


"Listen to me, child," her voice echoed with a sense of urgency, filled with a warning that seemed to pierce through the darkness enveloping the room. "You can't entertain the idea of a mate. You must reject any notion of forming that bond. Otherwise, you will face consequences beyond your imagination," her desperate plea trailed off into the shadows, leaving me alone in the suffocating stillness of the night. The remnants of her words lingered in my mind, haunting my dreams.

I awoke abruptly, my body trembling with a sense of foreboding that clung to the air like a heavy shroud. The memory of my wet nurse Meredith, her final moments before Magnus' hand silenced her, flashed before my eyes.

"Lorelei! Lorie, it was only a nightmare... I am here by your side," Belkam's soothing voice broke through the echoes of the past, his touch offering a semblance of comfort. A night devoid of haunting dreams was all I wished for.

As morning light filtered through the windows, Belkam was called away to fulfill his duties as the alpha. I lay still, my gaze fixed upon the barren ceiling, trapped within the labyrinthine walls of the castle that whispered tales of despair and lost hopes.

My breakfast slipped in through the door hatch, cold and uninspiring. The monotony of it all made me yearn for something different, something that would ignite a spark within me. The desire to hunt surged through my veins, beckoning me to embrace the wildness that lay dormant.

Draped in a dark dress that allowed for freedom of movement, I navigated the dim corridors of the castle, avoiding the prying eyes of the servants. The woods, cloaked in shadows, beckoned me with promises of liberation. Shedding my attire, I surrendered myself to the wilderness, the cold wind caressing my exposed skin.

"Are you prepared, Historia?" I whispered, a smile playing on my lips as I embraced my inner wolf.

"Yes, Lorelei, set me free," the echo of my words resonated within me, the transformation unfolding seamlessly. The rush of freedom surged through my being as I galloped through the woods, the thrill of the hunt electrifying my senses.

But as I closed in on my prey, a golden deer that beckoned in the distance, my moment of triumph was interrupted by a familiar presence. Belkam, now in human form, stood before me, his gaze filled with a mixture of amusement and concern.

"That was my breakfast. I detest interruptions during my hunt," his playful reprimand mingled with a touch of affection as he extended his hand towards me.

"You require sustenance beyond the hunt, Lorelei. I cannot allow you to stray too far into the realm of the wild," his touch was gentle, a reminder of our shared responsibilities.

As the deer gracefully dissolved into the darkness of the surrounding shadows, a profound realization dawned upon me - the untamed spirit dwelling within me would forever be balanced by the gentle guidance of the one who held me dear, even amidst moments of untamed ferocity.

"You are the heir...besides I'm always alone," his words resonated with emphasis.

"Says who? Or shall I call you my Luna?" he beamed, pressing a sweet kiss upon my lips.

"We can't, Belkam... Meredith said..." I attempted to disengage from the kiss, yet his unwavering hold kept me rooted in place, forcing my gaze downward.

"I don't care what Meredith said," he insisted, lifting my face once more. "What binds us transcends any warning; can you not feel the magnetic pull drawing us together?"

"Now, let me adorn you; I have no desire for other males to gaze upon my mate," he smirked, gliding my dress up from my feet. Though unfamiliar with the pull of the mate bond, the sensation of his touch against my skin was unparalleled.

"You know that I vowed not to mate," I countered, striving to maintain a semblance of detachment.

"There is no other in this world who holds a candle to you; no other female could ever satiate my desires. I love you, and once my wolf acknowledges you tonight, I shall claim you and make you mine in every sense," he whispered in my ear, causing a blush to creep across my cheeks.

"Sigurd-" my words were halted by his insistent kiss.

"Historia spurned him, and we still have time until my 21st birthday to become fated mates," he divulged, his voice a mere whisper amidst a sea of tender kisses.

The unabashed openness with which he professed his affections left me conflicted. Though I longed to reciprocate his feelings with equal fervor, a nagging sense of unease lingered within. Belkam, a few years my senior, stood as a lone pillar of the pack head and I was a hostage.

I recall the precise moment when Belkam underwent his second transformation into his wolf form. He was just 18, an age that was ordinary for an alpha, but he possessed an undeniable charm and remarkable handsomeness. Standing at a towering height of 6'5", he boasted a broad chest and muscles reminiscent of the sculptures of ancient Greek deities. His hair, straight and as dark as pitch, framed his face alongside his warm brown eyes, set in tanned skin. Adding to his allure were the dimples that etched themselves into his cheeks whenever a smile graced his lips. However, despite his physical appeal, his wolf, Balderik, remained aloof towards me. In fact, Historia, the bond between us, seemed to harbor a deep-seated resentment for fostering Belkam's affections, drawing him away from his true intended mate, whoever she might be.

As the eve of his 21st birthday approached, we found ourselves in the sanctuary of my chambers. Through the pack's telepathic connection, I sensed his wolf pacing restlessly, the weight of anticipation heavy in the air. It was a role reversal of sorts, as he had always been the one to offer solace during the darkest nights, but tonight, it was my turn to provide comfort.

"Lorie, the hour is almost upon us," he murmured, though the rapid thudding of his heart betrayed his nerves.

"I love you, Lorie, and tonight, Balderik will finally acknowledge you as my mate. I have faith in it. Together, when we ascend to lead this pack, your worth will be evident to all," his words brimmed with conviction, igniting a spark of hope within me.

I yearned for this union, for him.

As the clock's relentless ticking filled the silence, the seconds stretched into an eternity, each breath laden with anticipation. Then, as the clock struck midnight, I searched his eyes for the answer we both sought.

And yet, nothing occurred.

While my heart gradually resumed its regular rhythm, a sense of desolation crept in as I observed his eyes, bereft of the mate bond's luminous gleam, now clouded with sorrow. Despite his valiant attempt to conceal his disappointment, the truth was undeniable – his wolf did not recognize me as his destined mate and future Luna.

Tears welled in my eyes, and he enveloped me in a tender embrace, seeking to provide solace in his arms.

"I am sorry, Lorelei... do not fear, I will reject her when I find her," he reassured me, his fingers gently combing through my hair.

"No, you deserve your Luna, your offspring," my own words of self-denial pierced my heart.

"But I do love you... I cannot bear to lose you," he murmured, his voice laced with a poignant tenderness.

"You will not lose me. As my birthday gift to you, I pledge anew under this full moon to remain faithful to you, never to entertain another suitor or bear offspring, to stand by your side for all my days," I vowed, as he closed his eyes with a wistful smile, and together, we surrendered to the enveloping darkness.

That night, I uttered a falsehood to him, unaware of the deception within my own heart.