
A Chip's Chronicles

In the technologically advanced empire, ruled by the renowned AI entity Cosmos, a security breach in the Alliance's data system sparks a desperate search for stolen intel. The AI Empire relentlessly pursues the whereabouts of the information, which has been secretly transmitted to a remote village in the Revolutionary Empire. Meanwhile, in the Revolutionary Empire, Edowado, a young boy driven by a desire to support his family and prove his worth, takes up the mantle of a hunter. Venturing into the treacherous forest, he confronts monstrous adversaries that push him to the very edge of survival. On the brink of death, a mysterious stranger appears, saving him from certain demise. Returning home, Edowado is confronted with a harrowing scene of death and despair as his once peaceful village falls under the merciless invasion of both monstrous creatures from the treacherous forest and the relentless AI Empire. Amidst these horrifying encounters, he must find the strength to overcome his fears, worries, anxieties, and indecisiveness. Will he rise up to the challenge and save his family from the imminent danger or succumb to the instinct to flee as he has done in the past? Embark on the start a thrilling journey where Edowado's resilience will be tested, and the fate of his loved ones hangs in the balance.

Flamming_Author · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Start of an Anticipated Game

The early morning sun shone down through the imperceptible flickering azure energy dome covering the city, brightly reflecting off the glass panes of the many towering skyscrapers in the Central District of Grashire, the capital of the great AI Empire.

Buildings of various layouts and sizes reflect vibrant colours as they bask in the soothing early morning sunlight. The sounds of people chatting happily while others grumbling, not ready to face the day, fill the freshly paved sidewalks which are almost immediately drowned out by the buzzing and roaring sounds of the engines of hover cars and other similar seemingly levitating vehicles as they go about their day.

Many people passed by the numerous shops without a glance while some stopped to take in the pleasant aroma of freshly baked goods filling the air of the streets as some of such shops were opening up, getting ready for early daytime business. The prominent train station—Keteke station—was already clogged with civilians carrying suitcases and all sorts of odd luggage patiently awaiting their train or figuring out the train routes on the giant refulgent screen displaying all incoming and outgoing trains and their respective routes.

At the centre of all the hustle and bustle of the city stood a grand skyscraper towering above all other buildings within the district. One of the most treasured landmarks and the heart of the great city stood tall with its peak extending far into the sky daring to touch the heavens: the grand 'Magisterial'. A needle-like shaped building with its apex having a circular dome, which looked like a spec from the ground below, attached to it. The Magisterial, the only building acting as a hub for all ventures, amalgamated with various cultures as well as hosting the offices of many of the top leaders of the great Empire.

Aside from that, it also acted as the main publicly known head office or 'throne room' of the greatly revered and adulated Cosmos but also the official main gateway into the dark dangerous depths of the supposed never-ending dungeon that breathes death and monsters popularly termed as the Gods' Labyrinth or just the labyrinth for short.


The sound of an elevator reaching its destination on the 65th floor of the Magisterial.


The sole of heels hit against the smoothly tiled floor as a young lady with beautiful short glossy black hair dressed in a blue vest with a short black skirt seemingly in a frenzy sprinted down the hall with a tablet clutched in her delicate arms clinging to her chest. She was clearly out of breath as she dashed down the broad hallway towards the two large double doors at the end of it.

Meanwhile, behind those double doors, a heated conversation was ensuing.

The large room, surrounded by only glass with dark square panels receding to the edge allowed the morning rays of the sun to pass through, casting everything in a nice amber glow. This was the main meeting place where the heads of state gathered to discuss cardinal issues relating to the empire.

The centre of the room was occupied by a large rectangular glass-like table, like a giant screen made of prism, its top glowing a faint white. The AI empire's national emblem was displayed in the centre of the table.

A small rectangle-shaped space is hollowed out at the very edge of the table facing the doors. The entire table was surrounded by 15 seats, of which all but one was occupied by various men and women of different looks and ages. They were the heads of government with the Prime Minister's seat at the farthest end of the table facing the large double doors.

"Prime Minister Siegfried, you can't honestly expect us to overlook such a complicated dilemma", came the angry voice of a man seated at the right side of the long glass table.

"I bet it was those bastards from the Revolutionary Empire!"

"Yes, trying to show they have no intention of making peace even after all the support we've offered them."

"They tried to threaten us by taking advantage of our kindness and breaking into our systems and attempting to take control from within"

"I say we finally bring an end to that pesky civilization who claim to be revolutionists"

"I agree, it's about time we brought an end to the other disgusting uncultured side of humanity."

"Prime Minister, I suggest that we take swift action to bring them down as soon as possible."

Such comments and opinions continued to be hurled back and forth among the various leaders in the room only further fuelling their rage.

"I understand the gravity of this situation and the potential threat it poses. However, hastily jumping to conclusions and levying false allegations against a kingdom with whom we are not entirely united, without solid evidence, is something I cannot support," stated Prime Minister Raymond Siegfried.

"It'd be a declaration of war if we were to do that and after all our attempts at trying to make peace with them, it would seem as if we were just stalling for time to lay the groundwork for an ambush against them."

He sat at the far end of the glass table, his arms crossed, determined not to allow his colleagues to make baseless accusations. Siegfried was an older gentleman, dressed in an elegant blue-black suit, with carefully combed back white hair and a face that exuded both softness and wisdom.

As the debate raged on, Deputy Prime Minister Esmeray Ekuwah, seated diagonally to the right of the Prime Minister, wore a calm smile on her face. Esmeray, much younger than Raymond, radiated beauty with her blood-red hair cascading down to her lower back and her fair, luminescent skin.

Her eyes, the same shade as her hair, possessed a captivating allure capable of disarming anyone with a mischievous wink. She wore a suit similar to the Prime Minister's, which accentuated her shapely figure and delicate curves. To call her merely beautiful would be an understatement. The gaze of some individuals shifted to her smiling countenance before returning to their assault on Siegfried.

"What if we do nothing while our systems have been breached and classified intel stolen?" one member exclaimed. "We can only imagine the havoc these thieves plan to wreak with such high-value information!"

"Aubrey and the Alliance's Information Task Force are currently conducting a thorough investigation to uncover who gained unauthorized access to our system and how," Raymond calmly responded.

"I propose that we patiently await further briefings before deciding on a course of action."

"Sure, the guy who rarely attends council meetings is suddenly investigating something related to council issues," remarked another member, eyeing the empty seat directly opposite Ichinose's position—the seat of the Alliance Master.

"He's also dedicated to trying to dumb to us as he exchanges more than the resources quota we agreed to with the revolutionary empire behind our backs"

"Have faith in Aubrey. He is dedicated to his role as Alliance Master," the Prime Minister defended. "He, like all of us, is committed to pursuing peace with the Revolutionary Empire as per Cosmos' orders."

Raymond Siegfried replied to the surfacing comments with an air of cool, choosing his words carefully so as to not step on any toes and prevent even more false accusations from being passed around although neither confirming nor denying the comments regarding Aubrey.

"You know, considering how you're acting, one might suspect you of joining sides with the enemy nation to come against us considering how quick you are to jump to their defence."

".... ...…"

At this point, the room fell into silence as all eyes turned to the source of a bold voice. Nobody could utter a word after such a daring declaration. The voice belonged to Desmond Reagan, head of the minority party—a faction that had lost to Raymond Siegfried's faction in the recent elections. Though Desmond's party secured only minority positions, he represented them at all Heads of State gatherings. He sat at the other end of the table, opposite and farthest from the prime minister.

"I suggest you retract your words, Sir Reagan. Are you accusing our Prime Minister of treason, or is this your feeble reaction to yet another defeat?" snapped a chilling voice in response to Reagan's accusation.

It was Alexia Ichinose, seated diagonally across the table to the left of the Prime Minister, dressed in a blue and white military-style uniform that accentuated her slender figure and exposed a hint of cleavage. Despite her youthful appearance, with long silver hair and radiant bronze complexion, her demeanour betrayed a sternness that concealed her annoyance and disdain towards Reagan's imprudent utterance.

She looked quite younger than everyone else seated in the room but her persona and the way her grey eyes pierced holes into the chest of Reagan spoke otherwise. Alexia held the highest rank among human soldiers and served as the youngest Commander General of the Imperial Army—Human Division—of the empire.

She had a stern look on her face which did not betray her annoyance and disdain at what the man had foolishly uttered. She was Alexia Ichinose, highest ranked human soldier and youngest Commander General of the Imperial Army—Human Division—of the empire.

"Remember your role in this council and think carefully before you speak in the presence of certain individuals," Alexia warned, her sharp grey eyes fixed on Reagan.

"Ha-ha…" Reagan attempted to brush off the situation with a forced smile, but cold sweat trickled down his neck as he tried to dismiss the impact of the exchange.


The atmosphere in the room had grown tense, prompting Deputy Prime Minister Esmeray to intervene.

"Let's all take a moment to relax and breathe deeply before we continue," she suggested, her captivating voice resonating throughout the room.

Esmeray gracefully rose from her seat and began to walk around, flashing her charming smile that caught the attention of many individuals—men and women, young and old—seated around the glass table.

Her lovely, enticing voice filled the entire room as she left her seat to walk around the room, flashing her charming smile catching the eyes of many, both men and women, young and old seated around the glass table.

"Mr. Reagan, I understand your concerns about this troubling matter. It is indeed a serious invasion of our nation's privacy and poses a significant threat to our security," Esmeray acknowledged.

Reagan, relieved and somewhat smug after receiving support from Esmeray, smirked at Alexia, who paid him no attention. However, his confidence quickly dissipated as he noticed the hostile glares from the two military officers flanking Alexia at the council table—Lieutenant General Hendrixson and Major General Dwayne.

"However, that doesn't give you the right to accuse our Prime Minister of treason and disloyalty. Such accusations are punishable under our laws, which are carefully observed by Cosmos," Esmeray firmly stated, causing Reagan's face to turn pale once again.

She continued, her voice dripping with an icy menace, "Remember that he defeated you in the campaign and holds a position of superior authority. We must show utmost respect in our words and actions towards him. Need I remind you of our Empire's hierarchy of power? Even children are familiar with it, and I expect you not to falter in that aspect."

Reagan felt a renewed wave of panic. He had been caught off guard by Esmeray's sharp reversal, defending him one moment and now vehemently opposing him. As cold sweat ran down his neck, he couldn't help but think, "What happened to her charming smile?"

The AI Empire, governed by its supreme monarch Cosmos, operated as a unique blend of democracy and monarchy. Under this system, the humans were granted self-rule, reminiscent of the old times. Democracy was reinstated, with Cosmos and AI adjutants, the Ordinem, overseeing and exercising ultimate authority, akin to a revered deity, though it in itself did not create the impression of itself as a deity.

Following the election, the winning party's head, the Prime Minister, and their adjutant, the Deputy Prime Minister, were ceremoniously sworn into office at Magisterial Square. This grand event took place in the capital, with the entire nation watching the broadcast.

Minority seats were allocated to the parties that didn't secure victory, ensuring a balanced distribution of power and preventing the winning party from monopolizing the government. However, this system didn't extend to the empire's military leadership. The military operated under a separate system devised by Cosmos and its subordinates.

(Tch! That annoying brat of a woman!)

"Grrr...There is no need. I'm fully aware of how our system of governance works. I…apologize for my uncouth mannerism"

Mr Reagan replied in a half beaten, half agitated manner.

"Good, I'm glad you've accepted your fault. Now, Mr. Siegfried, sir, I also agree with you. We can't just launch an attack on another nation without any factual evidence, even though there are some… 'rough rocks' between us despite our attempts at making peace. For now, all we can do is patiently wait for further briefing to arrive," sighed Esmeray in an all-too-dramatic way.

Suddenly, as if on cue, 'BAM!' The large doors to the meeting room swung open to reveal a petite frame standing at the door with a tablet pressed close to her chest trying to conceal her heavy breathing. It was the lady who was running in the halls. All eyes turned to the beautiful woman standing by the door, taken by surprise.

"Just in the nick of time." Esmeray said as she gracefully returned to her seat.

The secretary moved forward to the table as she addressed the heads, giving the customary salute of the empire.

"G-g-good day to you Heads of State. I am Csaga T-t-Tetteh, an Alliance representative and one of Aubrey's main secretaries sent to deliver the information uncovered by our task force on the system breach."

The lady, going by the name Csaga Tetteh, greeted the seated members in a quavering almost inaudible tone overwhelmed by the higher authorities seated before her.

"His secretary!? Where's the shirker!?"

"So, he intends to not be present for this meeting as well?"

"They sent in someone like her?"

"She seems lacking, but she's not a sore to the eyes if I must say"

"Indeed, she is quite lovely"

"How could he leave such sensitive information with someone like her?!"

"It might be another one of his sly tricks on us again"

Csaga was already a shy person and could barely speak among a group of her own peers but now she had to speak in front of people who could cause her to lose her job with a snap of their fingers and they seemed to have already disapproved of her which only exacerbated her angst.

Being in a room with the most powerful people in the empire, catching whiffs of the annoyed and disturbing comments from the members looking at her from all sides and uncomfortable angles did not help her in the slightest. Siegfried sat looking tired and fed up with his associates, General Ichinose and some other female members turned away disgusted by the acts of some of the men while Esmeray sat quietly with her classic gentle smile still plastered over her face.

"It's alright Miss Csaga, relax and take us through what the task force was able to uncover. Aubrey isn't one to make clumsy mistakes so if he sent you then I will not object, so please proceed", said Esmeray flashing one of her charming smiles.

"Y-y-yes ma'am!"

Csaga took a deep breath, gathering her nerves as she walked up to the end of the glass table. The tablet she had been clutching was pulsating with a soft blue glow, indicating its readiness to project the holographic data. As she reached the designated spot, she gently placed the tablet into the rectangular hollow on the table's surface.

With a seamless connection, the tablet synced with the holographic system embedded within the table. A surge of energy coursed through the room as the glass surface came alive, emanating a soft, vibrant light. The once transparent table transformed into a translucent prism, seemingly harnessing the power of the information it contained.

The dark square panels which receded to the edges of the walls of the room began to slowly move, covering the glass panes encasing the majority of the room to cut off any outside light from reaching into the room.

The room fell into silence, all eyes fixed on the mesmerizing spectacle before them. Blue particles materialized, swirling and intertwining above the table, gradually taking shape and forming a three-dimensional representation of the empire's database system. The hologram glowed with a vibrant intensity, casting a surreal luminescence onto the faces of the council members.

"This is a 'theoretical' graphical representation of the database system. It's fully encrypted with a target system to detect any suspicious activity. During a routine maintenance procedure, one worker noticed a weird occurrence within the system which didn't set off the target system."

Csaga moved gracefully along the table, her fingers gliding across the holographic interface. With a series of precise gestures, she activated different layers of information, revealing complex networks, encrypted files, and surveillance logs. Each intricate detail shimmered in the air, creating a stunning visual display that seemed straight out of a futuristic tale.

"A tiny, almost inconspicuous defect which was assumed to be a bug had sprung up in the system and so as protocol demands, he reported it to the task force who then reported to you."

"Upon further investigation, the task force discovered that this was not a mere bug, but a sophisticated piece of spyware. It's like a spy sneaking into enemy territory to observe and report what's happening," Csaga explained, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and concern.

"It was designed to bypass our security measures and infiltrate the system, copying and transmitting specific classified intel."

Csaga pointed to different holographs indicating which holographic image represented the intel she was trying to convey.

"There is one major issue our team still struggles to comprehend though. All our intel is hidden behind certain layers of codes consisting of the forgotten letters, digits and symbols used in the time of the old all-in complex patterns to make it next to impossible for outsiders to access or even comprehend the information they want."

"Not even some of the highest ranked figures in the empire know the codes which represent certain files but somehow this program was able to detect the majority of our most classified intel despite their codes and copy them. It managed to even uncover something we were unaware of hidden deep within the system"

"If I may ask, what specifically was stolen from your system?"

A low solemn tone asked the question. It was from an older looking man, clearly in his forties with jet black hair and grey eyes. It was Lieutenant General Hendrixson, second in command of the Imperial Army.

The holographic visualization shifted, displaying a virtual representation of the stolen data. Sensitive documents, complex algorithms, and encrypted files floated in mid-air, each one representing a piece of the empire's most guarded secrets. The hologram highlighted the stolen information, revealing lists of weaponsmiths, cyber weaponry details, fighter rankings, and the highest-ranked clans within the empire.

"All of that is equally high-class military and government secrets! The Ordinem will have our heads for this. How could the Alliance allow such sensitive intel to get stolen?!"

"Like we said whoever sent that attack must be someone or most likely some people of incredible skill. It was something we hadn't seen before so even locating it before it was too late would have been an impossibility. Though it pains me to admit, it was more of sheer luck the spyware was spotted"

Gasps and murmurs rippled through the room, the weight of the breach sinking in. The council members exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of concern and determination. The implications of this security breach were grave, and they understood the urgent need to retrieve the stolen information and apprehend those responsible.

"You said previously that this spyware uncovered something hidden of which the Alliance was unaware of, what is that hidden thing?"

"Unfortunately, so. We ourselves don't fully know what that hidden file contained. Its encryption is completely different from the ones applied to all the files the Alliance manages. The matter was sent to Aubrey who immediately ordered we present this to the meeting. He seemed rather oddly upset and asked for the immediate retrieval of everything stolen."

"So, what then is in that file to cause Aubrey to become upset?!"

"We have made multiple attempts at decrypting it but I'm afraid we've barely been able to scratch its surface."

"So, then what is the little you've been able to acquire so far?"

"We managed to decipher a piece of text written in binary and one of the written languages of the old ones which formed part of the file's encrypted name…3rd Core Optic Host file"

Csaga tapped on her screen causing the holographic display to adjust, zooming in on the enigmatic file's name, emphasizing the words "3rd Core Optic Host" in a mesmerizing fashion. The room fell silent as the council members contemplated the significance of this mysterious file.

"It says '3rd Core Optic…host file'."

"We can all obviously see that but wwhat does it mean?", someone asked the question directed to no one in particular, momentarily breaking the silence.

Siegfried broke the silence, his voice laced with curiosity and concern. "Core optic... Could it be related to the Nano Fibre Cores implanted within us? The ones that grant many of us our extraordinary abilities?"

"Prime minister Siegfried has a point there. The names are similar but why 3rd though?...Oh! Could it be that it's related to the 3rd Nano Fibre Core chip in some way?"

"Preposterous! now you're just thinking rubbish. The 3rd chip is just some stupid old myth we've passed down for decades. Are we seriously considering that this file has anything to do with the mythical third chip? We need concrete evidence, not baseless speculation."

A few others nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting Raegan's scepticism. They were reluctant to divert their attention from the more concrete aspects of the case—the recovery of stolen data and the identification of the culprits.

"The 3rd chip doesn't actually exist and besides, even if it did, according to the stories, it along with all the others backfired and destroyed the humans that had it planted within them."

Mr. Raegan spoke up, already throwing away the ideas being brought up by the other members, regarding them as nugatory.

A light cough came from a young-looking man with side swept black hair and devilishly green eyes: Major General Dwayne. His calm yet curious voice filled the room, capturing everyone's attention. The council member who had first brought up the possible relation of the hidden file to the 3rd chip looked at him with a hint of appreciation, knowing that his open-mindedness would help them explore all possibilities.

Dwayne continued, his green eyes sparkling with curiosity. "While it's true that we need concrete evidence, we shouldn't dismiss any lead without proper investigation. The mention of the '3rd Core Optic Host file' and the '3rd Fibre Optic Chip' certainly piques my interest. Let's not forget that our current implants are technically termed as the 5th generation, so these myths may hold some truth, distorted or not."

Csaga nodded in agreement, albeit rather timidly, recognizing the value of Dwayne's perspective. "Indeed, Major General Sir. It's possible that there's a kernel of truth buried within these legends albeit, the earlier versions of the chips did backfire after a certain period of time, supplying an overwhelming amount of power that consumed the wearer. Cosmos had to destroy all known copies "

"That doesn't make any sense"

"T-t-the chips were meant to increase the abilities of our bodies to withstand the conditions of the new earth but the earlier versions did it too well, not only increasing the capabilities of the body but actually supplying it with immense power which consumed the human after a period of time. If any human tried to use the chips, they'd be consumed with way too much power so Cosmos had to destroy them all or so as they myths say"

Csaga replied immediately, explaining the concepts and purpose of the chips implanted within them and the myths revolving around its earlier versions.

"If Aubrey arrived at a similar thought, then it's likely he believed the stolen file contained actual information about the 3rd chip. That would explain his urgency in requesting its retrieval along with the other sensitive Alliance records."

"Then that would explain his never heard of upset reaction and his request for the immediate retrieval of it along with the other sensitive Alliance records."

"L-l-like I stated earlier, all our intel is protected behind a highly encrypted passcode which would take days before it can be cracked so even though the intel is stolen it'll take quite some time before they gain access to the wanted information."

Lieutenant General Hendrixson frowned, still sceptical. "But even if the stolen intel is protected behind a highly encrypted passcode, we can't afford to be complacent. We must act swiftly to recover it before the enemy gains access."

"Yes, we do, but we still have no idea where the intel was sent to after its copying and transmission". Esmeray quickly retorted back to Lieutenant Hendrixson.

"Yes, you're right as always Deputy Prime Minister. Lady, have you been able to figure out where the spyware came from or better yet where it transmitted the intel to?!"

Welcome to chapter one. I've made some reworks and made a few touches to improve the overall story. Thank you for showing interest by continuing to read and I hope to see you in chapter 3.

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