


The relentless agony of the first shift pain was nothing compared to the torment of my initial rut. It felt as though a blunt knife was slowly dragging across my skin, the constant, throbbing heat searing underneath, a sensation impossible to escape. With each passing year, as I aged and my wolf spirit within me grew stronger, the pain only intensified. At nineteen, the scorching inferno of the rut lasted for what seemed like an eternity, a week of unrelenting anguish. Unlike previous arousals, where a mere touch could ease the tension, this time, the pain only escalated with each desperate attempt to alleviate it. It was akin to drinking from the ocean to quench an insatiable thirst.

The anger and frustration that accompanied the torment was unbearable. The waiting, the stifled screams, the throbbing pain radiating from my pulsating erection. The thoughts that plagued my mind, the impulses that surged through my body, all driven by the primal urges of my wolf spirit. It was a battle for control, a struggle against the beast within me that threatened to consume my very being.

As I reached my breaking point, the third round of the day leaving me in a state of perpetual arousal, a knock at the door shattered the fragile facade of composure I had managed to maintain. Drystane's voice, stern and unwavering, pierced through my torment, followed by the determined resolve. His presence only served to magnify my humiliation, their eyes bearing witness to my vulnerable state.

The realization of what lay ahead, of the desperate measures that needed to be taken, loomed ominously in the air. And as Drystane pointed towards the undeniable evidence of my suffering, the bulge that marked my torment, I knew that the time for action had come. The time to face the demons that plagued me, to confront the primal instincts that threatened to consume me whole.

"I know it's horrible but it happens to us all" Drys voice echoed heavily from his position on the couch.

"I will wait for it to pass within the confines of our walls," I responded calmly, my gaze fixed downward, attempting to conceal the turmoil within.

"It could be an easy fix if you weren't saving yourself for a woman that's not yours" he stated sternly, his presence looming behind me.

"Like you relieved yourself with sister Meredith?" I inquired, struggling to mask the discomfort caused by the persistent ache of my arousal pressing against the pants.

"She's mine" A wry smile graced Cam's lips as he leaned in close and whispered, "If you don't want to have a woman I have a solution is unconventional, but effective."

"I am prepared to do whatever it takes," I growled, my body betraying my yearning, the heat pulsing through me, my desire intensifying.

"It is a creation of the esteemed by a human Doctor, passed down through the generations to control unruly urges during the rutting season," he explained, his words resonating with a sense of urgency and purpose.

"What is this device you speak of?" I questioned, intrigued yet uncertain of its implications.

"It will grant you release," he stated, his eyes meeting mine, a silent understanding passing between us."that's for sure"

"My wolf and I  are willing participants. Let us commence," I exhaled heavily, surrendering to the unknown but trusting in the guidance of my mentor.

"Are you certain? This process is arduous, unpredictable, and not without risks," Drys inquired, concern evident in his eyes, a flicker of doubt clouding his gaze.

"I will endure it, if it means safeguarding myself to her" I affirmed resolutely, steeling myself for what was to come.

"The machine awaits in the depths of the dungeon," he directed, leading the way with purpose.

As we descended into the dimly lit basement, the room came alive with a luminous glow, illuminating the intricate machinery before us. My eyes fixated on the device, its mechanisms humming with an otherworldly energy, a sense of anticipation hanging in the air.

"It emits strange sounds," I murmured, a shiver coursing through me as I beheld the enigmatic contraption before me.

"It operates autonomously," Cam chuckled softly, producing metal restraints and a vial of purple liquid, essential components of the arcane invention.

"This is just a precaution, wolfbane to prevent your wolf from breaking out" he reassured me.

I obediently consumed the liquid presented to me, allowing the sensation of discomfort to envelop my senses as it coursed down my throat. Its taste was bitter, reminiscent of sour milk blended with herbs and a hint of honey. Hastily, I shed my trousers and settled into the peculiar chair affixed to the contraption, enduring the two minutes it took for my friend to uncomfortably adjust the mechanism, doing his best to avert his gaze from my nudity.

"How will I be certain...ugh...that it is functioning?" I groaned as a chilly draft grazed the tip of my manhood.

"Trust me, you will know," he assured me, twisting a knob before departing, leaving me to my own. Nodding solemnly, I scrutinized the apparatus intently, anticipating any abnormal occurrences. As I surveyed the room, a cold and foreboding atmosphere enveloped me.

Approximately ten minutes passed before a peculiar cylinder crafted from wood and metal enveloped my now-erect member, expelling a thick fluid within. Gradually, the cylinder began to heat up, sending warmth cascading down my shaft, the metal conduit guiding it to my groin.

"Mmmm..." I moaned softly as the liquid traversed its course, igniting my senses. I winced as an unsettling buzzing sound filled the air, intensifying my discomfort. Following several moments, my manhood stiffened further, blood pulsating vigorously through my veins. Although the sensation was exquisite, it also bore a tinge of agony as it reached its climax.

"Aa...ah!" I initially cried out, but soon surrendered to the pleasurable sensations as my manhood vibrated gently, akin to being caressed by an unseen hand. Although the mechanics of the contraption eluded me, the gratification I experienced was undeniable.

Just as I believed the experience could not be surpassed, I was proven wrong when the cylinder initiated suction on my glans, intensifying the heat emanating from below. The throbbing of my manhood against the device intensified, eliciting fervent moans from deep within me as the warmth enveloped me entirely, heightening my sensations to an unparalleled peak.

"This is beyond imagination..." I gasped, breathless, as the sensations crescendoed. Then, a metallic click echoed through the room, signaling the cylinder's gradual movement up and down my length. Every muscle in my body tensed in response to the overwhelming stimuli, enduring the euphoria for several minutes until it abruptly ceased, leaving me yearning for more.

"Nnnng!" I moaned as the last remnants of fluid were extracted from my manhood, replaced by a cooling gel that descended along my length, eliciting a mixture of relief and disappointment. The ecstasy was profound, yet I yearned for further fulfillment.

The sensations I had just experienced were beyond intense and exhilarating, yet my wolf-like desires remained insatiable. As the cylinder surrounding my manhood began to move once more, this time with increased speed and pressure, I could feel my entire being consumed by the overwhelming pleasure. The urge for something real, for tangible connection, pulsed through me, rendering me unable to fully revel in the artificial ecstasy. With gritted teeth and clenched fists against the wooden armrests, I could sense the impending climax approaching as my body responded to the mechanical stimulation.

Every inch of my being quivered as the tip of my throbbing member stretched and contracted in synchrony with the relentless movements. The mounting tension within me was palpable, my primal instincts urging me to seek release. With a guttural moan escaping my lips, I surrendered to the waves of ecstasy crashing over me, my breath ragged, my body trembling with each convulsion.

The slickness between my thighs only intensified the craving for release, heightening the pressure on my aching member. I could feel the pulsating vibrations resonating throughout me, my very essence seeking liberation. As the torrent of euphoria surged through me, I groaned in blissful abandon, my entire being consumed by the overwhelming pleasure.

And yet, even as the final waves of euphoria subsided, leaving me spent and sprawled on the chair, the insatiable machine showed no signs of relenting. My attempts to disengage from its relentless grip proved futile, the mechanical contraption showing no mercy as it continued its relentless assault on my senses. Desperation tinged with pleading crept into my voice as I begged for release, for respite from the unyielding torment. The machine, however, seemed to feed on my cries, only intensifying its movements in response. Each new surge of electricity coursing through me served to reignite the flames of pleasure, prolonging the exquisite agony that gripped my very soul.

As the machine continued to surge and pulsate with renewed vigor, my body responded in kind, my essence spilling forth in a torrent of sensation. The relentless cycle of stimulation and release seemed never-ending, my body a vessel for the machine's insatiable hunger.

Hours turned to eternity as I found myself trapped in a maelstrom of pleasure and pain, my resistance futile against the relentless machine. With each agonizing climax, I felt my very core shudder with intensity, my body wracked with convulsions as wave after wave of release washed over me.

In a final, cataclysmic surge, the machine abruptly ceased its movements, leaving me panting and depleted, the metallic contraption the only evidence of the torment that had gripped me so thoroughly.

Once again, I found myself sprawled on the ground, utterly spent and drenched in perspiration. My limbs felt heavy and lifeless, but with great effort, I managed to rise to my unsteady feet. As I gathered my bearings, my gaze fell upon a small tube protruding from a metal container, its transparency marred only by a minuscule attachment at its tip. Curiously, I reached out and extracted the diminutive tubing, cradling it in my trembling hands.

"What is this?" I murmured to myself.

"It's a serum derived from your own seed," doctor Twedlis informed me.

I involuntarily recoiled, dropping the tube in shock and instinctively shielding my modesty.

"This elixir aids in stimulating your mate during her estrus, although, given your species, such assistance is likely unnecessary," he chortled, averting his gaze momentarily.

He retrieved the tube and extended it towards me.

"It didn't stop" I exhaled heavily.

"It only stops after your rut has ended" he remarked casually, as if the revelation was as mundane as discussing the weather. "I presume Delta Drystane divulged this sanctuary to you"

"Yes, but..." I faltered, grappling with the discomfort of divulging my clandestine affairs.

"Exercise caution, young Alpha Belkam. Some things can be addictive but it's okay if it's not all the time" he cautioned gravely.

He then presented me with a vial containing a restorative concoction to counter the effects of lycanthropic affliction. With a heavy heart, I retreated towards the entrance. Stepping outside, I inhaled deeply, relishing the solace of the encompassing forest. The burgeoning sun cast its ethereal light, casting elongated shadows that danced across the terrain, imbuing a sense of tranquility amidst the wilderness.