

With a triumphant smile on her face, she limped slowly cause she had a broken leg from the way the guard hit her down. Together they made their way to the rooftop.

" What a foolish bet," she murmured, "the king of Asteria himself wouldn't dare to resist such offer", she said silently.

I walked behind looking down at the guards who had moved over to the villages giving no reaction to her words.

The woman in my hands had made small ruffles, making me halt.

The crescent smile on the Messenger's face was slowly turning into a frown. 

" What?, how could they reject so much treasure, that the best of what they had ever seen in their lives, " Mara said, almost scrambling to her feet.

" Do something, Elder Aztec, why are you Just watching? Those people must be stupid," she said as she screamed in denial.

Her face grew into panic as she saw the treasures being thrown to the ground, thrown back in the face of the guards who brought them.

" I believe you can see why I have so much trust in my people unlike yours, Elder messenger. I don't do things without prior warning, you've tested my patience enough to not go back to your king without another warning." I walked away from the rooftop only to be halted by Mara's voice.

" Look Alpha Zeev, I guess your people aren't so trustworthy, one of them has taken a piece of my treasures," she smirked happily, limping closer to me.

" You've been fooled princess, each one of them has enough treasure to buy your kingdom and get your king to be their pet," I said as I spat In disgust.

" Take another look," I said walking away from the rooftop back to the bedroom.

" We can always negotiate on something else Alpha Zeev, our packs could merge and form an non formidable army," the man said making me halting in my steps.

" Seems like Asteria has an abundance of people with retarded brains, take them to the dungeon, and take care of them, anyone of you who comes here again to talk about taking my wife away, trust me, even the crows shall talk about how your carcass was disgusting to them," I said and walked away from the duo.

" Don't you dare come near me, I swear I'll kill you, do you know who my father is, ahhhh, let me go, Alpha Zeev, let me go!!" her loud shrieks resounded from outside. 

I walked back into the bedroom and laid the woman in my hands.

" Get me a messenger from the council and ask him to bring along a scroll," I walked back to the door, addressing a guard.

" Yes, Alpha Zeev, I'll be in the waiting room," I said. He bowed curtly and walked away.

A few minutes later, a Young Man in his early twenties walk into the waiting room.

" Good day Alpha Zeev," he says, bowing his head. " Good day Jay" , I greeted.

" Have a seat and let's get straight to what I asked you for", I said impatiently.

" Yes Alpha Zeev", he said opening the scroll, " what details do you want it to have," he asked.

" I've no time to spare them, Jay, just send a warning to them that I've lost my patience with their shenanigans. If any one of them should come here to talk to me about taking my wife back with them, I'll send their head accompanied with a scroll again."

" Okay Alpha Zeev", he gave a nod to my messages. 

" I'll leave you to do the rest, send it with a guard, and give them no special treatment," I said and stood up to walk away.

" What about the princess and the messenger sent here, isn't Alpha Boron going to be mad and would want to retaliate or take action for his imprisoned daughter," Jay asked.

" Who cares what they do Jay, they stepped on my nerves first and Infuriated me, disrespecting my wife, they should be ready for the consequences," I said and stood up walking away from the room.

" Let them stay there in the dungeon for two more days, treat them like you'd treat all other people there and send them back to Asteria on the third day." I paused in my steps to say.

" Alright Alpha Zeev, " he said and continued scribbling in the scroll.

I walked back to the bedroom to meet Kayla in the bedroom with Fenrir.

" Good day Alpha Zeev," she greeted rushing over to the side." I nodded my head in response to her greetings.

" You can leave my wife and I for now, we'll call you when we need you, " I said walking over to the bed.

Her "mmm" sound came as she made her way outside the bedroom.

" I must have slept off in your arms during your meeting with the people from Asteria," she said looking at me.

" Mm you did and I must admit, you look really cute with your face squashed like that," I said, giving her a teasing look.

" What happened at the meeting and are they all gone now, " she asked.

" Mmm, they're where they deserve to be," I answered, giving her a curt reply.

" Let's get you freshened up, " I said and carried her into the bathroom.

Her face was flushed red from being embarrassed.

" It's about time you get used to this, " I said, readjusting her in my arms, opening the bathroom door.

" What happened with the people from Asteria, she looked up at me asking again, you seemed really mad at them and I hope you are fine," she asked concerningly.

" Are you worried about me butterfly," I asked, smiling widely at the concern in her eyes.

" Yes I'm, you're the Only one who's treated me like a person after Kayla and I owe my all to you, I'm concerned," She said truthfully as she snuggled more in my arms.

" Be a good wife, trust your husband to take care of it all for you, I'm good my little butterfly," I said sitting her down in the bathtub.