
A Contract With The Devil (New)

Konadu · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: The Genesis

I nearly sent my mother to her grave during her labour. Child birth was so difficult for her but she managed to bring me to this earth to face the world, my destiny and pursue my goals as an individual. Per my observations made from movies and telenovelas, for some couples, either the male will be standing outside praying while walking to and fro infront of ward, or will be allowed inside if requested by his wife. But this was a different situation. My father was not there either to hold me and welcome me to this world with a smile or even tears of joy. As soon as I got into the hands of the doctor with a cry, the doctor, Dr. Wilson told my mother to keep a keen eyes on me because of what life had installed for me. He said I would becomes great person. He said this with a pitiful look,no one noticed.

Doctor! Doctor! my child, my child.....she said in a weak voice. " Yes, it's a girl" said the doctor. I wonder how the doctor guessed or let me say knew what my mother wanted to ask, because I thought my mother was about to ask if I was alive. " Oh my daughter." She cried. Well my mother was crying because I was her first child and her first daughter as well. But where was my father. They say speak of the devil and the devil appears but in this situation it was my dad and not the devil....

Ring ring.... My father answers the call. "Hello,hello please who's this?" My father asked. "Please is this Mr. Cheng?" Yes, yes I'm Mr. Cheng. Mr. Cheng please come to the Seoul National University Hospital right now. Mr. Cheng is in labour and she has been admitted there. Okay I will be there in a jiffy, thank you for informing me. Please wait, how is she? But it was too late. Ms Morris was gone long ago. Damn it! Lin Hoa the keys. "S-s-s-sir p-p-p-please w-w-which"..... before he was done speaking, Mr. Cheng had already gone for the car keys and was a out to start his engine. "Which one". When he finally completed his sentence, Mr. Cheng was already gone.

Meanwhile, the child was left alone in the room she was refered to after having the baby. Darling, mama will soon be back, okay? My mother bid me bye for a while. Just for a few seconds since the voltage of the lights were coming down, dimming bit by bit. All of a sudden a chilly wind from nowhere surrounded the baby. The wind came with something looking like a person. The baby was very happy and was about to touch it but all of a sudden, the thing was now hovering on the baby and the baby started wailing. Just in a matter of seconds getting close to a minute, the mother ran into the room and carried the crying baby into her arms. As soon as he got into the hospital, he entered the the Out Patients Department (OPD).

Nurse! Nurse! I'm Mr. Cheng and my wife is here please direct me there. Oh! Mrs. Cheng, said the nurse. Yes that's my wife. Okay, then please go straight and turn left. Thank you very much. My dad said. Bang! the door was opened and there he was. My dad was finally here. Hah! he let out a loud sigh just as he saw me in my mother's arms crying. It was really beautiful sight he beheld. Just as he entered my mother opened her arms for him for hug but as he neared, he earned a pinch . Awwww! he jumped back. What was that for? he said. Hmmm, she sighed, let me guess why? Oh yeah, it was for not being there when I was in labour and letting me go through all the pain alone. Hmmm,my father sighed. Ahh well, that's quite understandable. But you have to understand this one too. Understand what? my mother asked. I was at a meeting. You know since we are in this big company, and as a CEO, I must handle some more important meeting. And also I've been postponing this meeting for two solid weeks now so I couldn't postpone it anymore. And if I knew you would give birth today I would have postponed it again. Well, I didn't need this long speech for my question, Mr. CEO. Silly boy. She said undertone. When my father heard this , he raised one eyebrow and asked."Errmmm, did you just call me silly boy"? " yeah" said my mother. "And is there any problem with that?" said my mother again. " Errhhh, no but...." but what Mr. CEO asked my mom. I.....I just need a repetition. Errhhh, so you like it when i said that mmm. Ummm yeah. Then I think I just got a reputable job. So what do you think Mr. CEO. You pay for that mmm. " Yeah anything you want my dear". he said.

" So, when did they say you will be discharged?". Well I think tomorrow. she answered. "Hmmm okay. I will be back in a jiffy." He said. Okay honey, replied my mother. As soon as my father heard her last word, he turned back and watched. He then raised one eyebrow and asked, "where did you learn that". My mother stretched out her hand and held her neck as if in pain, she rubbed it coyly. As she was doing this her face turned crimson or was she blushing? Well I don't even know but I really know she was lying. Or was it because she feared if she told my father, he would tease her with it. Well my father was a person who really loved to tease people very well. But this time my mother won the match. As soon as my mother did this gesture, my father came running her from the door as he was about to get out. Darling what's wrong? Are you okay? Should I get the doctor for you? " Yeah I think I just felt some pain in my neck" she answered. Okay I will be right back. Hah! my mother sighed as she was able to dodge his question by her guesture.....

Author's note

Dear readers, this is the end of the first chapter . I hope you enjoyed. I'm sorry if there are mistakes, I'm new to this. Please if you loved it, give a comment, vote for this and share it. Keep reading and I will also do my best to supply you with frequent updates. Thank you. ❤️❤️