
Feng Rou

Tell me where she is!


Wei Jin had to run fast to get back to his clan, he had spent too much time talking with his new friend. By the time he finally got to the clan, he could see his mother waiting at the entrance to the house with a frown on her pretty face.

Wei Jin gulped in an exaggerated manor; he knew he was going to get in trouble.

"Where have you been?"

It may have been asked in a calm manor, but Jin knew his mother was really angry this time. The calmer she was the worse it would be. He started to sweat as he remembered what happened last time his mother's voice was this calm. His ass still hurt from where he got smacked.

He backed up slightly as he started to stutter out a reply.

"uh, ar, um"

Before he could figure out what to say, his mother took a calm step forwards and appeared in front of him, placing her hands on his shoulders. He couldn't move his body as her calm voice continued.

"Do you know what time it is?"


"No wait!"

That was all that got out before he was picked up and manhandled into the building. Then for the next few minutes the sound of a chicken dying could be heard. As the sounds died down Wei Jin could be seen with his face on the ground and in an awkward position.

His butt was sticking in the air and trembling while he let out a groaning voice. He laid there on the group in the awkward position with no intention to move. He had tears in his eyes and looked to the left with a wronged expression.

His mother could be seen sitting at a table with a small cup of tea, her face betrayed a calm expression as if nothing had just happened. Next to her was a tall man with sword like eyebrows and dark hair. He was also drinking tea next to the beauty and had an amused expression on his face.

As he watched Wei Jin withering on the ground he spoke up in a chipper voice.

"So why were you so late back today?"

Wei Jin didn't even respond as he was still caught up in the pain of the moment.

"Honey I don't think we've taught our child enough."

As soon as he heard these words and looked at the sly grin on his Fathers face, he shivered as his eyes turned to his mother who was giving him a sweet smile and was about to raise from her chair.

He struggled to quickly flip himself over, causing more pain to radiate out from him as he gave them his best smile.

"It wasn't my fault today!"

He said it as fast as he could to stop his mother from getting up and quickly kept told his reason.

"I met a new friend down at a pond today. We were talking and I lost track of time."

This didn't seem to help any which way, as his parents actually became more worried. The needed to find out more about this 'friend', if it was an adult it would be no joking matter. They both gave each other a little concerned look and the mother went ahead.

"This new friend of your Jin, what's he like?"

Seeing that things weren't going so well for him, he quickly told them everything that happened. How he bought 2 cold lollies but couldn't eat both, so he was in trouble, till his new friend helped him out. He then went on to describe the girl, what she looked like and how she was the same age as him.

His parents where relived that the person in question was actually the same age as Jin and wasn't some strange uncle or something along those lines.

"And then she said her name was Rou and we should meet again tomorrow."

Finishing up his story he put on his most pitiful expression to make sure he wouldn't get another beating.

Both his parents turned to look at each other again before his father started laughing and smacked his knee.

"That's my boy. Only 3 and he's already a lady's man."

He kept laughing and slapping his knee leaving Jin completely stunned, what was his father talking about. His mother instead put on a disapproving expression as she stared daggers at him.

"What are you talking about his only 3, and his just made a new friend."

His father just kept laughing and got up to pat his son on the shoulder.

"No Matter what, it could turn into something latter."

His mother could only sigh at his shenanigans as Wei Jin still wasn't sure what was going on.

"So I can still go see her tomorrow?"

His Father slapped his back again and agreed straight away, this made Wei Jin happy and he jumped up in excitement. He then wailed as the pain in his butt flared up from the movement and he had to turn over and lay down.

After a while Wei Jin was able to move and made his way over to the table where his mother and Father were both chatting happily, a set of food in front of each of them.

Wei Jin decided to dig in and thought about what fun he could get up to the next day.


Waking up the next day and going to learn with his mother just as he was about to leave, his mother gave him a little extra money to buy stuff and patted him on the head. She then went into detail on how he should treat his new friend in a respectful manor.

He couldn't be too rough when playing with her, or get her dress too dirty. Wei Jin nodded in assent and made sure to remember, he also didn't want to injure his new friend. Their face looked really pretty.

But he also thought at the same time, a little mud or dust wouldn't be a problem.

Making his way down south again he stopped off at the same shop he visited the day before to get 2 cold lollies. The heat in the city was the same as the last day and would make anyone want to relax with something cool.

He hoped she wouldn't take too long to get down to the pond, or the lolly might melt before she got there.

Getting to the pond with the lollies he sat down at the same spot and dipped his feet into the pond again. His mother had also given him a nice set of cloths to wear today, he wasn't sure what the difference was but she assured him that, when meeting a friend it was good to look nice.

He didn't want to get them too dirty because his mother looked very happy once he had put them on so, he decided that he wouldn't rip them or tear them. It would restrict what he could do, but he could still find something fun.

After waiting for a while the cold lollies where starting to melt and he was still looking around for the girl. Not seeing her in sight he was slightly depressed. If she didn't make it down soon, they would both melt. He turned his head to look at the pond and ponder on the problem and lost track of what he was doing.

Suddenly a small hand tapped him on the shoulder and he snapped his head around to see who it was. Standing there in a new dress was Feng Rou. She looked especially beautiful as her dress looked even slightly better than the one from yesterday. Combined with the short dress and no sleeves her porcelain skin was on show and made her look even better.

Wei Jin being 3 years old didn't notice much of a difference and only thought she looked slightly better than she did the day before.

"Here Quick"

Not caring about that he flashed a smile and shoved the ice lolly into her hand. She was surprised for a second before he also took out the other one and started to suck on it. It was truly very hot. She smiled as well and started to eat the lolly.

They both sat there for a while enjoying the cold sensation from the lollies while dipping their toes into the pond. It was a very harmonious scene.

After they were done, Wei Jin once again looked at Rou and saw her new dress. He coughed for a second.

"You look stunning."

Feng Rou looked at him flabbergasted.

What? She thought.

"Your skin is as fair as Jade and your eyes as clear as water."

Wei Jin continued his whole monologue, with Feng Rou having no clue where this came from. Even though she knew some of the things he was talking about, the rest she didn't understand. But for some reason when he said it, she liked what she heard.

She knew it was a compliment so she wouldn't question him about it, she would ask her mother what it meant latter.

Wei Jin also didn't really understand what he was saying, but after having tea the night before his father had pulled him aside and told him to say these exact words when he saw her. He hadn't at the start because of the cold lollies, but after they were finished he found the right opportunity.

His father had assured him that she would like what he said. Looking at her smiling expression it must have worked. He wanted to strut out his chest again and strike his father's own victory pose, but after remembering what happened the day before he decided not to.

Leaving that behind him, he started talking to her about everything under the sun. Like what she was doing here yesterday, where she comes from, what's her family like. He even asked her how old she was, she had just turned 3 years old and the first time she left her home she had run into him.

Wei Jin thought that was a huge coincidence, but was more preoccupied with the fact he was older than her. He had the seniority now, he had never had a friend before either and thought being older was better.

They kept talking for ages before the sun started to dip once again. This time instead of waiting for the bell to ring, he explained that he would have to go early, or he would be in trouble with his parents. Feng Rou giggled at his despairing expression when he remembered what happened yesterday and was fine with him leaving.

They decide to meet there again the next day and said good bye to each other.

As they both walked off, again a black figure materializes where they had been talking and looked at Wei Jin before disappearing.

Hey guys new novel. Hope you guys enjoy it.

I wanted to be pretty accurate with the way of saying a Chinese name, with the last name first. But i could be wrong about some aspects and would love for some feedback.

I don't know if I'm any good at romance, how I doing so far?

This is a side project; my main novel is A God's Apocalyptic Entertainment and is nothing like this novel.

And yes they are 3 at the start here, please use imagination, lol.

Thanks for Reading :)

Zevrencreators' thoughts