
A childish Crush

tenya becomes a teacher at Ua the year after Izuku's little sister graduates.

Rheannah · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


"I appreciate that" he said. He sighed. "If only Tensei could have seen it" he said staring off to space. His brother who lost the ability to walk nearly five years ago. Had complications with a surgery where an over confident doctor had assumed he would be able to fix him but instead cost his life. "Im sure he would want what's best for me"

She rubbe ld his arm a little as a way to comfort him "im sure he is proud of what you've become tenya and he would most definitely be proud with how you continue his legacy"

He chuckled a bit at the thought. "You're right, little Midoriya." He said with a kind smile

"Of course im right" she sticks out her tongue a little as she smiled up at you while more students walked in.

He walked to the front of the classroom and sat on the teachers desk. Watching them come in

Mizuki sat down at her desk relaxing then once everyone arrived they all looked over at Tenya and she was excited to watch him teach

When the students settled down. The engine hero stretched his arms over his chest "Welcome to class third years"

She sat there smiling while she watched him paying attention.

"Good morning everyone, I'm sure you know who I am. But let's pretend that you don't" he started

They all nodded.

"My name is Tenya Iida, also known as ingenium. I'm here to talk to you about life after Graduation as brand new pro heros. Now, I'm not going to do a boring lecture talking about things you're not interested in so instead, you ask the questions and I'll give the answers How's that sound?"

everyone agrees to the idea while Mizuki thought it was different since he usually did boring lectures it was kinda his thing