
A Conquer Accurses the Omniverse

I have Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

The 3rd

"Call me Sora... so what do I do now?" Sora asked calmly while looking towards the seemly man-made thing towards the edge of this world. it was a circle-like thing, it was not hard to guess it could be a portal

{its as you guess. You have died, and now it's time for you to be reborn. once you activate that portal, you can step through and be reborn within a small verse. from there, you have to work to conquer the world, you are the god of this space. it would be up to you to swallow that world and have it bond with this world. if you are lucky, the world you would go to would be weak, if you are not lucky, then it would be a universe filled with powerful lifeforms.} the system said to which Sora nodded while walking to the portal.

'what do you do?' Sora asked calmly,

{Simple, I bring forth the ability to allow my host to conquer. the power to take, and give. and the power to travel the omniverse through this portal. but remember, to enter another verse, you need the power of a verse first. the first verse is free, but the next one would need the core of this verse you will conquer. So if you fail, you would not be able to leave that verse.} The system said

{Also, you can't enter and leave this world as you wish. a portal is needed to be open, and currently, I'm not capable of freely opening that space. so it would be up to you to feed me the needed energy... as for my abilities, they are pretty much locked. they would be open to you once you conquer your first world. so good luck host..} the system said as the portal activated, Sora looked at the portal for some time before he stepped into the portal, and after losing all concept of space and time, Sora's world went dark.

"Sora!" within a classroom, the sensei called out to a blonde-haired kid who was resting his head on the table. The kid's eyes twitched for a moment before he slowly looked around in confusion, before holding his head which was hurting like hell

'My name carried over.' The kid thought while looking around for some time, recollecting him. his rebirth had gone successfully, he was born within a new world that he knew well. In this life he was an orphan, due to the way his parents died, which was due to a 9 tail fox, he was given special treatment along with the many orphans who lost their parents in similar ways.

because of this, he had a monthly allowance with an apartment all to himself. So, life was not all bad. for the past 12 years, nothing huge happened. when the 9 tails attacked, he was far away. if Sora had to face threatening matters, then he could have awakened sooner.

"..." the Sensei looked at Sora with a raised eyebrow, Sora was one of the best students he had, such a smart kid at times left him speechless. yet his talent wasn't high, leading him to fall behind others.

Sora walked up to the head of the class, today was the graduation Exam, it was the day when students like themselves can take the test needed to become shinobi. Ninjas, of the Hidden Leaf village.

So, the whole class gathered, ready to do their final test to graduate. All they had to do was do the transformations jutsu, they had to turn into their sensei. It was a simple E-rank Jutsu, pretty much the whole class passed, and all but one person failed.

With this coming to an end, in 3 days, they would get their ninja badge but for now, they were allowed to head off home, tomorrow they would go and register as a ninja. Sora was among the first to leave, the classroom, he didn't have many friends due to the aura he gave off, which scared many students off. Sure he was handsome and had many females eyeing him, but they could only look from afar, unable to gather the strength to near Sora

'So, how do I awaken my Essence?' Sora asked calmly while heading home, upon awakening he had already been speaking with the system. The system had been in a rest-like state, waiting for him to awaken his memory,

{Simple, meditation would help. look deep within, and better know yourself. the more you know, the more you can awaken.} the system said calmly, with Sora's comprehension talent, this would be something not too hard for him

Sora nodded slightly, and upon returning home, he went on to start meditating on this. Sora's mind was something not to be looked down upon. even as a cripple in his first life, his mind was capable of doing things experts who could think at rates faster than light would struggle with.

he pretty much could instantly learn anything, although the more complex the thing he learned, it usually caused him to have to rest his mind. Sora knew himself well, living millions of years would do that for a person.

But now he had to look deeper than he had ever looked, he had to look at the very concept of who Sora was. the makeup of his soul, body, and mind. his past life, and so on. everything that went into making Sora, everything that impacted Sora to make the Sora of today, these were the stuff he needed to comprehend,

Of course, even for him, this is something that would take some time, but he was Sora. In just a few hours, he managed to comprehend 1/1,000,000,000 of himself, and upon doing so, caused his chakra to go out of control, causing cracks to appear within his room.

Sora's red eyes glowed as a unique symbol appeared within them, but he quickly closed his eyes, as with these eyes, anything he looked at would be destroyed. These were the Primordial Chaotic Eyes,

{Congratulations host, with you reach 1/1,000,000,000. it was barely enough for you to awaken a hint of your past life potential. this means you have your bloodline, Bone Structure, Eyes, soul, and physique. Although a hint, it greatly increased your power.} the system said as Sora held nodded slightly,

Indeep, he felt stronger. Sora believed in just 100 or so years, he would have fully comprehended himself, but until then he should pay attention to the conquering of this universe.

this universe he was within was called the Naruto verse. it's not the Boruto verse as thats its own thing. this was a large world, although it was just one universe, it was a universe that was filled with other mini-universes, and different timelines for those movies.

This verse was large, the system said this world was a multiverse, an average one. a large one would be a multiverse with an infinite number of timelines or universes, or maybe both.

anyways, since Sora knew of this world, he already was making plans on how to conquer this world. the first place he wanted to start was simple, Sasuke. Sasuke was the rival of the MC of this world,

he was an orphan, but unlike Sora, his whole clan was slaughtered by his older brother, and to ensure he would hate him, his elder brother forced Sasuke to watch how he killed every person within the clan about 5,000 times.

to say the least, Sasuke was not a happy-going person. he was cold and only cared about getting stronger to get his revenge. this made him easy to control, and the fact he was one of the most talented people within this verse made Sora want him.

{I think you should master chakra control before doing that, now with the high quality of your chakra, it would be far harder to control.} the system said, only to be left speechless seeing how Sora used a hand seal to help in gathering chakra and began controlling it. He had some trouble at first, but in a few seconds those mistakes he was making were disappearing at shocking rates

"chakra is not a complex energy like Qi, immortal Qi, Chaos QI, and so on. those are energy I broke down to the point a pig could understand. chakra is only a fusion of physical and spiritual energy. and it's not like it's a powerful energy, by the measurement, this energy would at most allow the average person to reach the level where they could shatter mountains, and at most destroy islands. and seeing how small this world is, this is nothing to be impressed by." Sora said calmly, leaving the system quiet

Indeed Chakra although powerful wasn't all that in Sora's eyes. but with Sora's physique and other stuff awakened, it strengthens the quality of his energy. Sure, Sora was not at the level of someone like Sasuke, but in due time he would reach it.

adding the fact he can so easily learn things, he would quickly surpass every one of his generations, reaching a point where those of the older generations would be left speechless at his might.

{At least be happy that you have the chance to become powerful.} the system said with a sigh, to which Sora ignored, his face remaining calm as if everything is as expected. as it should be,

He was someone his verse feared, he was someone who stood as a mortal, yet caused gods to fear him. hell, even the reincarnation of Pangu had to kneel before him. Sora was happy that he could gain strength, but it was not worth him showing such emotions, one way or another he would have reached the top.

even back on earth, he had become a billion without much work, it was one of his talents. money just come his way even if he didn't try and work for it.

Sora wanted to take a break to eat, after which he worked on fully mastering Chakra control. when he reached a point where he didn't need a hand seal to help gather chakra, and only needed a hand seal to help in shaping the chakra, he stopped training for the day and went on to lay in his bed, in deep thought about the stuff of this world.

in the end, he fell asleep, only to wake up in his dream world. Any mortal who trains hard enough can take control of their dreams, Sora was capable of doing this, and would use his dreams as a form of training ground, or a way to put his thoughts into motion,

But that night, Sora used his dream world to better go through his memory of the Naruto world, and see things that could be useful to him.

the next day came, and Sora went to go get registered as a ninja. after which, he went to go see the Hokage as he wished to speak with him. normally not just anyone could see the Hokage, who was the leader of the village and considered the strongest shinobi, but Sora was special.

His grades made him special, considered a genius of the hidden leaf, he and the Hokage have meant a few times.

"Is something wrong Sora?" The 3rd Hokage asked with a gentle smile while looking at Sora who entered his room.

"I want to know if there is a way where I can be a shinobi, but at the same time not be tied down to a team. I know the importance of one, but don't care for it. I want to spend my time doing what I want when I want." Sora said calmly, stunning the 3rd Hokage

"what do you mean?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, Sora's words to say the least caught him off guard.

"I want to study the second Hokage work, as you and I know. my mind is my greatest strength, although I still wish to go out on missions, I don't want to have it getting in my way." Sora said making the 3rd go quiet for some time before he smiled, and nodded

"what are you thinking of doing then?" he asked, to which Sora shrugged

"I want to start these few months doing missions, and when the time comes I become a Chunin, I would only do missions went I want to. and since I'm only Genin, that means I can only do D-rank missions right? I didn't see why I would need a team for such missions. it's just helping around the village, which is honestly below me. so it's best I just do C-rank missions." Sora said calmly, making the 3rd Hokage lips twitch at Sora's arrogance

"I have been working on this jutsu, thanks to the Akimichi clan," Sora said while throwing a scroll toward the 3rd Hokage, making those shinobi who were secretly protecting the 3rd Hokage from the show lips twitch as Sora lack of respect,

the 3rd Hokage caught the scroll and opened it, and after a moment his eyes widened in shock seeing the jutsu written within it.

The Akimichi Clan is one of the four noble clans of the hidden leaf. Many of their clan's techniques revolve around the manipulation of their body weight and size through the use of Yang Release.

Most of these techniques rapidly consume the user's chakra during use, and maintaining them during a prolonged battle can be tiring. For this reason, the Akimichi have high chakra levels and eat a lot to build up or replenish their chakra reserves. As a tribute, members of the clan wear the kanji for "food" on their clothing. If standard calories aren't enough for a battle, Akimichi can use the clan's Three-Coloured Pills to convert excess fat into chakra, at the cost of one's health.

The jutsu listed here was a way one can convert excess fat into chakra, without the need for the pill. this was something shocking, for the main reason a 12-year-old created such a thing, and one should know just how many years it took the Akimichi Clan's best shinobi to create such a thing.

"... are you sure about this?" The 3rd Hokage asked seriously, Sora had shown his wealth, and it was far outside his wildest imagination.

"Where is my worth? Is it not best kept in this village, if I go off and die, wouldn't that be a huge blow to the village?" Sora asked calmly, making the 3rd Hokage sigh softly.

"then you may be on your own team, as for your missions... I will have an Anbu follow you, although I don't understand why you want to go on missions." He said with a weird look

"I want to travel the world and learn stuff from around the world. would it not be boring to have my knowledge limited to just one village? plus, I'm not expecting you to pay me much for my research, which would be a pain in the ass. so I must get stronger in some way or another." Sora said lazily while turning to leave, leaving the Hokage lips to twitch. Sora came and left as he wished, he understood Sora hate speaking with people, but he was still the Hokage

"what do you want to do in life?" The 3rd Hokage asked seriously, Sora reminded him of a student he had, and if Sora were to be like that student, he would kill him.

"In life? If you asked me a few years ago, I would have said Hokage, but it's such a troublesome job. but now it's simply to do what I enjoy most, learning new stuff. the more you know, the more you realized how little you knew. I find that shocking..." Sora said softly while stopping to look at him

"you don't want to live forever? gain unmatched power or something like that?" He asked to which Sora shook his head

"Living forever is its form of torture, unmatched power would make everyone fear you, another form of torture. live a life that you can be proud of, and I guess mine is learning and spreading my knowledge." Sora said softly making the 3rd Hokage look at him deeply for some time before he nodded with a smile.

and like that, Sora left, the next day Sora became a Shinobi and got his headband, but unlike the others, he had no team. instead, he was put under the 3rd Hokage which shocked the whole class who were put in teams of 3.

the 3rd Hokage came to get Sora and gave Sora his workspace, where Sora worked as he wished, but he also trained with the 3rd Hokage. Sora understood that the 3rd Hokage wasn't some super nice man, the reason he was under him was so that the 3rd Hokage could lead Sora down the right path, and if he couldn't he would be the one to kill him.

"your improvement is high, how did you get so much stronger?" the 3rd Hokage asked after blocking Sora's kick. there were 3 classes of jutsu within this world, Ninjutsu which was the class where a shinobi used chakra to do techniques,

Taijutsu was like body techniques and Genjutsu which were illusions. Sora in the past was above average within all of them, scoring 6 out of 10. but now, he would score a 10

"It's simple, I have been thinking of taijutsu in the wrong way. I simply got to calculate your moves and make the move to counter. it's like a math problem, you are the problem and my move is the answer." Sora said making the 3rd Hokage lips twitch

"I have been looking at things in the wrong light for many years, thats what I get for listening to others and not trying to find my way to see the world," Sora said calmly, the 3rd Hokage's lips twitched none stop. could seeing things in a new light make one such a huge improvement?

"anyways, I want to take on a C rank mission, and since you would not give me the scroll of sealing even after Naruto got his hands on it, I rather set off and make some money," Sora said calmly, making the 3rd Hokage lips twitch none stop. how did Sora know Naruto got the scroll of Seal, it was not something anyone should know

but this was not the first time Sora said something he shouldn't know, from the Uchiha clan's plan to attack the village to Naruto having the 9 tail fox within him, even as a kid Sora came to such a conclusion,

"that was top secret as well? Naruto just goes around showing the Multi shadow clone jutsu and with the chaos a few days back... you are not good at keeping things a secret." Sora said with a shake of his head, making the 3rd Hokage want to hit something. not everyone was like you.

"then again, you have spies among you... so you have a mission in mind?" Sora asked calmly, but his words caused the 3rd Hokage to freeze

"what do you mean by spies?" he asked seriously, making Sora look at him weirdly, which only made the 3rd Hokage want to hit something.

"Danzo, is it hard to guess? from the history books, it wasn't hard to guess he became your shadow Hokage. which would explain how he suddenly got a huge jump in states. although he stays in the shadows, his ripples can be seen. going back to the day of the 9 tail attacks, everyone moved to do something, all but Danzo, and I'm guessing he has Anbu like yours to help him. so the fact he did nothing that day means he wasn't in the village or just stood there." Sora said calmly, making the 3rd frown

"after all that, somehow the whole village found out that Naruto was a monster, and word of the Uchiha clan being the main cause of the 9 tail attack spread. now, there should only be a few people who would spread such news, high-ranking members of the hidden leaf. but there are even fewer if you take into account who would not trust the Uchiha clan." Sora said

"the second Hokage had 3 students, among them were you, and Danzo. the second Hokage also didn't like the Uchiha clan much, it's reasonable to guess that his dislike could have spread to someone. if what I'm saying is true, it would explain why they didn't move to stop the 9 tails attack. they wanted a take the 4th Hokage death, and for them to take over as the 5th Hokage, but you stepped in, and I would not be shocked if he tried to take your life." Sora said making the 3rd Hokage look at him with a heavy look

"Such a man has been quiet for too long, which I find hard to believe, so either he is cooking something, or he is waiting for something. in other words, your life might be shorter than you think if you are this relaxed." Sora said making the 3rd Hokage take a deep breath

"This will be all for today," He said while disappearing, he was nothing more than a shadow clone, and once he disappeared he left behind a smoke, which quickly disappeared.

'the 3rd Hokage is easy to control. he is too gentle, for his good. but Danzo on the other hand needs to die.' Sora thought while heading home,