
a collection of #PROMPTS & mini stories

Super cliche fanfic tropes I will literally never get tired of... #prompts

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111 Chs

91 - Lemon Cake #KookV (a follow up on no.89)

It was past one am when Taehyung threw off his bed covers and crept into the kitchen barefoot to see if there was an extra slice left for him by the chef.

He opened the refrigerator door quietly and carefully, as the light spilt across the room, he gasped, there at the table was Jungkook, eating a sandwich.

"You can't sleep either?" he said with amusement in his voice.

Taehyung's heart seemed caught in his throat, "I was.. looking for cake. I didn't know anyone would be in here. I'm sorry to bother you. I'll just be on my way."

"No, you're welcome to come in here for a snack. Please, join me. Which cake is it that you're looking for?"

"The lemon cake. Don't tell me you don't remember it!"

"Haha! I rarely eat sweets, but I'm glad you liked it. Jin hyung loves making desserts."

"Really?! Yey! More for me then. I came here as I was dreaming of eating one. This cake, oh, you have to try it. I mean... you haven't tried 'this' one," he said, reaching into the refrigerator as he sees the last slice.

A square-cut soft white cake layered with pale yellow lemon filling and a light creamy glaze.

Taehyung's mouth watered just looking at it. He then placed it on the table and pressed a fork into the softness of the cake, watching the rest of the sliced spring back, he bites away and wiggled as happiness overcame his body.

Then Taehyung held the fork out to Jungkook, "Here, you get the second bite," he offered.

"I'm fine. You enjoy it."

"No. No. You'll be better than fine when I'm done with you. I mean, the cake. It's good. You'll like it," he said, cursing himself for babbling around him every single time.

Jungkook leaned forward and ate off the fork he held, letting Taehyung feed him.

He watched Jungkook's perfect mouth in the dim light, watched him capture the morsel of cake, while he felt his legs weaken and quiver.

He wanted to sink into a chair or onto a bed with Jungkook, preferably on top of him.

Taehyung's cheeks flamed at the realization that feeding him that bite of the cake had been the most erotic thing he'd ever seen.

"Mmm. That is good," he said, looking at Taehyung, "Thank you."

Flustered, Taehyung cut a huge portion and stuffed it in his mouth, unthinking. He needed something to do besides thinking of kissing or biting Jungkook or whatever his stupid brain had just come up with.

Taehyung nearly finished the cake and crossed to get a drink of water and to put some distance between them.

"How was your first week here?" Jungkook asked conversationally.

"It was great. A little busy, but I got to meet the true love of my life," Taehyung giggled and gave a half-smile as he pointed at his plate, "..This cake!"

"Jin hyung will be happy to hear that. He's quite vain."

"He has a reason to be. This is a bigger accomplishment than any scientist. To make something like this good. I'd buy it if I could."

"He doesn't sell them commercially. They're only available through me," Jungkook said as he slightly puffs out his chest.

"Is that how you seduce people? Let them taste this cake and then say the only way to access it is through you?" Taehyung said, a light teasing tone present on his tongue, "Because I bet it would work."

"Strangely, I've never had to bribe anyone with cake to get them into bed."

"I can see why, but if your charm ever fails, use the cake to close the deal," he advises.

"I'll be sure to keep a ready supply just in case."

Jungkook gave Taehyung a sexually charged look that only a man who is confident and experienced could give.

The sexual tension and chemistry between them were practically exploding.

Taehyung licked his lips, "Last bite. Do you want it?"

"Sure," Jungkook answered.

He let Taehyung feed him the final forkful of cake.

There was something about it, the chill that went through Taehyung's skin that brought out goosebumps, the frisson of attraction, even heady lust that he felt when he fed him.

He'd wanted to see if it was a fluke or if he inspired that sort of reaction every time.

Unfortunately, Jungkook still caused those sparks across his skin.

Taehyung quietly lowered the fork and took the empty plate to the sink, he didn't want to leave him there, didn't want to go back to the solitude of his room just yet, so he started some small talk.

"Did you have a good Friday?"

"Yes, I did. I got the green light to buy a factory in Busan to expand the business and the company stock prices went up."

"That's good to hear. You made lots of money today," Taehyung said, "Oh, by the way, you went out last night. Was your dinner good?"

"I guess? The food's excellent but my dinner companion was a little moody."



"I thought it was a business, not for pleasure."

"Yes, I was on a date," Jungkook slightly smirks.

"Oh," Taehyung said again, trying to mask his disappointment.

Of course, a man who looked like that who had had his penthouse and a man who recently bought another factory would have a date.

Why would he have thought he was single?

It was stupid.

"They're lucky to score a date from you," Taehyung mumbles.

"She nit-picked her plate and continued to pout through dinner," Jugkook said, "I wasn't impressed. I get little free time so I don't like spending it with mercurial people."


"Moody. You know, people whose emotions are up and down. She was a pain in the ass to deal with."

"Ah, yes. I know people like that.."

"So do I. It doesn't seem to be a problem that confines itself to one's belief, conviction, race or country. They're everywhere."

"I'm sorry your girlfriend's a pain in the ass," Taehyung giggles.

"I'm sorry, too. Especially since I had a better time eating cake with you than I did feasting on salmon with a nasty heiress."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Taehyung said.

He playfully held his nightshirt on either side and bobbed a curtsey. He then realized too late that his nightshirt was already halfway up his thighs, so it went up way too high.

Flustered and profusely blushing, Taehyung told him good night and then ran out.