
a collection of #PROMPTS & mini stories

Super cliche fanfic tropes I will literally never get tired of... #prompts

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105 - ISEKAI'D N' SHIT #KookV

I am Jeon Jungkook, turn 30 years old in a few minutes, occupation is Programmer.

Day after day, I'm pressed for time and various projects, repeatedly doing overtime, I don't even have time to get a life partner.

'You can become a magician if you're still a virgin at the age of 30.'

That urban legend crossed my mind as I look up at the ticking clock on the wall.

"Preferably, it would be great if there was magic to quickly finish my work

I become a magician."

Being slowed down by such trivial thoughts I finally got the new VR system working with the bug fixes.

I finished up the rest of my work since I never thought that I'll be spending my milestone here in the office as I do overtime for the Nth time.

"Happy Birthday to me... I guess.."

I let out a long sigh and drank my stale coffee, I lost my focus and my vision grew white and I was enveloped in darkness and heard a mechanical voice.

"Loading... Soul Player 001."



A floating notification board popped up.


Language Acquisition

Skill Mastery Acquisition

•[Space-Time Magic] Acquired

•[Information Magic] Acquired


Another notification popped up.


Name: Jeon Jungkook

Occupation: SE (System Engineer)

Condition: Normal • No Status Ailment

Level: ∞

HP: ∞

MP: ∞

Power: ∞

Mana: ∞


[Space-Time Magic]

Level: MAX




Future Prediction



[Information Magic]

Level: MAX






Language Acquisition

Skill Mastery Acquisition

MP, Mana and Power are abnormally infinite.

When I clicked on the description, the details of the magic were displayed when I thought about wanting to know about the details of Space-Time Magic.

[Space-Time Magic]

Quick: ☆☆☆☆☆

• Speed up your own or a target's time

Slow: ☆☆☆☆☆

• Slow down a target's time

Barrier: ☆☆☆☆☆

• A barrier to intercept physical, magic attacks

• Can freely choose what to intercept

Prediction: ☆☆☆☆☆

• Can predict from a few seconds to a few days into the future

※ MP consumption is greater for further prediction time

Inventory: ☆☆☆☆☆

• Can freely deposit and withdraw items

• Living creatures cannot be stored

• Time of the items stored inside is separately stopped, advanced or reverse

Teleportation: ☆☆☆☆☆

• Can teleport to places that were previously visited

※ Places seen thru the use of [Tracking] from [Information Magic] can also be transferred to

※ Transfer to another world can only be done once a day

The thing that caught my eye the most was the last line, the 'Transfer to another world.'

If I use [Teleportation] to go to another world, coming from another world's view, does that mean I can return to South Korea?


Next, I checked [Information Magic].

[Information Magic]

Vigilance: ☆☆☆☆☆

• Passive skill will sense danger

※ If coupled with [Future Prediction] from [Space Time Magic] user can sense danger in advance

Map: ☆☆☆☆☆

• Can check the map of the area and your current location

• Information sensed by [Vigilance] and [Tracking] can be displayed

• Any information confirmed is automatically filled in on the map

Appraisal: ☆☆☆☆☆

• Information can be displayed and can be read

• If coupled with [Information Magic] increases information obtained

Concealment: ☆☆☆☆☆

• Can disguise the results of other's [Appraisal]

Tracking: ☆☆☆☆☆

• Target can be tracked with a beacon

• Can check target's location

• Can check video and audio of target's surroundings

• Video and audio is recorded and can be played back

Language Acquisition: ☆☆☆☆☆

• Can learn any language by consuming MP, the amount learnt varies

Skill Mastery Increase: ☆☆☆☆☆

• Can quickly acquire new skills

• Skill Mastery level can quickly increase

At least I understand the details of each skill.

I tried checking with [Map], however, it only displayed a red dot inside a white square, I guess it represents this room.

"This blank infinite room feels more of a space for preparation.

In that case, let's hide my current status with [Concealment] just in case.

Status [C]

Name: Jungkook

Occupation: Mercantile (Merchant)

Level: 13

HP: 190

MP: 100

Power: 99

Occupation Ability: 11

Endurance: 58

Mana: 80


[Information Magic]

Level: 10

• Vigilance


"Oh, another notice appeared."

PLAYER 001 will be transferred in


A timer was shown, counting down my remaining time inside this room.

Well, I guess that's it for me.

"Can someone tell me where I'm going to?"

I shouted to no one.

And no one answered back.

"Sigh... How mysterious this is.."

Before I knew it, I was standing in the centre of a grand stone room.


Sounds of a faint audio glitch can be heard.

Looking around I can see a person in front of me, who seemed to be the head honcho of this place, was saying something. He was speaking in a language I've never heard of, I have no idea what he's trying to say.


A notice appeared, Synching… Genos Language.

The [Language Acquisition] Condition took its effects.

Wha... Have I... come to another world?

There were people crowded around me, murmuring to each other, that seemed like nobles or medieval aristocrats and soldiers.

I don't understand the situation... at all.

I had an idea what he was saying, but he tried handing something over to me.

As I was dumbfounded with this sudden 'event' occurrence, a magician-like man beside the king came close to me.

I reflexively received a faintly shining stone.

Although I had no idea what I should do with it, suddenly a faint light from the stone grew and enveloped my body.

"Hero, do you understand my words?"

"Huh?...Um, yes. I can"

"Good, please keep holding onto that stone."

Is this some kind of translating magic stone... jewel thing?

I didn't need it but they didn't need to know that.

Also, why are they referring to me as a hero?


"That's a 'Magic Stone of Language.' It seems to function well."

"I see, well..."

"I am King Sooman. Hero, I welcome you."

The king began talking, he seemed arrogant.

It's probably natural since he's king?

Next to the king was another figure staring at me with a serious expression.

I wonder if he's the Prince?

But they don't look alike.

Oh, right. I guess I can consider this as a medieval era?

"Let's begin checking his status, chief mage."

The king ignored me and ordered his subordinates. The magician-like man began chanting an incantation towards me.

"Stay still, Hero. Assess criterion. Invoking 'Appraisal'!"

As the robed man finished chanting the spell, he approached the king, whispering something to him.

I still don't grasp the situation well and decided to observe the situation further.

"Hero, I mean... um, this may be sudden, but what was your occupation before coming here?


Oh! He's talking about my false status!

"Businessman. I sell stuff."

"I see! So... you're a merchant..?"

The king frowned and seemed to have understood something.

While thinking about how to get more information out of the robed man, the king advanced the conversation himself.

"Alright, then prepare to perform the 'Ritual of Skill Acceptance.'

The man from before placed something on an extravagant tray, bringing it in front of me.

Taking off the cloth covering the tray, there was a transparent blue gem-adorned on a leather collar.

Is that what I think it is...?!

The gem had a menacing atmosphere and the leather collar felt rather large compared to those used by a dog.

When I looked up, the man beside the king, from before, had a surprise then turned to a dreadful look.

For some reason when he saw the collar, the king didn't seem to mind and hurried a little to advance the conversation.

"That gem is called a 'Mana Fragment.' A stone that grants you power related to your profession. Next is the 'Choker of Magic' which is a protective gear that defends oneself from an enemy's magic," the king rapidly explained.

"First you'll receive power from touching the fragment, then put on the choker, okay?"

Why was he in such a hurry?

Hearing the king's explanation, the man from before was surprised once again and whispered something to the king, trying to stop what's happening but the king waved his hand and ignored him.

"Come, what are you doing? Let's quickly perform the ritual."

He's rushing me to do it.

I was bothered by the man's behaviour, I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere and reached my hand towards it.

Looking at the choker, for some reason in regards to wearing the choker, I felt an indescribably dangerous feeling.

Then, looking towards the man inadvertently, the man was extremely disturbed and averted his eyes away from me.

There must be something to this, when I was nearly touching the gem, another notice appeared.


A transparent window then appeared in front of me, displaying the results of the appraisal.


Slave's Choker

Rarity: ☆☆

- An orc leather-made choker that makes the person equipped with it a 'Slave.'

"Come, what are you doing? Quickly put on that sla- Choker of Magic."

Makes the person equipped with it a 'Slave!'

"W-What are you doing!" the king was extremely upset.

I ignored the king and tried to think of a way to get out of the situation.

This collar is a Slave's Choker, what is the reason for this?

The king was extremely upset, but I pointed it out and remained silent.

The people around began talking louder after seeing the situation.

I would have been a 'Slave' if it went on a little longer, I was saved thanks to the man's behaviour.

In the man's case, he had a relieved expression.

The man knew about the choker, was he not able to say it?

"Since there seems to have been a mistake, you can go without the choker."

Look at this king.. how shameless can you be?

He knew about it and yet he tried getting me to equip it!

I decided to not trust the people of this country.

Except for that nice man.


For now, since I don't know what to do, I secretly put up a [Barrier] to defend against physical and magic attacks.

I was finished with checking the status of everyone in the room while I talked about what I can do now that they've summoned me in their realm/world.

The man stood as the king and a few select men huddled together, he seemed nervous.

"D-Don't misunderstand! It's not like I intend to use it for anything weird! Stay there... He- Merchant."

He was about to say 'Hero,' aren't you?

For now, let's try using [Appraisal] on him.

{Target - Status}

Name: Taehyung • Kim Clan

Occupation: Prince of Genos Kingdom

Level: 80

HP: 89

MP: 120

Power: 77

Occupation Ability: 87

Endurance: 81

Mana: 95


[Water Magic]

Level: 45

• Water Control

[Recovery Magic]

Level: 68

• Illness Mitigation

• Illness Resistance

So.. the pretty man's name is Taehyung, he is a prince, huh~?

And skilled in Water and Recovery Magic.

I see I see.

I decided to try using the [Tracking] skill, a map was displayed and a flashing dot showing Taehyung's position appeared.

I can sense the location of the tracking, video and audio streamed into my head was added.


A close-up of the prince's face and everyone else's suddenly streamed in.

I can hear the voices of the king's group whispering.

"We failed! He's not even a 'Hero.' We also failed the enslavement ritual. At this rate, that guy will be a threat!"

"Chief Mage, Commander, how should we deal with him?"


"Knight Commander Jin-young, I'll give this job to you."

"My king, what kind of job is it?"

"Hmmm.. I'll attract that guy's attention, you'll kill him from behind with your sword."

"Understood, please leave it to me," he said as he gave a firm nod


Deciding to kill me all of a sudden?

What's with the people of this country!?

I'll also use [Appraisal] on that guy called Jin-young.

{Target - Status}

Name: Jin-young • Park Clan

Occupation: Genos Kingdom's Knight Leader

Level: 70

HP: 150

MP: 120

Power: 170

Occupation Ability: 120

Endurance: 140

Mana: 119


[Sword Techniques]

Level: 29

• Vertical Slash

• Double Slash

The man seems strong, there's no way I could kill him if we fought normally.

I don't have a weapon either.

I guess I'll have to somehow use my skills, I did put up a barrier.

But how many attacks can it defend against?

Since I don't know the extent of an attack it can defend against, I can't rely on it much.

While thinking about that, a red dot appeared on the map showing Jin-young's position.

Is this because I recognise him as a threat?

After a while, the king's group seemed to have finished whispering and the people who gathered returned to their original positions in front of me.

While the commander moved towards behind me under the cover of the crowd.

The king began to speak with a forced, bombastic speech, "I've made you wait, thou we summoned you to subdue the demon lord. To begin with, a demon lord is something that carries out atrocious acts-"

The king, and the mage, seemed to frequently look at the commander while making his speech.

Then at that time, the prince tried to stop the murder plot by interjecting, "F-Father! This kind of things, please st-"

"Taehyung! Know your place!"

Prince Taehyung interrupted the king's speech, trying to stop the inevitable, but the king began to angrily shouting.

"Taehyung, I'm talking about something important right now. Wait in another room, we'll talk once I'm done!"

"But Father!"

"Enough! You there!, the king pointed to the guards, "Take the prince and escort him to the waiting room!"

Prince Taehyung was surrounded by several soldiers and taken away by force.

After checking the [Tracking] video, the prince was taken out while he started to tear up.

Was Prince Taehyung trying to warn him about the danger?

While the grand room was noisy, the king sent a wink towards my behind.

Just to make sure, I use the [Slow] skill on the commander.

I suddenly sensed 'Danger' from behind.

I immediately warped and jumped across from my place to the side, as the sword swung down from behind, the metallic sound of the sword hitting the floor rang loudly.

It was the commander as I had expected.

The knight commander Jin-young noticed and began to pursue.

However, I had [Quick] on me, his attacks were like they were in slow motion to me.

I carefully observed the commander's actions and just before the moment his left foot stepped on the floor, I managed a leg sweep.

Breaking his posture as he used his left hand to stop his fall on the floor, but I kicked that left hand too.

Without any support, he crashed into the floor with his face.

In the interval, I jumped to the nearest soldier who was dumbfounded by what happened in front of him, I stole his sword.

Knight commander Jin-young stubbornly got up, charging towards me again, then the moment he swung down his sword at me, I finished up with a counter.


In the room that fell silent, the sound of the sword crashing down echoed loudly.

I quickly stepped inside his strike zone and swooped down and along with the opponent's sword, his wrist also fell.

"Guo.. ugh!!"

Geno Kingdom's Knight Commander tumbled in agony.

The people around held their breaths from the results of the event.



You 'Leveled Up'

The transparent notice board popped up, informing me of my level change.

I continued to read, Level rose to 10.

[Sword Techniques] acquired.

[Sword Techniques] ☆☆☆☆☆

[Sword Play] acquired.

[Sword Play] is now Level: MAX.

I didn't kill him, however, it seems my level and skills rose by defeating commander Jin-young.

While I gripped the blood-drenched sword, I slowly walked in front of the king.

The king was scared and pale.

"Now, what do you think of this, king?"

"What are you doing! Capture this guy everyone!"

However, no one moved.

"Y-You've got it wrong. That stupid guy, Jin-young did it on his own…"

How brazen and rude.

He just said to 'capture' me, then tries his unsightly excuse.

I [Playback] the video and audio of the conversation between the king and Jin-young that I heard earlier with [Tracking].

The video was projected with three dimensions in the centre of the room.

It was my first time using the skill and I made a little mistake with controlling the volume and ended up playing the video at a high volume.

It wasn't on purpose, but who's going to fault me for that?

The conversation between the king and his cronies played back and the people in the room became noisy.

"W-what the... What was that just now!?" the embarrassed king shouted.

"In my world, we call that a 'recording' of your conversation with your little group."

"'Recording' you say..," the robed man tried to say the foreign word.

"King, you had clearly said to 'kill him,'' one of the people in the room interjected.

The king's face turned pale and he began to tremble, "I am the king! I'm free to do what I want with the life of the likes of a commoner!"


You're angry at me!?

"South Korea's a democratic country so I'm not a commoner. Hmm... Going with your logic, for me to survive here, I need to destroy this country? To destroy... isn't killing you, the king, the quickest way?"

"Y-Y-You're saying you'll kill me, the king!?"

"There's no choice other than to do so, for me to survive, right? Honestly, I don't want to do such a thing. However, I have no choice."

I slowly approached the king.

"S-Stop! Someone! Kill this guy!! H-Hurry up! SOMEONE!!!"

Unfortunately for him, no one moved.

As I approached closer, the king let out an ugly scream and fainted.


I put up barriers around the king,

I can tell that the king was completely terrified before he fainted, but I still have the robed man.

Then I came up with a good idea.

"You," I called out to the magic man.

He started to stutter, "R-Right! Don't you want to go back to your original world?" he offered.


"I-If you kill me, you'll lose your way to go back to your original world!"

"Hmm, I see.. so that's what you meant."

"If you get it then quickly let me out of here. And then be on your way... Hurry up!!"

"Fvck No! No way in hell!"


"I don't believe you'd keep your promise at all. I have the king and I can't leave yet. You seem much eviler to me than the stupid head of this kingdom, don't you think?"

"W-Wha? That's a stupid thing to say. I'm more evil than the king!? I am just a mage!!"

"Try remembering what you've done! You abduct me to this country that I'm unrelated with. You try to trick me with a Slave collar. You plotted to kill me with the king but when that fails, you tempt me an offer to return home. Who in this world would be eviler than you?"


"Even though I have the occupation of a 'Merchant,' I still have the skills that are on par with a 'Hero.' Don't you think I should subdue the greatest evil in this world? Everyone else here, what do you think?」

Abruptly questioning the people around, they became noisy.

"I'm evil and should be subdued!? There's no way I can be evil! Don't you think so everyone!?"

However, the people around were still noisy but no one answered the question and he fell to his knees.

Did I go a little too far?

I decided to quickly finish up.

"Everyone! I've decided to spare the lives of these three this time. I was a summoned being to this world, appoint the prince as the new ruler of this kingdom. However, if anyone makes the same mistake again, I won't show any mercy. Remember, I'm a stronger being in this kingdom. I'll be monitoring everyone, keep that in mind. Now then, farewell!"

After I put away the blood-covered sword into my [Inventory], everyone was dead silent.

I departed the place using [Teleportation].

~~~TBC 2021•11•05