensity, his need to claim me evident in the possessiveness of his touch.

"Let her go!" A commanding voice, infused with the authority of an alpha, fractured the tension, halting the escalating confrontation. Belkam, fueled by human jealousy, demanded my release, asserting his claim over me.

"Who dares to challenge my authority as her mate? Who are you to defy me?!" Castien's protective stance shielded me from the encroaching threat, his wolf poised on the brink of confrontation.

As the altercation threatened to spiral out of control, a rumbling growl echoed through the hall, drowning out the discordant symphony of emotions.

"Enough, pups! This spectacle ends now! Leave at once!" The stern voice of Alpha Magnus quelled the brewing conflict, separating me from my mate and restoring order to the chaotic scene.

Hours later, I found myself imprisoned in a dank, subterranean cell designed for suffering. The stench of decay and death clung to the walls, coated in a glimmering sheen of pure silver that sapped the air of its vitality. Magnus wrath had condemned me to this fate, convinced of my role in Belkam's distress.

"I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that you would bring ruin to his pack! What have you done to Belkam? Have you ensnared him with your wiles? You are just like your mother! Rot here until I rectify this calamity!" His parting words hung heavy in the air as the door slammed shut, casting me into darkness illuminated only by the feeble glow of the flickering lamps.