
A Chimera In Constant Hell

I'm no pro writer I'm just a novice and still learning but I'm making progress. Anyways hate this or love it your call I'm doing this for fun.

BiazarKaiser · Others
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15 Chs

Blood Flower Is Here

『 Time resuming, Sorry about Redwick ~ Hermes』

Waking up Knight rubs his temples as he looks around his guest room trying to remember what exactly happened. But no matter what he just gets little snippets due to that event being suppressed by either Hermes or Redwick likely. All he remembers really is mentally meeting Dakota in his mind and Hyena deciding some rewards from the two gods. Shrugging he scratched at his neck only to feel some weird shell like object around it before it melts away some how. Quirking his right eyebrow up he gets out of his bed and heads to a mirror in the room as he turned on a lamp. What he sees in his reflection is a strange crimson shotgun shell like tattoo around his neck that once he focuses on it starts to emerge from his skin as a physical object.

Knight: "Hyena whats up with this?"

『Figures you don't remember kid, its the shotgun the old you died holding as it bathed in your blood quite a bit. What its doing here in this world I don't know so let me check it since I didn't ask for this thing as a reward... 』

『 Object: Double Barrel Shotgun (barrels on top of each other not side by side)

Name: Blood Flower

Durability: Indestructible

Personality: Playful

Soul Bound: Knight Schnee

Description: This gun has gone through a rather intense fight with its would be wielder and bathed in their blood for hours. Due to reasons unknown this gun has decided to follow its new owner into the next life after a chance new meeting due to a gods bet. As such it has under gone a change in appearance after being upgraded by a secretary system made of a trans soul the god Redwick cabbaged onto. Its gained a rather exquisite flower engraving that pulses with a mysterious blood like light in the night with a faint humming tune.』

Knight: "Well isn't that pleasant I got a new friend..... Its a gun but its new friend! I only have my sisters as friends so this is my first real friend!!"

『 That just sounds so sad when you are happy a gun is basically your first friend! Befrind someone don't become Kohta Hirano from HSOD you'll never come back!!』

Knight: "I feel like I was just made fun of....."

Shrugging Knight poked the shotgun shell necklace receiving a playful hum from it which made him question how it did that. While this was going on with Hyena watching silently from its blue screen Hyena finally speaks up seeing it may be to late he's going to be like Kohta Hirano.

『 Want to upgrade it?』

Knight: "I don't think I can, can I?"

『Name: Knight Schnee

Race: Human/Faunus(Vampire Bat)

Height: Full height of six foot six inches tall by sixteen

Wingspan: Six Feet

Tail Legnth: Four Feet

Eye Color: Red Orange

Hair Color: White w/ Purple Highlights

Ears: Normal human ears with some bat ears on top of the head

Abilities: Able to use magic unhindered with main affinity being necromancy, Semi permanent memory, Inventory, Blacksmith/Gunsmith, Devouring Semblance, Grimm Summoning, Grimm Breeder, Mechanic (Han Xiao's Legacy)』

『 You can very much upgrade our new friend there so want to do it now?』

Seeing the random information screen before him Knight felt violated like someone took scarily deep notes about his body. Seeing the two production like abilities however made something click within his mind and a small smile surfaced on his face. As his eyes changed colors to that of a emerald green color before he scratched his chin with a chuckle at the possibilities. Seeing this change Hyena was a little cautious in dealing with Knight and slowly probed him to figure out this sudden change. After two minutes of questions and hidden scans done Hyena figured out that seeing these two skills had triggered something that made him take on a bit of Dakota.

Knight: "Hyena lets give Blood Flower a grand upgrade into a weapon this world can't predict~."

With a soft playful yet slightly tinted mad chuckle Knight left his room and went to find James Ironwood to ask for a favor. While he did find the person in question he also found Pietro chatting with him as they enjoyed some whiskey together after greeting them and asking somethings. While answering them when they asked things eventually he was allowed to use James personal workshop where he maintains and upgrades his guns. Once he was in there and left a lone to his own devices he noticed a camera in one of the corners with a red light on flashing at times. So he had Hyena make the needed items seems to come out of his many pockets as he made Blood Flower take on its physical form.

Chuckling softly at the gun humming in his hands he got work using the vast knowledge of the Mechanic and Smithing skills. His hands moving slowly yet with precision as he dismantled Blood Flower on the table before him after getting on a chair with wheels. As he worked his focus centered entirely around what he was doing with this gun before him remolding it from the ground up. Melting it down part by part in a device on the worktable while Blood Flower is Indestructible it seemed to willingly let him remake its very being. Soon he had all the parts reforged as his body started sweating over time due to the heat from his work around him. Next up Knight made a strange scifi like controlled cold fusion power source as he chuckled a bit with a smile of mischief.

After holing himself up in the workshop for over eight hours Knight had finished remaking Blood Flower, who once completed became bloody crimson again with the flower engravings once more. Its a picky thing but what can ya do somethings just wanna look pretty so he let it be while he polished her new body carefully. Once done he chuckled and let Blood Flower become a necklace again before exiting the workshop with a satisfied smile on his lips. He had remade Blood Flower into basically a very destructive energy weapon mixed with magic, It may very well out do somethings in this world. Sighing softly his eyes shifted from emerald green back to red orange in color before stretching out and popping his joints.

Heading to the dinning hall after working so long since this morning he was greeted by Winter and Iris eating lunch. Winter looking refreshed while Iris was bruised and whining about her dads punishment not ending yet. On Winter's shoulder sat Gandalf sleeping pretty deeply as it didn't acknowledge anything happening around it one bit. Upon Knight entering however the two girls turned and looked at him Winter waved with a smile.... Iris scowled before face planting into the table in frustration. Seeing this Knight chuckled as he walked up and sat by the two while a butler brought him some sandwiches to eat. The trio would talk for a bit and make fun of Iris for over reacting a lot to a kid supposedly hogging her dads attention. The teasing and seeing how stupid it made her look caused Iris to cover her head and groan while blushing in embarrassment.

As time passed Iris eventually asked something that made Knight have a blank look as he talked about her question.

Iris: "Hey Knight when I shot you in the neck and you became a different person.... what did you mean when you said those things?"

Knight: "Jacques occasionally ambushes me when my grimm aren't around and shoots me with no mercy while attacking. Sometimes he does it alone sometimes he has a group of servants and racist hunters join him in these ambushes. I've been beaten, shot, stabbed, and sliced quite a lot. All because I won't be a prim and proper little tool and child for him for some gains so he hates me quite a bit.

However one day he decided he'd tie me and teach my mom a lesson.... I don't exactly remember afterwards but I woke up in the hospital with multiple broken bones and other damages. While Jacques had his right hand covered in bandages, I only remember I spent thirty days in a bed after that whole thing. So seeing you trying to do the same thing all because of some stupid jealous thing in your mind brought up many flashbacks."

Hearing him speak Iris and Winter both had some indescribable looks on their faces hearing this news of abuse. Winter who loved her father felt off hearing of these things she usually thought was other kids bullying him or his usual adventure mishaps. Iris felt terrible and disgusted before burying her head into her hands with a groan at this unexpected answer to her question. He had them stay silent as no one will likely believe them and Jacques would probably do something to make them shut up. Winter however couldn't stand not doing anything really so she got up abruptly followed by Irisi as they hoisted Knight up and dragged him away.

With a complex expression on Knight and Hallo's faces they wondered how it ended up that they'd end up living in Atlas with James. Even Iris had a questioning look as this honestly wasn't her intention Winter however, she had a completely satisfied smile on her face hearing this news. Pietro even looked thrilled as he could now have someone help him..... the old man is probably very lonely. Jacques when he heard this news about their new arrangements had a emotionless face and simply said okay towards them. Before ending the call on Winter's scroll abruptly.