
A Conquer Accurses the Omniverse

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Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs


In this shinobi world, the power system was ranked as this. the lowest starting with an academy student. these were still kids who were learning the way of a ninja, and the world, but during times of war, they are sometimes sent out on missions

above this was genin. Genin also meant low Ninja, unlike academy students they can take on missions. When they become genin, ninjas start to do their bit for their village's economy, being sent on missions for which the village gets paid. They are typically sent either on D-rank missions, which are almost entirely risk-free jobs of manual labor, or, rarely, on C-rank tasks, which are a cut above that and begin to verge on real "ninja" work that has a very low possibility of risk to the ninja involved.

Chunin was ranked above Genin, which meant middle ninja. Chunin are ninjas who have reached a level of maturity and ability primarily consisting of leadership skills and tactical prowess. Chūnin is typically sent on C-rank or B-rank missions. Academy teachers are also Chunin

special Jonin was ranked above Chuin, which meant Special High-rank Ninja. Jonin are ninjas who, rather than having all-around jōnin skills, only excel in a specific area.

Jonin is ranked above Special Jonin, which meant High Jonin. Jonin are generally highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serve as military captains. Jōnin is generally able to use at least two types of elemental chakra. It is not unusual for jōnin to go on missions alone. They are often sent on A-rank missions, and if experienced enough, S-rank missions as well

Above Jonin was a Kage, which meant Shadow. is a title reserved for the leader of one of the Five Great Shinobi Countries' hidden villages? They are collectively known as the Five Kage. A Kage oversees the activities of their village, from sending ninjas on missions to making the hard decisions regarding the safety of their people. A village's Kage is generally acknowledged as its most powerful ninja.

The Hidden Leaf is considered the strongest village in the world, it also had a rich background with the first Hokage being the first person to ever build a village. a village is a place where a bunch of other clans come together. this just shows the might of the first Hokage to have so many other clans come together

the first Hokage actions led others to follow in his lead and before long, the great shinobi countries were born, with the hidden leaf leading as the strongest. the second Hokage was the younger brother of the first Hokage,

the second Hokage created many jutsu, but he had a great dislike for the Uchiha clan as they killed one of his brothers in an area where the shinobi world was yet to be born. although he dislike them, it wasn't to the point of wishing to kill them all, he knew their potential and was on guard against them.

The second Hokage went on to lead a team of 3, the future 3rd Hokage and the future shadow Hokage were amongst them.

the 4th Hokage was considered the youngest Hokage, at the age of 23 he stood as Hokage, but for the sake of the village, he sacrificed himself a year later to stop the 9 tail fox. this forced the 3rd Hokage to step back up as Hokage, even though he was old.

many things happen within the shadow, and Sora already knew a good amount of it. the Uchiha clan was something that was disliked thanks to the Uchiha clan ancestor, a man known as Madara Uchiha.

the only man to rival the likes of the first Hokage. the foundation of the hidden leaf was built off the 2 most powerful people of their time, along with their clan. but the Uchiha clan was pushed and pushed, and a few years ago they reached their limits. due to their abilities, the Uchiha clan were easily influenced by their emotions and were prideful

So, they planned to lunch a coup d'état. but this was a bad idea, the Uchiha clan power was something not to be looked down upon. if they were going to do such a thing, win or lose, the hidden leaf would suffer.

with so many villages eyeing the hidden leaf village, a war would break out, and most likely than not, the Hidden Leaf would disappear from the face of the world. So, this is where Sasuke's brother stepped in, Itachi Uchiha

Danzo knew the type of person Itachi was, he used that to have him stop this by killing everyone within the clan. of course, Itachi tried his best to convince his father not to go down this path, but in this village, his father was headstrong

left with no other choice, Itachi in a night slaughtered the who Uchiha clan, of course, was not alone in doing this, but just two people slaughtered the whole clan, children and old alike... but in the end, Itachi couldn't kill his brother.

So, he didn't kill Sasuke. instead, he had Sasuke hate him. Wanting Sasuke to kill him, in the end, Itachi forced Danzo into keeping far away from his brother, and the 3rd Hokage not wishing such a thing ever to happen promised to protect Sasuke. after which, Itachi left to act as a spy to protect the hidden leaf in other ways.

Danzo after that day lost his title as the shadow Hokage, yet he disappeared into the shadows. it was only with Sora's words that the 3rd Hokage realized that he might have let his guard down against this old friend of his.

It didn't take long, for the 3rd Hokage to find out that Root was still active. Root was a branch of Konohagakure's Anbu training subdivision. Root was officially disbanded after the Uchiha Clan Downfall due to Danzō spearheading the tragedy but remained active as an underground organization. Despite the 3rd order to disband the group, the members remained loyal to Danzō, his orders being the highest priority over even the Hokages.

to say the least, the 3rd Hokage was not happy seeing that Danzo even after so long was acting in secret. but what made him more curious was the fact that Sora seemed to already know this... no, he too should have known this, but he overlooked it.

a few days passed, and a week after being put under the 3rd Hokage, Sora got to go on his first mission. Sora was too arrogant to take a D-rank mission, why would he lower himself to do such trashy work?

It was a simple bear hunt, a bear had been attacking a nearby village, and Sora simply had to kill the bear or have the bear move far away from the village.

"since when does the Hokage have the time to go out on missions?" Sora asked while looking at the 3rd Hokage who was jumping from tree branch to branch with him. The 3rd Hokage smiled at Sora's words,

"I'm the team leader," He said with a smile, to which Sora shook his head.

"or maybe you've been in the village for too long you were looking forward to a little walk," Sora said calmly, making the 3rd Hokage laugh as Sora hit the mark. Sora shook his head, before ignoring the old man.

it took only a few minutes for them to arrive at their locations, at which point Sora first located the bear which didn't take long with his tracking skills, at which point he took out a few herbs he had brought before coming here. The 3rd Hokage watched in confusion, as Sora mixed the two.

"the normal Bear has a sense of smell that is more than 2,000 times stronger than that of the average human. this one should have a sense of smell stronger than that, so I plan to take its strong ability as its disadvantage," Sora said calmly while missing the herbs together, and quickly a smell which caused the 3rd Hokage's face to twist slightly,

Sora ignored him before disappearing, putting his creation around the small village, and some around the bear cave. Sora went on to watch as the bear rushed out of its cave, running far away from the smell.

Sora ran after the bear, attacking it with his creations, causing the bear to run for its life. when the bear was far away enough, Sora turned and returned home, with the 3rd Hokage who was slightly disappointed as he wanted to see Sora fight the bear.

although it was a bear, a mid-Genin should be able to fight the bear and have a 50-50 chance to pull off a win. but Sora didn't bother to fight, and simply had it run away, something which helped him understand the type of person Sora was

a few days upon returning home, the 3rd Hokage gave Sora a scroll that held the hidden leaf's strongest jutsu, most of them being forbidden jutsu.

"I want to start with the forbidden jutsu. for example this Jutsu." Sora said calmly as he pulled out a Jutsu called the Lightning Cutter. Forbidden jutsu were jutsu that could kill the user, because of this they were labor forbidden

"you think you can so easily fix an S-rank jutsu?" The 3rd Hokage asked only to be answered with Sora's calm eyes, leaving him quiet.

"It seems to get a good understanding of this jutsu I need to master my chakra control and know my natural releases. just tell me the way to go about it, I don't want to waste years' worth of progress because I trust my leaders." Sora said calmly, making the 3rd Hokage want to hit something, but he nodded as he pulled out a paper.

There were 2 types of chakra control, the first one is one Sora had already mastered. Shape transformation. Shape transformation deals with controlling the form, movement, and potency of one's chakra, and determining the size, range, and purpose of a technique.

the second type was Nature transformation. Nature transformation deals with the molding and defining of the nature of one's chakra, altering its properties and characteristics for use in techniques. There are also the nature transformations of Yin and Yang, which deals with changing the ratio of spiritual and physical energies within the chakra.

In general, every person's chakra has an affinity towards one of the five basic nature transformations. Affinity can at times be genetic, or at least common to a particular family. One's affinity can be determined using pieces of paper made from a special type of tree that is grown and fed with chakra. When this so-called "Chakra Induction Paper" is exposed to even the slightest hint of chakra, it reacts according to the chakra's latent element

Fire: the paper will ignite and turn to ash.

Wind: the paper will split in two.

Lightning: the paper will crinkle.

Earth: the paper will turn to dirt and crumble away.

Water: the paper will become wet/damp.

Shinobi have an easier time learning to create and control a chakra nature that matches their affinity, although even then it may take several years. Shinobi are not limited to the nature they have an affinity for, and it is common for jōnin to have mastered two natures. Although it is technically possible to master all five natures, it is very rare because how all individuals are naturally less inclined to certain elements, requiring much more training.

Shinobi capable of using all five natures including the first Hokage, second Hokage, 3rd Hokage, and a few others are the only shinobi known to have done so via normal means. it was just a small hand full of people, and they all were peak powers within this world,

Aside from the five elemental nature transformations, two nature transformations are the source of all non-elemental techniques. There is Yin Release, based on the imagination and spiritual energy of a shinobi, and Yang Release, based on the vitality and physical energy of a shinobi. The transformation of Yin and Yang has to do with altering the balance between spiritual and physical energy in chakra.

Sora took the paper and put energy within and to the shock of the 3rd Hokage, the paper went through all 5 reactions, plus 2 others. a part of the paper began to disappear as if it was an illusion, and another part grew in size.

the 3rd Hokage's eyes almost popped seeing this sight, Sora had a talent for all 7 nature transformations, was this not too shocking?

he looked at Sora who had a slightly shocked look, Sora was of course shocked seeing how his chakra had such an effect. he never heard of this paper growing or part of it disappearing, so he was shocked, to say the least.

Sora clicked his tongue, if he knew he was so talented, he would have waited a few weeks before doing such things. his talent might be troublesome,

"you are impressive," He said softly, to which Sora shrugged slightly,

"I expected more from myself, so how do I convert my chakra to lightning," Sora asked calmly, making the 3rd Hokage speechless

"Why do you want to grow stronger?" He asked softly, making Sora look at him for a moment before sighing.

"Why do you worry so much? do you think I will run off seeking people to experiment on? or that I will want to take your position as Hokage? at most, I would only want to become the shadow Hokage. I'm not Orochimaru. I'm not a coward with a god complex. I'm Sora, I'm not a fool who becomes a monster for the sake of trying to live forever." Sora said calmly, making the 3rd Hokage frown while he glared at him, only for Sora to glare back at him.

"Old man, keep looking down upon me and we will have a problem. A man without rules is no better than a dog. Are you calling me a future dog? A low-life coward?" Sora asked coldly, leaving the 3rd Hokage speechless as Sora seemed to be offended.

"Just where do you get your arrogance from?" He asked with a sigh, to which Sora sneered and said nothing else. The 3rd smiled slightly, but he had to admit, Sora's arrogance made it easier for him to read.

"why didn't you kill the bear that day?" He asked softly, making Sora's eyebrow raise for a moment before he shrugged.

"A beast jumps to killing without looking for other peaceful means to deal with things. Killing is a shortcut and a path for the weak-minded. don't look down upon me thinking I'm so weak." Sora said calmly, making the 3rd Hokage's lips twitch.