
The Girl

Wei Jin ran out of the clan as fast as his little legs could carry him as he made his way around. He had been to the east before as well as to the west and north, so this time he would go to the south.

He walked around for a long time and took the sights in with his big bright eyes. He would talk to people that looked nice and some of the merchants he ran in to with their side stalls, but he would always be cautious. His mother had taught him not to trust any strange adults.

He wasn't sure why his mom was so serious at the moment when she told him, but he kept it too heart. Strolling around he was sweating under the midday sun so he decided he wanted to eat something cold.

Finding the nearest stall that sold something cold he dipped into his meager savings and bought himself 2 servings of a cold lolly. He would eat the first one when he found a good place to rest and the other on the way back.

Having bought the lollies and tucking them firmly in his hand he set out to find a cool place to have them. He would have to be quick before they started to melt.

Searching around quickly, he found a nice little park on his way. It was small and surrounded a small pond. Others could be seen walking around and admiring the beauty of the place, everything was tranquil.

This is the place, he decided in his head.

Rushing over to the pond he slipped off his sandals and gently dipped his toes in the water, it was refreshing. Pulling out the first cold lolly he started to suck on it as the cold feeling spread through his mouth.

It was a refreshing feeling that helped with the sweltering heat that he was facing. But it was at that moment as he started to relax that he realized that in such heat, his second lolly would start to melt before he even made his way back to the clan residence.

He had completely forgotten about this aspect when he ordered them. He wanted to stay out here for a good amount of time before heading back, but by then the lolly would have completely melted.

He was in a dilemma as he didn't want to have 2 of them too fast.

The last time he had done such a thing was when he got too hot while he was out and bought 4 in a row. He then gorged himself and his head had hurt so badly. He didn't want that to happen again so he wasn't sure what to do with the second lolly.

After racking his head for ages and not coming up with anything the lolly had started to slowly melt, he could feel the water dripping down it.

I can only throw it away; my head would hurt too much!

As he came to such a though his eyes showed the deep sorrow he felt. He had used his money but couldn't enjoy the lolly. He was on the verge of tears as he stared at the lolly in his hand when a small feminine voice came from behind him.

"What's wrong?"

The voice seemed concerned with what was happening with him. He couldn't hide his sad expression as he turned his head around and stared at the person who addressed him.

It was a girl around the same age as him, or so he guessed, she was slightly smaller than him and couldn't be over the age of 4. So most likely the same age as him.

She had black raven hair which was short and hanging above her shoulders. With 2 big limpid eyes with a blue iris, her face was smooth and without a blemish as she stared at him. Her face was a puzzled one as she stood in a tailor made summer dress.

She asked the question again as Jin continued to stare at her with his saddened eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Wei Jin finally snapped out of his day dream as he refocused on the girl in front of him. He had never seen someone as clear looking as this girl. She would be what his mother called cute. But of course his mother looked better.

Rousing his wandering thoughts he looked back at the lolly in his hands and felt sad again.

Still having the other lolly in his mouth he gestured towards the other one and spoke to the girl.

"I don't want to throw away the lolly but I have to."

"Why don't you eat it after the other one?"

The girl was completely confused with what this boy in front of her had said. Why did he have to throw it away?

Wei Jin flashed her a bitter smile, or as close you could get to one as he was only 3 years old.

"If I eat another one my head will hurt. That's no fun."


The girl could only reply like that as she completely didn't know this fact. She would note this down in her head so she wouldn't hurt her head in the future. She had, had these types of cold lollies before and knew that it wouldn't be too long before it would melt.

She could almost feel his sadness as it was such a hot day; those cold lollies were life savers. In the heat even she would want one. A light bulb suddenly seemed to go off in her head as her eyes gleamed, she raised her hands up and made an 'aha' sound. She then said in an excited voice.

"I know, I know."

Wei Jin grew excited as he saw the girl jumping about, it was a funny sight to see her so happy to have figure something out. She jumped a few times while saying that before Jin could get a word in. He was so excited he talked quickly.

"What is it? What is it?"

Both of them were repeating words now.

She rushed over to him and held his other hand; Wei Jin just looked dumbfounded at her.

What is she doing?

She gave him a huge smile as she excitedly talked.

"You can give it to me!"

She was so happy she shouted, attracting a few glances from the people around, but they just shook their heads at the sight of two kids playing around and got back to what they were doing.

Wei Jin's face became blank as he heard her words and thought about them. By feeling her palm he was able to tell that her body was hot in the weather around them, and he also couldn't eat it himself.

So why not?

He didn't have to think long before he gave her a huge smile and nodded. The girl was excited and hurriedly tried to snatch the lolly. Wei Jin moved his hand back making the girl go slightly off balance before tripping.

She fell to her knees and showed a teary expression towards him as he gave a small laugh. The laugh only made her face turn slightly angry as she gave him a hard stare. He chuckled again at the sight of her intimidating stare, as she looked very cute with her cheeks puffing up and eyes going wide.

"There's no need to rush, take a seat with me. I haven't even got your name yet!"

He said it in a teasing manner as he continued to stare at her changing expressions; he found them fun to look at.

The girl huffed slightly before tidying up her now dirtied dress as she sat next to the pond. She took off her elegant sandals and also dipped her feet into the pond. Her face warped as her feet touched the water and a happy smile soon returned to her face.

Wei Jin noticing this decided to give her the lolly and slowly gave it to her. She didn't seem to take what happened latter to heart and started to happily start eating the lolly. Wei Jin looked at her happily eating it, before he focused back onto the sight in front of him.

He liked the sight in front of him, he made a promise to himself to come back here often.

Continuing to suck on the cold lolly he and the girl sat with their feet dipped into the pond while cooling down.

After a while and his own cold lolly being completely eaten he finally looked back at the girl next to him, her lolly was also about to be finished.

He was getting slightly bored so he wanted to find out more about this girl. She looked the same age as him, he wanted to know if she was older or younger.

"So what is your name?"

The Girl finally looked in his direction as she was completely absorbed into relaxing, she thought about it for a second before her eyes shifted down to the lolly in her mouth. She huffed slightly before speaking.

"You should give your name first when asking a lady!"

She turned her face to the side slightly and raised her head as if to imitate a person she had seen before, but failed miserably in what she was trying to achieve as her eye kept shifting down to see what he was doing, before snapping ahead again.

Wei Jin felt the urge to laugh rise in him as he couldn't help but to chuckle.

"What do you mean? I asked first?"

His laughing had interrupted what she was trying to do and made her face fall; she knew she had messed up somehow. But she couldn't figure out where, her own mother always did this and the person she was talking to would have to answer her back firsts. Especially when they were a man, they would get especially flustered and speak first.

She wanted to do the same to this boy next to her, but she had messed up. She would have to ask her mother about it later.

She pouted slightly and tried to once again pull off the head turning move, raising her chin slightly higher.

"My mother says this all the time, so it must be the case!"

She harrumphed again to try and get across her point, but all that did was make Jin laugh louder.


He truly hadn't ever heard this before so, he was genuinely asking, but the way this strange girl had responded had left him laughing hard. He tried to control himself but couldn't stop it. After a good few seconds he could finally control himself , but cracked up again as he saw her eyes darting back and forth between him and the air in front of herself.

He laughed again before finally talking.

"Ok, I'm Wei Jin."

He said it proudly as he collected himself. He also puffed his chest out slightly and put his hand on his hips in a manly pose. He had seen his father do something similar in the past and thought it looked cool. So he was doing it now to get his points across.

The girl was starting to get annoyed with the boys laughter from next to her and was going to say something when he had suddenly done this action and said his name. With his chest puffed out her frowning face turned into a huge smile and she started giggling like made.

That soon turned into full blow laughter as she couldn't contain it. It was just such a funny sight that she had never seen.

As she laughed her head off and started to clutch her stomach in pain, Wei Jin was left deflated as he kept the same pose for a long moment. Realizing that she was laughing at him, his head started to turn a beet red in embarrassment as he slowly removed his arms and straightened himself.

*Cough* *Cough*

He started to cough to try and reduce his embarrassment; he had seen his father do it in front of his mother before. It had worked then. Coughing a few times to try and get her to stop, nothing worked as she continued to laugh.

By the time she stopped she was gasping for breath with a red face and had tears in her eyes. Seeing her expression Wei Jin's mood turned sour as he sulked to himself, and he finally let out a begrudging voice towards her.

"So what's your name?"

Hearing how down trodden he felt, the girl collected herself and tried not to think of the silly pose he just did, it would make her crack up again. Clearing her throat and putting on a dignified expression she turned and spoke to him in her most majestic voice which sounded really childish.

"I am, Feng Rou"

"That's a beautiful name."


Just as he was about to continue a bell sound rang out through the city. They both stopped what they were doing and looked up. Surprisingly it had already gotten quiet late, the sky was starting to become orange, and the sun was setting.

The both got up from the pond the temperature not having changed much. Before their feet were dried they both putt on their sandals and turned to each other.

As Wei Jin was about to say something, Rou interrupted him.

"Do you want to meet up tomorrow?"

He froze for a second and considered, deciding that he would like to meet her again he nodded.


He nodded his head in agreement and she nodded back at him. Wei Jin decided to clasp his hands and bow towards Feng Rou as he found that this was the most respectful thing he could do. Seeing the bow, Feng Rou also bowed in his direction and they both smiled at each other.

"Bye Wei Jin."

He interrupted her just as she was about to leave, he liked talking to her so he quickly responded.

"Call me Jin."

He gave her a smile before turning to leave. Feng Rou was surprised for a second before giggling and calling out to him.

"Then you can call me Rou."

He gave a laugh as well and they said their goodbyes.

"Bye Jin."

"Bye Rou."

They both went their separate ways as they called each other's first name.

A black figure suddenly flashed into being as they went their spate ways. The figure looked in the direction of the disappearing Wei Jin before flashing off in the direction Feng Rou went.

Hey guys new novel. Hope you guys enjoy it.

I wanted to be pretty accurate with the way of saying a Chinese name, with the last name first. But i could be wrong about some aspects and would love for some feedback.

I don't know if I'm any good at romance, how I doing so far?

This is a side project; my main novel is A God's Apocalyptic Entertainment and is nothing like this novel.

And yes they are 3 at the start here, please use imagination, lol.

Thanks for Reading :)

Zevrencreators' thoughts