
A Chip's Chronicles

In the technologically advanced empire, ruled by the renowned AI entity Cosmos, a security breach in the Alliance's data system sparks a desperate search for stolen intel. The AI Empire relentlessly pursues the whereabouts of the information, which has been secretly transmitted to a remote village in the Revolutionary Empire. Meanwhile, in the Revolutionary Empire, Edowado, a young boy driven by a desire to support his family and prove his worth, takes up the mantle of a hunter. Venturing into the treacherous forest, he confronts monstrous adversaries that push him to the very edge of survival. On the brink of death, a mysterious stranger appears, saving him from certain demise. Returning home, Edowado is confronted with a harrowing scene of death and despair as his once peaceful village falls under the merciless invasion of both monstrous creatures from the treacherous forest and the relentless AI Empire. Amidst these horrifying encounters, he must find the strength to overcome his fears, worries, anxieties, and indecisiveness. Will he rise up to the challenge and save his family from the imminent danger or succumb to the instinct to flee as he has done in the past? Embark on the start a thrilling journey where Edowado's resilience will be tested, and the fate of his loved ones hangs in the balance.

Flamming_Author · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Just Another Forest Adventure (2)

Back in the forest (Present time)

I finally get up from the ground and slip my tattered jacket back on after roughly managing to apply the bandages to my wounded arms and downing the draught; it never tasted sweet.

The draught worked quickly, numbing most of the pain and accelerating my body's healing process though not healing me completely but fixing me up just enough to apply the bandages which also helped speed up the healing process.

I flex my fingers, testing the range of motion in my arms. The wounds were still very tender, but at least they were no longer bleeding profusely.

Glancing down at my torn and dirtied underclothes, I realized just how battered and worn they were. Mom would definitely scold me for letting my attire reach such a sorry state.

I turned my attention back to the aftermath of the battle with the killer ants. Scanning the area, I searched for any items or resources that the creatures might have dropped alongside their energy shards.

Energy shards, the core parts of monsters, are the life-giving essence hidden within their bodies. That was how Rio explained them to me.

Adolfo also explained monster shards to me in a different way saying just like all humans have a heart, all monsters have energy shards. Whenever a monster is slain, its entire form disintegrates into ash, leaving behind a clean energy shard.

Special craftsmen found ways to harness the pure energy contained within these shards to do and power a whole lot of things from the first ever energy bulb to enormous cities.

Since these shards can only obtained from slaying monsters, hunters such as myself get the added perk of slaying monsters to harvest their shards which they can later exchange for veris, the universally accepted currency.

Rio's tried many times to get me to keep a lot of such information in my head but I'm only ever able to keep the gist of things in my cranium and end up forgetting the most part.

I spot a faint white glow among the ashes of the killer ants, hidden from plain sight. Approaching cautiously, I discover three white energy shards, basic low-energy shards obtained from low-ranked monsters.

Each type of monster carried a different kind of shard, which emitted a different colour based on its energy content which was dependant on the monster's general rank.

The more energy a shard contained, the higher its veris exchange value. As I continue searching, I found another shard near the killer ant with the cracked exoskeleton. This shard was larger and emitted a brighter glow compared to the previous ones

(It was probably a bit more powerful than the other three)

Carefully, I picked it up and placed it alongside the white energy shards in my backpack, which I had forgotten was securely strapped to my back throughout the entire ordeal, ensuring their safety.

"Now I can begin to look for Miss Amina's...," I muttered, my thoughts interrupted as movement caught my attention. I turned my head, and my eyes widened in excitement as I spotted a familiar sight a few feet away.

There, nestled at the bottom of a nearby tree, was a Mako plant. Its vibrant green leaves and clusters of yellow, red, and green-coloured fruits stood out in the otherwise muted surroundings. Miss Amina had requested for these fruits, and finding them here saved me the trouble of scouring the forest in search of them.

A surge of relief washed over me as I hurried toward the Mako plant, eager to pluck the fruits. But just as I reached out to grab one, a rustle in the nearby bushes startled me. Instinctively, I froze, my eyes fixed on the source of the sound.

A high-pitched squeak echoed through the air, followed by a shadowy figure dashing out of the bushes with incredible speed. My heart skipped a beat as I realized what it was—an akrante, a low-level rank 1 rat-like monster known for its agility and thieving tendencies. Though similarly rank 1, its levels were considerably lower than that of the killer ants.

The shadow, an akrante, had torn the stem holding all the fruits of the mako plant and had made a mad dash out of the open area and into the bushes. It all happened so fast I wasn't able to process it in time.

"Oh, heck no! I found those fruits first!" I exclaimed; my voice filled with stunned irritation.

Refusing to let the Akrante escape with the fruits, I sprinted after it, my feet pounding against the forest floor. If I let it get away with the fruit it would take who knows how long to find another one in the forest.

My tattered jacket caught onto branches, further tearing it, but I paid no attention to the damage. The only thing on my mind was catching that pesky rodent and reclaiming what it had stolen.

Breathing heavily, I poorly navigated the rocky and root-covered path, doing my best to shield my face from hanging branches and avoid tripping over obstacles. The akrante darted ahead with impressive agility, skilfully manoeuvring through the forest terrain.

(Mom is definitely going to kill me after this!)

Closing the distance, I extended my right arm, fingertips mere inches away from the akrante's thick hairless tail. Just as I was about to grasp it, a sudden cry of surprise escaped my lips.


In an unfortunate twist of fate, I lost my footing and slipped on a patch of loose soil. Tumbling uncontrollably, I rolled down the edge of a miniature steep cliff, crashing through hanging branches and into thick bushes.

I landed with a loud thud and found myself covered completely in dirt, my black hair ruffled, with leaves and twigs sticking out. My still banged up body which I had poorly bandaged ached from the impact.

I unfortunately wasn't able to notice the edge of the cliff in time while chasing the akrante.

As I struggled to untangle myself from the foliage, I heard a much lighter thud nearby. Turning my head, I spotted the Akrante, perched on a low-hanging branch with the mako fruits still clenched tightly in its jaws.

It had executed a well-timed jump, using its powerful hairless tail to grip onto a nearby tree branch and swing down while I plummeted down the cliff.

(How did it see the cliff's edge so quickly though…or did it…no!)

An unsettling realization washed over me—did the Akrante intentionally lead me into this trap?! As if answering my question, the akrante turned and locked eyes with me, seemingly mocking my misfortune. Its dark red eyes glimmered with mischief and satisfaction as if to say it had planned this all along.

Without wasting another second, it scampered further ahead, towards a pile of thickly woven twigs and branches of about 3 meters high.

Gritting my teeth, I rose to my feet, dirt and twigs falling from my dishevelled hair. There was no way I was letting that Akrante get away with the mako fruits after what it'd just did.

I took one step forward and came to a sudden halt, suddenly remembering to take notice of my surroundings and figure out where I was.

(Dang it! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.)

"Where the heck am I?! I haven't been to these parts of the forest before."

I cautiously observe my surroundings taking in the creepy forest atmosphere. Glowing mushrooms light up the area with eerie blue and green hues, creating a captivating sight.

The plants here are greener and more vibrant, teeming with life. The forest floor is damp, covered in shiny leaves and colourful undergrowth with thick twisted roots and gnarled branches as if something had tried breaking pieces of them giving off a weird vibe.

"Oh no, the vibrant plants, the thick branches, and those cool glowing mushrooms. Blast it! I've strayed far out of the hunting zone"

(No, no, no. I've strayed too far from the safe paths. I can't risk running into any monsters here! I need to get the mako from the Akrante and make it back to the safe zone)

These parts of the forest far beyond the safe zone and between the hunting zone and mid-section are full of mystery to me. I'm not a good enough rank to explore here yet and all I know is that the terrain here becomes treacherous and confusing the deeper you go.

Everyone knows this wild place is home to tougher higher ranked monsters than the ones that exist within the safe and hunting zones. The Guild, a powerful organization connected to the empire, keeps detailed records of each monster's rank and levels and shares it with hunters and abusuas. Even our small remote village falls under its influence.

The Akrante lets go of the mako stem, using its powerful jaws to climb onto a tangle of branches and then vanishes from sight. Seizing the chance, I sprint ahead, grabbing the mako fruits and carefully stuffing them safely into my backpack.

"Ha-ha! Guess it wasn't as clever as I thought after all. Hey wait a minute…"

I look up at the mesh of branches and twigs above me, a realization hitting me like a lightning bolt. I remember reading about this in one of the hunter's guide Rio forcefully tried to read to me—a bowl like structure called a monster's nest.

(I wonder…if this is a nest then it most likely has to be…)

I begin climbing the side of the large mesh in front of me. The twigs and branches are well woven together making it difficult for it to come apart or for anything to undo its form.

Its sturdiness makes it quite easy to climb and in a matter of seconds I manage to reach the top. From up here, I see it clear as day—it's a nest, a sanctuary for monstrous creatures.

It has a circular shape with a hollowed-out interior like a large bowl. The nest, a big round bowl, stretches before me. Nestled inside are a bunch of eggs, each one bigger than my head.

And right in the middle of this precious treasure, the Akrante I've been chasing rolls away an egg, revelling in its sneaky theft.

It takes a second before everything clicks into place. Realization hits me hard—akrantes, clever and sly, prefer fighting opponents of similar strength rather than facing hunters or monsters twice as strong as them.

They prefer hunting down monster nests or hunter rest camps and stealing their eggs, food or supplies surreptitiously when they're away or unaware.

Akrante were a kind of monsters that more often than not preferred taking on enemies its own size rather than random hunters or monsters twice as strong as them they prefer hunting down monster nests and stealing eggs surreptitiously.

Monster eggs are uncommon items and some can be used to prepare crazy delicious meals depending on the kind and the rank and level of the monster that laid them. A rather surprisingly useful tip I'd acquired from my older sister.

(Actually, sis might like to have a monster egg to prepare one of her favourite dishes, and it might also calm mom down a bit. I'll just quickly grab one and then leave)

Reaching a decision, I jump off the edge and slide down into the well of the nest stopping just a few feet away from the eggs. I walk up to the eggs —which are already short of one— in the centre, each of them looking bigger up closely, way larger than my head in fact.

I drop my bag to the ground and pick up one of the eggs. The egg had a nice cream-white colour and a smooth texture. Careful not to crack or drop it, I gently push it into my now seemingly undersized bag.

My bag looks like a pregnant lady with its seams seemingly about to tear apart, it was beyond its max capacity. Not to mention the tip of the oval shaped, protein packed food item sticking out. I gently sling my overstuffed bag over my shoulders, careful not to cause the egg to fall out.

I make my way over to the edge of the nest and carefully climb out. I turn back to where I came from, trying to find a way back to the safe zone when I once again spot the Akrante I was previously chasing now rolling its plundered loot—which was twice its size—away.

(Should I just kill it now or….?)

Suddenly, sirens started blaring inside my head unleashing a never-ending torrent of warning signals to not spare the monster. It was a basic unspoken rule among everyone and even more so among all those who chose to explore the vast reaches of the forest: if there is a monster you can take down, kill it immediately; if not, flee.

I was far too deep in the forests with no sense of direction or appropriate means of warding off danger. It'd be pest I prioritize finding my way back than causing a raucous in taking down smaller monsters.

Just this once, I decide to ignore the sirens and turn a blind eye. We've both gotten what we want.

"You're a lucky one, akrante. Just this once, I won't kill a monster like you" I mutter, a hint of amusement in my voice.


"Sheesh don't make me reconsider so quickly"

The akrante hisses at me, as if angered by my audacity, before scurrying away with the egg at an astonishing speed. I watch its retreating form, a smirk playing on my lips.

I turn to leave once again but am stopped by another thought that crosses my mind. This nest must belong to an akokↄ. The eggs nestled within are the offspring of a monster and if I allow them to hatch, the consequences could be catastrophic.

Should I destroy the eggs, or leave them be? And if this is the nest full of monster eggs then the mother should be nearby.

But before I can come to a conclusion, a thunderous squawk shatters the air, sending shivers down my spine. The ground beneath me trembles as a presence, larger and more terrifying than anything I've encountered before, makes itself known.



The thunderous squawk abruptly cuts off the hiss of the akrante. Another thunderous squawk reverberates through the trees, echoing in my ears. I dare not look directly at it, for a weird unknowing fear of turning to stone under its gaze.

Slowly, cautiously, I steal a glance over my shoulder. I no longer see the body of the akrante but a huge puddle of dark red liquid with a long hairless tail attached to what should be the remnants of the akrante.

Behind the pulverizing body were two rubber-like feet with sharp claws on its ends attached to a larger irregularly round body covered in feathers as dark as night like that of a chicken over 3 meters tall.

The bird monster stands towering over the remnants of what used to be a body, its yellow sharp jagged beak, painted a deep crimson from the akrante's blood.

It clutches onto the akrante's 'loot' and returns it back to its rightful place in the nest. I quietly tiptoe away from the nest and the monster, a river of cold sweat running down my face threatening to drown me. Just as I'm about to make a clean escape—



I accidentally snap a twig under my feet and freeze in fear. I'm beginning to wonder if someone's been intentionally placing twigs in my path.

I turn my head to check if the akokↄ has noticed me. The akokↄ, after hearing the snap, lifts its head from the nest and bends it to the side at an odd angle. Its deep red eye on the side of its head lands on me but not exactly on me.

Its eye lands on the egg protruding out of my overstuffed bag. Time seems to freeze as the black pupil in its deep red eyes contracts daring to shrink into oblivion as it stares at the egg. Its eyes, devoid of mercy, locks onto me with an unrelenting glare.

Time stands still as we engage in a silent standoff. I just stare at the egg protruding out of my bag and then back at the monster unsure of what to do or more accurately too frightened to think of what to do.

"I know this looks kind of bad but if you just—!"



I break into a sprint, my heart pounding in my chest, trying to get as far away from the rank 2 monster as my rank 1 legs will go. Though I'm running as fast as my body will allow every fibre of my being screams at me to run faster, to escape the clutches of this monstrous behemoth.

But the Akokↄ is relentless, pursuing me with a wrathful vengeance sometimes drawing close enough to land its powerful jagged beak only a hair's breadth away from my head trying to nail me down.

I continue running, jumping over roots, rolling under loose hanging branches, sliding and rolling under leaves and anything obscuring my sight while the monster just smashes through every and anything it could in its path trying to retrieve its stolen egg and kill me.

Run, run, run. That is the only thought inside my head and it is the only thing I'm doing. I keep running forward, veering down whatever path I come across never daring to look back.

Cracks and snaps echo through the air as the monstrous footsteps close in, the ground trembling beneath their weight. I can feel their hot breath on the back of my neck, a chilling reminder of the imminent danger.

Suddenly, the thunderous footsteps cease, and an eerie silence descends upon the forest. The abrupt change sends shivers down my spine.

(Huh? It's stopped chasing me??)

No. Something is not right. The sirens in my head keep ringing loudly urging me to stay alert. It's like a sixth sense of mine that turns on immediately something isn't right and after the warning it sent me with the akrante I'm not going to ignore it this time.

Without warning, a shadow casts itself upon the forest floor. I glance up, my eyes widening in disbelief.


Another horrifyingly loud squawk echoes around the forest but this time it's not from behind or in front of me, not from the sides either. It was from above: in the skies.

The massive akokↄ bird glides through the air, its wings beating furiously in a desperate attempt to gain momentum. It's trying to cut me off, to trap me within its clutches.

The large akokↄ bird though not fully capable of flight due to their large size, small wings and body shape are able to do so for very short distances. I don't even remember where I heard this and I don't have time to question my brain right now.

The sirens keep blasting loudly in my head as the shadow of the monster grows larger and at a faster rate. It's coming down!

With every ounce of strength left in me, I channel my energy and propel myself forward, propelling my body into a sloppy yet breath-taking leap. Time slows down as I soar through the air, defying gravity for a fleeting moment.


The akokↄ bird swoops down, its piercing screech reverberating through the forest. I twist and contort my body mid-air, narrowly evading the monstrous creature's reach.


The ground rushes up to meet me as I crash into the forest floor, rolling and tumbling to absorb the impact. Ignoring the pain that shoots through my limbs, I scramble to my feet refusing to stop running.

The akokↄ shakes off the disorientation from its crash, fixing its gaze on me, its rage still apparent from the way it stared me down.

(Jeez what a perfectly normal way to spend my day in the forest!)

It should be past morning no; it is definitely past morning but there is still no sign of other hunters nearby. This also proves how far I am from the hunting zone. Even so, most hunters in the village, though having ranks higher than mine, really aren't that high ranked enough to take on powerful monsters deep within the forest zone, another proof of the village's small scale, so I still have to find a way to lose the bird.

I jerk my body from side to side narrowly avoiding being nailed by the deadly pecks and jabs from the razor-sharp beak of the Akokↄ. I spot a small hollow trunk just large enough for a smallish person to crawl through joined to the thick roots of a slanted old looking tree.

An idea pops into my head and without hesitating, I dart for the trunk and dive into its hollow opening only to be stopped by my bag, unable to fit through the entrance while strapped onto my back.

I turn around quickly, taking my bag off my shoulders and pulling it into the hollow tube along with my body just before the akokↄ could land another powerful jab with its incredibly tough beak.

The other end of the trunk is connected to the thick roots of the tree which commix to form a sort of dome shape. I crawl through the tube and out the other end into the dome made of the roots. I can make out the body of the akokↄ through the narrow gaps of the root dome still circling the trunk, stomping and trying to reach me by pecking on the wood with its beak.

Lucky, it hasn't noticed my hiding under the root dome and not in the trunk. I quickly inspect the egg and bag to make sure nothing is broken or missing. Everything is still intact and nothing had dropped while I was running.

"For now, let me…just… c-catch my breath…for a bit"

Reminding me of my situation, the akokↄ lets out a loud squawk of frustration unable to reach its prey: me. I try to think up another way to escape or at least distract it for just enough time to make a quick getaway.

I rack my brain trying to remember any useful piece of information which could help me in this situation. I smack my forehead with the palm of my hand until a single image resonates within the back of my mind. A single image of a tall well-built eccentric man.

It was Adolfo. I recall the words he said earlier this morning.

"Been hearing more complaints of blasted bird monsters setting up nests too close for comfort. They ain't quite bright but they're…"

"They aren't bright…that's it!"

An idea finally hits me after reflecting on the words Adolfo had mentioned earlier. I look around the dirt covered floor underneath the dome and find a few stones laying on the ground.

They are or might be my ticket to not getting pecked to death. The akokↄ might be ranked higher but that doesn't mean it's smarter.

I grab a few stones from the ground and crawl back through the trunk out of the root dome, careful not to alert the akokↄ of my presence.

It was still standing near the trunk, looking for me. I steady my breath and clutch onto one of the stones I had picked.

I take in a deep breath and shout at the top of my lungs to get the bird's attention and then I hurl the stone as far from the trunk as I possibly can through one of the wider gaps in the root dome.


The stone soars past the bird monster without being seen and disappears into the bushes making a loud sound as it strikes something.


The akokↄ, momentarily distracted by the stone I hurled, turns its attention away from me and bolts away from where I am, its rage redirected towards the source of the sound.

(Now's my chance)

I seize the opportunity and crawl out of the log and fling my bag, still containing the egg, over my shoulders. I readjust the band so it doesn't fall off and dash out of the area before the akokↄ returns from its wild goose chase.

I sprint even faster, my legs pumping with more strength than I thought they could muster. With each passing moment, I can feel the Akokↄ's presence fading behind me. Its enraged screeches grow fainter, drowned out by the sounds of my own laboured breaths and pounding footsteps.

It feels like the only thing I've been doing since starting out going into the forest is running.

But I can't afford to slow down just yet. I need to put as much distance as possible between me and that horrifying chicken and make sure I don't get caught up by any other monster lurking about.

I dart through a thicket, narrowly avoiding a cluster of thorny branches that threaten to ensnare me. The forest canopy above casts flickering shadows on the forest floor, adding to the urgency of my escape. I'm never chasing an akrante ever again!

As I continue my mad dash, a sense of relief washes over me. The forest begins to open up, revealing a clearer path ahead. I know I'm getting closer to the hunting zone, where other hunters have probably began hunting for monsters and where I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The path feels more familiar, the atmosphere less foreboding. Rays of sunlight pierce through the thick foliage, casting a warm glow around me. The distant sounds of conversation and footsteps reach my ears, signalling that I'm finally in the hunting zones and far away from any akokↄ.

I keep on moving slowing my sprint to a jog, navigating the now familiar turf till I approach an all too familiar stone-paved ground of the safe zone, my body aching and covered with dirtied, tattered bandages and drenched in sweat.

Other hunters, clad in their basic armour and carrying their weapons, gave me curious looks as I stumbled into their midst but quickly glance away as if seeing my appalling state was nothing out of the ordinary to them.

I stumbled right in front of two older hunters who quizzically stared at the large egg I was carrying in my too little bag. They both had very basic leather armour on which already seemed to be on the verge of tearing apart.

One of them carried a cyber bow which anyone could tell was in very poor condition around his shoulders with a quiver full of basic arrows while the other had knives strapped to his belt.

"By the goddess! Where'd you get such a large egg from, kid?!"


Unable to properly string words together due to my exhaustion I tried pointing and signalling that the eggs were being guarded by a monster but my attempts at warning them seemed to have done the opposite of what I wanted it to do.

"Get a load of this! He sayin' there's big bad ass eggs deeper in! We gotta get our hands on some of em"

"Dricks is sure gon' praise us if we come back with giant eggs"

"Yeah! Let's go find ourselves some eggs!"

The duo took off bolting into the forest. I look at their fleeting backs as they disappear behind the thick trees. I would've tried to go after them again but at this point if I tried to even utter another word, I would probably collapse on the spot due to the immense fatigue I'd accumulated.

I took a moment to catch my breath, silently thanking Adolfo and Rio for their invaluable advice which'd been keeping me alive…partially.

I turned and gazed at the other hunters standing around the safe zone's entryway; people of different ages warming up, or preparing their tools to embark on a quest into the depths of the forest.

Being a hunter was a foolish and risky profession to veer into for anyone who valued life at all. But, seeing this scene, every now and again, always reminded me that this was the path I'd set out on and though horribly petrified, for some strange reason, I wasn't going to buckle down just yet.

I placed my bag on the ground and inspected all its content, ensuring everything was intact. I strapped it back onto my back and grabbed onto the hilt of my dagger.

A piece of its end had unfortunately chipped away as its other parts were slowly coming apart but it was still usable. Taking one last look at the safe zone and the activity around me, I exited the forest through the same opening I walked through to enter into it.

Today wasn't too bad…of course that was just a plain lie.