
A Contract With The Devil (New)

Konadu · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: What have I done?

After they got to the hospital, the doctor followed by three nurses entered the emergency room. As at now her breath was failing. After the doctor putting breathing pumps on her, checking her pulses and collecting some of her blood sample for the various tests to be ran on her, they exited the ER. Doctor, Mr. Cheng called fastening his steps. Doctor, how is she? He asked. "Well, as at now I can't really tell you much about her condition, we'll report the test analysis to you after the conclusion of the whole matter. "Hmmm" Mr. Cheng sighed after hearing the not so encouraging words from the doctor. Noticing this, the doctor tried to console him looking at the man and the unknown condition her daughter was in at the moment. As Mr. Cheng was thinking of what he actually couldn't pinpoint, he noticed Seyong's presence and he was somehow surprised because the girl had been unusually quiet to the extent of thinking he was alone. Seyong, are you okay? He asked the somehow troubled girl. Seyong the doctor said she's fine okay. Don't worry Nyx is a strong girl. Checking the time on his watch, it was thirty minutes past five so he had to send her home. I think we should go and come back later. He said as if there was nothing like fire coming down from the mountain. "Are you sure that's what the doctor said?" She asked looking a bit disappointed for being lied to. This did the pass the notice of the old lived Mr. Cheng. "Not really, but in conclusion she is okay, that's what the doctor meant. However disappointed she might have looked that time, she still had to go home and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. Gradually she agreed to go home and come back later as Mr. Cheng said earlier.

As they turned to go, Mr. Cheng bumped into a tall young man dressed in a blue-black jeans trousers and a nice black canvas with a spotless white t-shirt and a blue-black jeans cap with a black nose mask. He looked almost like a thief or a paparazzi or maybe an assassin. Apparently no one knows why he was dressed like that. Well maybe that's the dressing he feels comfortable with. After all no one bought the shirt for him. (I think that's freedom of dressing that's of there's something like that. Readers as for me, I think he's ugly. It's my belief I don't know yours. Anyways his dressing is not that bad and looking at his height he won't be that bad looking if not too good).

"Sorry" Mr. Cheng said surprised at how strong the man is. Because he nearly dislocated his shoulder bone. Is he even a human being at all? His grip can kill a human. No how on earth can a mere human be this strong? And what's with that cold aura? When this last question was thought of, the man turned back to watch him.

" Oh God, did he hear that? What the hell is in that eye of his? Is there fire behind or infront of me? Or it's just an imagination.

"Mr. Cheng" Hey! He jumped in fear when he heard his name from somewhere he might have forgotten to exist. When he watched Seyong, he just gave her an assuring smile but turned again to continue watching where the man was heading to. Well, it was too late because the man was no where to be found.

( Who is this mysterious man?)

When they arrived at the place where he had parked his car at the side of the hospital, he opened the back door for Seyong to sit while he sat at being the steer and started the car. All these arrangements were just safety precautions because if the police get you with a kid who is less than 12 years sitting on the front seat, you the driver might be in deep sh*t. The precaution is to avoid being questioned by the police at the check point and being fined. This whole thing is a waste of time.

( Readers, don't you think Mr. Cheng has forgotten something?)

Upon reaching Seyong's house, as her parents were called to welcome her. They were already at the gate waiting for her. After he dropped her, he continued thinking about this mysterious man. He looked odd. " Is he a human at all?". He soliloquyed." What kind of human with that height is that strong. Seriously it's not as if tall people are weak but he's too strong. Unless he's a weight lifter. But lifting heavy metals does not make you a metal or does it? Seriously, my arm nearly got dislocated because of him. Do I know him from somewhere? Have I seen him somewhere before? I think so but I don't remember where? Well maybe I have not. Is he an actor? I'm sure I've seen him somewhere before. Is he even from this country? Because he looks nothing like a Korean or an American or even a japanese. He's not an Asian. He's not an African too. Maybe he's a Korean-American. Or is it because of his nose mask? Next time I will watch him well when I see him. Yo! Man stop thinking nonsense, how sure are you to meet him again? Why am I even thinking of him, I didn't even see his face. I'm just judging by his eyes. Seriously Cheng you've got to be kidding me. Your child is in the hospital and you're thinking of a man you don't even know.

Oh! God what have I done? How am I going to explain things to this woman? How possibly on earth could I forget Nyx is not mine alone? It's not only one woman too, two of them. Two women and a troublesome old man. What on earth was I thinking? How did I forget to tell what is happening? Let me start thinking of a lie or maybe an excuse to make my words sweet. What have I done? Well there is no excuse for failure so let me just tell them and face the consequences. It's better this way than lying to them.

Dear readers I'm sorry for the late update. Please bear with me and vote for me to encourage me for more updates. I need your support too that also count.

Thank you❤️❤️

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