

June POV

My body remained frozen in place, while Neith, consumed by his newfound connection, paid me no heed but he was ordered to carry me as he advanced towards me. Sensing his approach, I desperately crawled towards my brother Dorian, imploring him to lead me away to the main wing of the castle. Dorian, his body covered in a chaotic mixture of blood and sweat, lifted me gently into his arms and carried me through the corridors to the grand throne room. As we entered, the imposing figure of Lord Sigurd strode towards us, his eyes scanning us with a calculating gaze.

"At last, Janes, you have produced an heir to the priesthood," Lord Sigurd proclaimed to my father, who could only respond with a humble nod.

"Silence" commanded Lord Sigurd, his powers manifesting as ethereal bindings that dragged both my father and Dorian to their knees.

With a cruel grip on my hair, Lord Sigurd yanked me up, his hand tracing a path of violation down my thigh, forcing tears of helplessness and revulsion from my eyes.

"You possess the strength to produce a true alpha," Lord Sigurd remarked, a statement laden with hidden meanings that I struggled to comprehend. Hybrids like me, bearing the wild spirit of a cat, were deemed unstable and forbidden in our society, especially when not gifted by the wolf spirits that were more commonly accepted. Released from his grasp, I collapsed to the floor under the weight of exhaustion and despair.

"However, the insatiable dragon Lord has been offering treasures and slaves for centuries to anyone who holds a dragon skin, and will give me all those treasures until he claims you," Lord Sigurd continued, his words echoing in my ears, the pain was to much for me to bear. My consciousness began to slip away as his voice faded, replaced only by the faint meows of a small black serval cat that appeared before me.

"Shh, it's alright," I whispered hoarsely, reaching out to the creature.

With a look of curiosity, the cat leaped onto my hand and began to purr softly, its presence offering a strange comfort in the midst of chaos.

"I cannot believe your spirit was so easily weakened," the cat remarked, breaking the silence.

"You can speak?!" I gasped in astonishment.

"For you alone, I am your familiar and wild spirit, Willow," the cat's voice resonated in my mind. "The spirit that rightfully belonged within Dorian."

Realization dawned on me as I identified the cat as the shadow demon.

"As my witch, your body and mind are no longer solely your own," Willow explained. "The entrance to the purgatory must be endured by all, and the bond formed within was necessary for our souls."

As questions flooded my mind, I inquired about the concept of a dragon skin, to which Willow explained the perilous nature of dragon reproduction and my role in it.

"Dragons don't have females on their race" he sighs in my head "Their seed is venomous, as soon is released it kills the host"

"What does it have to do with me?"

"As dragon skin your womb protects itself with a shell, allowing a progeny to grow" he paused and continue "This is why most dragons kidnap young virgins but your father has told the dragon Lord is a good man"

Despite the knowledge imparted by Willow, my resolve remained unyielding - I refused to succumb to the fate that awaited me. The desire for my red thread and the need to break free from the confines of my current existence burned within me, propelling me towards the unknown future that lay ahead.

In an age where witches still roamed were free, me, a young maiden found myself at the mercy of celestial beings, offering my powers and youth in exchange for a love that had been cruelly stolen from me.

Betrayed by my lover mated to another, I turned to the ancient ways, desperate to reclaim what was rightfully mine.

With the book of ancients open before me, I knelt before two red candles, their flames flickering in the dim light of her chamber. The scent of geranium and roses filled the air, a fragrance meant only for the one I longed for. With a silver dagger in hand, I let her blood flow, sealing my covenant to the mysterious forces that governed the fate.

As I circled the candles, her movements infused with magic, I called out to my true love in a haunting chant. Left and right I turned, each motion a plea for the darkness to bring my lover my side. With each repetition, my voice grew stronger, my heart more resolute in its desire.

As the ethereal breeze wafted into the dimly lit room, casting shadows that danced upon the walls and extinguishing the flickering candles, a sense of foreboding settled upon my heart. The arrival of my brother and mentor, well-versed in the ancient ways of magic, brought a mixture of solace and dread. Dorian, his voice filled with anguish, pleaded for me to reconsider my decisions, but the die had been cast.

Ensnared by the tendrils of my own enchantments, I understood that my destiny had been irrevocably sealed. The searing pain of the magical bonds etched into my flesh served as a stark reminder of the repercussions that awaited me. Despite the tears that glistened in my brother's eyes, I remained resolute in my resolve.

Our shared history marred by sorrow and bereavement, it became apparent that she could no longer walk the path that lay before me. The promise of liberation offered by an enigmatic lord ignited a spark of hope within my family for a future untainted by the shackles of the past. Yet, as the mournful howls of the wolves echoed in the distance, heralding the inexorable approach of my fate, I understood that her journey was far from reaching its conclusion.