
A cliché gamer Fic about a dude traveling worlds as a dog

A dude that has no vivid memories about his past gets the gamer system but is reincarnated as a dog as a result of a gacha. (This will be a lot of fun...For me anyway) (Was bored browsing Webnovel and then looked at some random picture of a dog in spartan armor and got an idea for a fic. So don't expect too much from this.) (Chapter length will vary.)

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 21: How tf is it not over yet?

Escaping Gil's gate was a lot easier than I thought it would be. At first, I had tried to make a portal to Illya but that failed for some reason so instead, I had happened to remember that my speak blows things away. So it might be possible to blow a way out of here.

A stretch I know but there was no other option.

And what do you know? It actually worked! I had blown a hole, along with 5 football fields worth of treasure, away, and opened up a portal back to the now...I can't even call them docks anymore because now there is only water left.

The wharf was completely obbliterated.

No sign that it was even there in the first place.

So I was forced to jump out and into the sea below unless I wanted to say inside the gate forever. Swimming was...a challenge with a coat as thick as mine and when I had finally, after a few hours, gotten to land I was not physically but more mentally exhausted.

The matted and sticky fur clung to my now shivering and wet body. This was not a pleasant experience, thankfully there was a nearby pit of fire that could heat me up.

So now I'm resting by the fire, one of two servants left who can claim the corrupted holy grail of which I didn't smell, sense, or see in the waters below meaning assassin has it. Or one sneaky slimy son of a bitch managed to survive the nuke and grab it.

Either way.

This is going to be a long war... Hopefully anyway.


So what now?

[Why are you asking me? Don't you have a child to visit?]

Well, I would, but currently, the connection has been severed completely so I can't actually make a portal to her location.

[Huh, that means either she hates you.]

Not possible.

[Or she thinks your dead.]

But I'm not dead.

[You see that news copter in the air?]

I look up and do indeed see a news helicopter hovering over the now destroyed docks. Huh, so that means that Illya watched the news and thinks I'm dead. This also means she thinks Iri is dead. I don't know if she thinks that Kiritsugu is dead and even if she did I doubt she would care all that much but losing a mother wasn't something you want an 8-year-old to experience.


[So, what are we doing now?]

I'm going back to the estate obviously. Illya's mental state is guaranteed to be in shambles right now and even if we haven't known each other for long I could help just a bit.

[I don't think that's such a good idea.]

Why not?

[Because dodge.]

Because wha-
