
A Cursed Heritage

I made this novel Inspired by bleach, demon slayer and JJK. So it has a little bit of each… in a completely different world.. I hope you read and enjoy (*´ω`*)

Byakuya_Fan · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 9: The Aftermath

Sul, Tyler, and the rest of the other injured slayers were brought to HQ for better healing

Akemi had just left the masters house after receiving her mission on her way out she saw Karen who was about to give the master her own mission reports. Sul looks out his hospital window and an all too familiar face was seen sitting down on it. "My my if it isn't the beauty queen 2.0. To what pleasure am I to be in your presence today" Sul taunts Akemi had a bad day today and wasn't about to go through his insults. She disappeared. And appeared sitting on top of Sul holding his neck. "I have had a bad day for the whole of today and the last thing I want is a word coming out of those cute lips of yours." Akemi threatens.

"you called my lips cute that's a first" Sul smiles akemi fake a smile and then turns it back to a frown. "I don't think it's a good idea for you to be choking your fellow ally especially when he's injured from a mission." Sul tells her. Akemi lets go and gets off of Sul. "Sometimes  If it wasn't for the fact that I cared so much about you and I liked the way you fight. You would be dead a long time ago" Akemi tells Sul wondering around his hospital room.  "Cmon you don't have to lie we all know the only reason you don't wanna kill me is because if you have a crush on me I know you want me girl" Sul flirts with her. Akemi looked at him like he was some kind of gross creature that came from her toilet. "How's Khai doing?" Sul asks. "He's doing  good thx for asking" Akemi replies. "So when are y'all gonna  start getting funky and having some babies?" Sul taunts some more. Akemi decided to leave Sul in his room as she could not take more of his taunts. Sul just smiled. 

Maika could be seen speaking to Karen "so your off to your mission now huh" Karen asks

"Is it really true that there are now phantoms are able to use techniques now?" Maika asks

"Yes the one we fought was able to use ice then there was another one he seems stronger than the first Hollen was his name I think." Maika was getting ready for her mission with Akemi. "Maika let's go it's getting late." Akemi said. "I'm coming so where do we have to go again." "We have to go to the Eastern Republic but we have to go through the forest." Maika and Akemi both headed towards the Eastern Republic going through the forest. While they are walking Akemi asked Maika "Hey Maika what do you think about Tyler." Maika turns a bit red "I think he's a very skilled fighter and he is very caring, he's also good looking." Akemi laughed at Maika. "Ooo Maika has a crush." Akemi said. Maika turned red "do you hear that?" Maika had heard branches break. They go check it out. "It could be a devil be careful." Maika gets startled "AHHHH". Akemi rushed over to Maika. "It's just a cat stop messing around Maika." They keep walking and end up at the Eastern Republic. Akemi tells Maika about the Arctic battle. "Maika during the Arctic battle I was there." Maika was getting excited. "So how was it? was Arctic as strong as they said and was that hollen guy really that powerful?" Akemi nodded and said "yes that's all true Arctic had Tyler and Sul frozen I wanted to step in, but I wouldn't have stood a chance." Maika a man suddenly approaches Maika.

[back at slayers HQ]

Sul was staring at the roof of his hospital room when he remembered his encounter with Hollen.

-Flash back-

Karen abs just left to get help Sul and Tyler were still struggling with their freezing blood.

"Who are you people? And how are you able to use Cursed Techniques " Sul asked " I'm sure all you slayers have heard of the term devils and their ranks right but Not until recently there was a break through for us devils well two actually. one  was the discovery of Cursed Techniques which by its self is pretty powerful. As you can see. The second break through well to see that you have to be strong enough for us to use it against you." Hollen smiled

-back to the normal world-

Sul woke up from his day dream as he kept thinking hard on what the other break through was.

[East Republic]

"Hi you two look like foreigners how about I show you around?" The man asks Akemi tells the man " thank you and yes that would be helpful." The man grinned " My name is Senpai." Akemi and Maika both introduce themselves. "Hi Im Akemi and she is Maika." "Akemi what a pretty name for such a pretty girl." Akemi gives Senpai a mean look. "Well what brings you guys into the Eastern Republic ?" "Well we're Devi-" Maika cuts Akemi off. "We're new to town we're just exploring it to get used to it". Senpai grins "we'll allow me to be your tour guide". "Sure why not" Akemi joyfully says. "Well follow me I'll show you around." Senpai gestures them to follow him. Akemi and Maika both follow him but Maika felt something off about him. "Akemi don't tell this guy we're devil slayers I have a bad feeling about him he's hiding something I know it." She whispers to Akemi. "Maika learn to live a little your just paranoid have some fun." Akemi says.

As they are walking Senpai asks them "where are you two from?"Akemi responds "I am from a village of the North Republic my friend Maika here is from the West republic." Maika keeps staring at Senpai. "How long have you lived in the Eastern Republic Senpai you seem to know your way around well, I'm guessing five years?" Senpai smirks " well a little over 10 this place is and will always be my home." As they walk they see a man selling hot dogs. "Do you two want any?" Senpai asks. "Yes we would love hot dogs." They both said. "Maika what condiments do you want on your hot dog?" Senpai asked. "Just mustard will be perfect." Senpai pays for Maikas hot dog." Akemi what would you want on your hotdog?" She says " I want ketchup and mustard." Senpai buys her the hotdog. Maika had been wondering about the scars on Senpai's face. "how did you get all thoese scars on your face" Maika asked. "I got them from a lot of battles in the past. Let's just say my past self wasn't the most friendliest  on the planet." Senpai tells them: "well I think they are cool"  Akemi says to him. This put a Smile on senpai's face. They began to walk again. As they are walking they see many fun places to go they explore the whole Republic and had a good time. Night comes and Maika and Akemi finally Found a place to stay Senpai let's them be and says his good bye. After Senpai leaves Maika watches him walk past the street from her window.  "Maika you should relax a little bit" a tired Akemi said. "We came here because of some suspicious activity going on and I found a suspicious person." Maika replies to her looking outside her window.

"Gee your so uptight has I known you would have been this serious I woulda just stayed at  HQ." Akemi replies to her. "Yeah like you could stay there wasn't the whole reason you came here to avoid Sul?" Maika teases. "You make it seem like I like Sul let's not forget I am atill with Khai" Akemi says. " no one ever said you can be limited to one man I mean look at Karen she got 26 children" Maika says to Akemi. "Karen is a hoe though what did you expect?" Akemi replies

"NO SHES NOT SHES JUST A ye you right she a hoe I ain't gonna lie" Maika replies. "Worst part is Shes 16 and I'm her best friend. I'm best friends with a 16 year old Hoe" Maika Sighed. "It's ok it happens" Akemi replies to Maika. Maika leaves the window and goes to her room go get some rest.

[somewhere in the eastern republic]

Senpai was walking through an alley when he saw a gang of 5 people one of the members bumped into him on purpose. Senpai decided to ignore it but the member had other plans. "Hey you Scar face." The man said. "Watch where your going" the man continues. "Forgive me I just happens to skip" Senpai says. "Senpai wanted no trouble but the other gang members had different ideas. "A little sorry isn't going to do the trick but you getting beat up will. The members brought out their sticks and clubs and smiled. Senpai looked at them as they had surrounded him. "Just go please it doesn't have  to be this way no one has to get hurt" Senpai coldly says. The members weren't buying it as they Went in for The attack. "Cursed Technique: overflowing pool of blood. A red liquid substance rose from the ground below  Andy's it did skeletons rose from inside it they dragged the gang members in from their legs down. A few seconds later nothing was left besides Senpai. "I will leave you in the blood Red Sea for now right now my stomach is too full to eat another group of humans." Senpai then walked back home like nothing ever happened.

To be continued in the next issue...