
A Boy in the great game(dropped)

A unique presprective on the game of thrones from an extremely powerful eternal child with ice powers to be exact good luck reading

greatcheesemaster · TV
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

The Fall

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the sprawling Frostvale estate, a procession of Inquisitors, Winterborne clerks, and officers approached the newly expanded grounds. Led by Victor Frostvale, now tasked with the stewardship of the surrounding lands, they marched with purpose towards their new headquarters.

The estate, once a bastion of opulence and luxury, had been transformed into a fortress of industry and authority. Massive construction projects had reshaped the landscape, with robots toiling tirelessly to erect new buildings and fortifications. Human slaves, disguised as servants, scurried about under the watchful eyes of their Winterborne masters, ensuring that every detail was attended to with meticulous precision.

As the procession arrived at the main entrance, Victor Frostvale surveyed the scene with a mixture of pride and determination. This estate would serve as the heart of their operations, a stronghold from which they would extend the reach of Sinclair Snow's dominion.

Inside, the halls buzzed with activity as Winterborne clerks hurried to set up their offices and command centers. Inquisitors, clad in their distinctive armor and bearing the insignia of their order, conducted patrols and security sweeps, ensuring that no threat went unnoticed within their domain.

Victor wasted no time in rallying his forces, issuing orders and directives with unwavering authority. Plans were set in motion for the subjugation of the surrounding territories, with the Inquisitors prepared to enforce Sinclair Snow's will with unyielding resolve.

As night fell and the estate bustled with activity, the combined might of the Inquisitors and the Winterborne stood ready to assert their dominance over the lands beyond the citadel. With their ranks bolstered and their resolve unshakable, they prepared to embark on a campaign of conquest and subjugation that would further cement their master's reign for generations to come.

As the procession made its way through the gates of the estate, the Winterborne clerks and officers exchanged murmurs of disdain, their voices dripping with contempt as they discussed the "disgusting" humans who toiled beneath them.

"These wretches are barely fit to serve as servants, let alone stand in the presence of Winterborne nobility," one clerk remarked, sneering at the slaves as they scurried about their tasks.

"Indeed," agreed an officer, his tone laced with arrogance. "It's a wonder they haven't been replaced by robots already. They're nothing more than a nuisance."

However, amidst the sea of disdainful chatter, one voice stood out in defense of the human slaves. Liam, unaware of their true status, spoke up with a sense of indignation.

"Hey, that's not fair," he protested, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Those servants work hard to keep this estate running smoothly. They deserve our respect."

His words were met with incredulous stares from the officers and clerks, who exchanged knowing glances behind his back. Little did Liam know that his father, Victor Frostvale, had placed them under a powerful magical contract, forbidding them from revealing the true nature of the slaves to his son.

Ignoring Liam's protests, the officers and clerks continued their disparaging remarks, dismissing his defense of the human slaves as naivety born of privilege. To them, the humans were nothing more than expendable tools to be used and discarded at their whim.

As the procession reached the heart of the estate, Liam's sense of unease grew, but he pushed aside his doubts, eager to see his father take command of their new domain. Little did he realize the true extent of the darkness that lurked beneath the surface of the Winterborne elite, a darkness that would soon engulf them all.

As Liam's party kicked into full swing, the human slaves observed from the shadows, their hearts heavy with a sense of foreboding. They watched as Liam, their once-kind benefactor, indulged in the vices of the Winterborne elite, his once-gentle demeanor overshadowed by the allure of power and debauchery.

They saw him snort lines of snowdust with reckless abandon, his laughter echoing through the halls of the estate as he reveled in the intoxicating rush of the drug. They watched in silent dismay as he led some of the Inquisitors away to his chambers, their expressions a mixture of excitement and trepidation as they followed their young master into the depths of his hedonistic desires.

Among the human slaves, whispers of disbelief and sorrow spread like wildfire. They had held out hope that Liam, of all people, would be different—that he would resist the temptations of the Winterborne lifestyle and stand up for those who had no voice. But as they watched him succumb to the same vices that had ensnared his fellow heirs, their hopes were dashed, replaced by a profound sense of disillusionment.

"He was the first one to show us kindness," one of the slaves murmured, her voice thick with emotion as she watched Liam disappear into the darkness with his companions. "And now look at him, throwing his life away for nothing more than cheap thrills and fleeting power."

The others nodded in silent agreement, their hearts heavy with sadness as they bore witness to the downfall of the one Winterborne who had dared to defy the oppressive norms of their society. In that moment, they realized that even the kindest among them was not immune to the corrupting influence of privilege and excess.

As the night wore on and the sounds of revelry echoed through the halls, the human slaves could only watch in silent despair, mourning the loss of the young man who had once shown them a glimmer of hope in a world consumed by darkness.

As Liam's party reached its zenith, Victor Frostvale, his father, observed from a distance, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. He watched with a mixture of pride and satisfaction as his son embraced the debauchery and excess that had come to define the Winterborne elite.

With each line of snowdust snorted and each Inquisitor led away to his chambers, Victor's pride swelled within him. He saw in Liam's actions a reflection of his own desires—to revel in power and indulge in the pleasures of the flesh without restraint.

As Liam's laughter echoed through the opulent halls of the estate, Victor's smile widened, his heart swelling with a sense of accomplishment. He had raised his son to be a true Winterborne heir, unafraid to seize what he desired and unapologetic in his pursuit of dominance.

Amidst the decadence and hedonism of the party, Victor's gaze never wavered from his son, his eyes shining with admiration and approval. In Liam, he saw the embodiment of everything he had worked so hard to achieve—the epitome of Winterborne power and privilege.

As the night wore on and the festivities reached a fever pitch, Victor remained at the fringes of the revelry, content to bask in the glow of his son's success. For in that moment, as Liam embraced the excesses of their world with reckless abandon, Victor knew that his legacy was secure, and that the Frostvale name would endure for generations to come.