
A Chimera In Constant Hell

I'm no pro writer I'm just a novice and still learning but I'm making progress. Anyways hate this or love it your call I'm doing this for fun.

BiazarKaiser · Others
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15 Chs

Redwick Your Fun Shall Be Ruined

After screaming his rejection Redwick looked at Knight with a smile as his raised one hand with his fingers pinched together. Seeing what was about to happen Knight decked Redwick in the balls with a punch as he was snapped away for his random bet. Redwick however would kneel over screaming about why aim for the dick, if you were living a seemingly peaceful new life then a god dragged you into a bet. Wouldn't you be mad as well sadly Redwick doesn't seem to get that but Hermes who appeared seconds later got a great laugh.

Hermes: "Hahahahaha Redwick you deserved that! I mean we're gods of delivery and thieving but even I wouldn't do that my charge. I mean I'd do so to my subordinates but then again you have none..... don't even have a girlfriend so your probably a lonely virgin god? Wanna tell your cousin about your problems~? I promise I won't mock you Redwick."

Hermes had his fingers crossed and was snickering on the inside with glee till a shoe was implanted into his face. Redwick standing up with his right leg kicked out as he held his still hurting balls with a frown on his face. While the two gods were bickering about joking around our MC was well literally stuck into a game in the midst of a round. Looking around he was remembering some details of the game while Hyena messed around with his shotgun shell necklace. After a bit Knight saw someone run by with Evan MacMillan following them completely ignoring the unmoving Knight.

『 Kid seems like we can fuck up those gods fun and the killers you interested?』

Knight: "Lets slaughter the killers if that's the plan huh?"

『 Yea seems that shotgun shell necklace of yours is that gun you held on for so long that it was practically bathed in your blood. So just uh make it turn into a gun and I'll just pump out ammo for you to use, simple yea?』

Without another word the slaughter would begin once Knight pulled the necklace off and whipped it into a straight line. The shotgun he once held in his slaughter of rioters in the past was back in his hands with the crimson color of blood to it now. How he knew this would likely work is that he tried basically everything from light novels before just whipping it out like baton sorta. After he got the shotgun Hyena would do some modifications to it namely expanding the fast reload, fire power, and stability of the gun. Giving it a new combat ready like appearance the model of the shotgun however was a double barreled shotgun but the barrels weren't side by side but stacked on top of each other. But a little modified now due to Hyena making the gun have a ammo feeding method which, made it look weird but it was just pop it open and new shells get inserted quickly.

One of the survivors most know as Dwight Fairfield had run around the corner and saw Knight casually inspecting his shotgun. As he ran up and was about to speak he felt the gun barrel slide pass his right ear then a deafening bang from the gun. Holding his ear Dwight turned around and saw the trapper had taken a face full of lead bullets a few feet behind him. As the gun barrels ejected down and new shells were inserted by some machine quickly before the barrels were flicked up and locked back into place. Taking a look at Dwight in front of him Knight rubbed his chin which had just a little beard like patch. Pulling his gun back and resting it onto his shoulder Knight smiled at Dwight and chuckled a little as the trapper was twitching.

Knight: "We better move don't you think? Lets find your friends and come up with some sort of plan. If not then you can find them and I'll play with this fella here after all seems he needs someone to hunt him~."

Dwight: "Man you know I'll leave him to you.... I'm going to find Jake, Ace, and Kate. Sorry new guy that I'm leaving you alone with him but if you can delay him we can escape!"

With a chuckle Knight moved aside and gestured for Dwight to go which the young man accepted while looking displeased. Dwight is one of those guys who doesn't like using others he'd rather being something geeky instead of these death games. Watching Dwight vanish into the surrounding junk with a smirk Knight looked back at his friend on the ground. Without any warning Knight squatted down and pressed the barrel of the gun to the killers ass then with a mocking serious face. He'd scream "One man is but a pervert, I am but the one who shoots the anus!" before consecutive shots could be heard. Each shot going right up the trappers ass as Knight smiled widely as the screaming killer who actually started to crawl away whimpering on the ground.

This would be the day the survivor team heard the screams of a killer accompanied by gun shots, wondering what this new guy was doing to the killer. Sadly Ace would see on accident where the killer stumbled onto the ground with his ass in the air as he quickly tried escaping. Only to be met with six shots up the ass violently, Ace clenched his ass on reflex and felt pity but also glee at the bastard suffering. Getting all of the generators done after a good hour the four survivors left with a leisurely walk, till they saw Knight on the trappers back at the gate. The killer had been reduced to a seat and was unresponsive as if he had died for once since they started this game.

Ace: "Woah Dwight that's the newbie? Where the hell did he get a shotgun and the ammo from?!"

Kate: "I'm more worried about the killer honestly..."

Jake: "Fuck the killer that asshole has killed us over a hundred times!"

Dwight: "I don't know where the newbie came from... but I'm glad he's not a killer after seeing this."

And with that the game of torturing survivors became, the killers being tortured instead.... the more ghostly ones even weren't spared they got special treatment.