
A Chimera In Constant Hell

I'm no pro writer I'm just a novice and still learning but I'm making progress. Anyways hate this or love it your call I'm doing this for fun.

BiazarKaiser · Others
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15 Chs

A New Tale Begins

To those who liked this being about resident evil well I'm sorry I just couldn't think of a good direction for it much anymore so I'm redoing things so uh yea sorry


In December twenty-twenty, right on the border of the New Year coming up covid rioters struck. Destroying half of a town and killed seventy people and injuring twenty others in their attack. In a flower shop with twenty people holding up inside as against the front door sat a young man. Who sat there with his glasses shattered as a shotgun rested in his lap still smoking from the barrel. Before him laided thirty something bodies all in various states while he himself was on the verge of dying. His left eye had glass embedded into it while his right was glazing over slowly. As he smiled crookedly at the sound of sirens approaching.

He had been sitting in this spot for over two hours now innhis state. Hacking up blood while hanging on purely by stubbornness and insanity driving him. A knife sticking out from just next to his heart clipping it ever so slightly in his chest. He should very much be dead but being insane causes some changes that aren't all mental. His body right now is completely numb to the pain yet functioning off the essentials. He simply waited and got cozy against the door petting the bloody shotgun in his lap.

He stayed sat against the shop door contently as he watched a swat van pull up. Knocking on the door behind him he let everyone know to start leaving. Before he lazily fingered one of the bullet holes in his side, his sense of pain completely numb by now. Stepping out of the swat van first was some covered fron head to toe in riot gear and a mask. The person watched as civilians broke the shop windows and exited the store. With a few of the people lifting the young man up as his eye glazed over at a quicker pace.

???: "Sergeant Castalo of swat team six, I see your at your limit kid."

???: "Dakota Vargris hust a random guy with insanity, and yea this is a fetching end for me. Since heh if I hang around any longer I'll murder more people inbthe future since I fed my insanity it'd only scream for more."

Castalo: "Haha guess thats good for us then, take a good rest now your part is done."

Dakota: "Aye it is sergeant haha."

With some cackling and hacking up blood with bile mixed into it giving it a rusting color. The young man drew everyone's attention towards him, as he gave a two fingered salute as his eye glazed over completely. The following weeks would list out the deaths and a gathering held. For the twenty unlikely people who did great things in the end for people. When they got to Dakota however, people would jeer as it became known he had psychosis and admitted he was a threat.

Those he so stubbornly guarded and those who knew him personally looked displeased. As they had every right to feel what they did as he did something praiseworthy. Yet half of these people only focused on the negatives and were glad he died. This would become an unsavory topic on the news and lots of things would get said. While the man himself simply watched this all leaning back in a chair. A god looking like Hermes sitting next to him yet he wasn't Hermes. He's Redwick a god of delivery like Hermes but he delivers souls.

Redwick: "Well kid lets get on to business shall we? Which world you want to go to?"

Dakota: "A world I know basically nothing about so how about RWBY? Seems like a good place to be my hell knowing my personality. Also if you can just give me a tablet with essentially a character creation thing I'll do the work."

With a chuckle Redwick gave him what he requested while watching the young man. He would watch as he chuckled or derangedly laughed at times while working.

『 RWBY Character Creation

Name: Knight Schnee

Race: Human/Faunus(Vampire Bat)

Height: Full height of six foot six inches tall by sixteen

Wingspan: Six Feet

Tail Legnth: Four Feet

Eye Color: Red Orange

Hair Color: White w/ Purple Highlights

Ears: Normal human ears with some bat ears ontop of the head

Abilities: Able to use magic unhindered with main affinity being necromancy, Semi permanent memory, Inventory, Blacksmith/Gunsmith, Devouring Semblance, Grimm Summoning 』

Handing the tablet back to Redwick Dakota stretched out with a grunt. As Redwick read everything over he looked at the young man with a perked eyebrow. Shrugging he accepted it all and the tablet aside after ripping the words from it. Soon the room would be empty after Dakota was reincarnated Redwick left.