
A Boy in the great game(dropped)

A unique presprective on the game of thrones from an extremely powerful eternal child with ice powers to be exact good luck reading

greatcheesemaster · TV
Not enough ratings
82 Chs


As the day unfolded on the Frostvale estate, amidst the hum of daily chores and the buzz of whispered conversations, a small group of slaves stumbled upon a letter tucked away in the depths of the master's study. With trembling hands and bated breath, they retrieved the missive and carried it to Victor Frostvale, their hearts heavy with trepidation at the prospect of delivering unwelcome news.

Upon receiving the letter, Victor's eyes scanned its contents with a mix of surprise and intrigue. His brow furrowed in concentration as he absorbed the words written upon the page, his mind racing with the implications of what he read.

"It appears we have been summoned to the court of Sinclair Snow," Victor announced, his voice tinged with a hint of excitement. "A court-mandated visit, it seems."

The slaves exchanged nervous glances, unsure of how their master would react to the news. But to their surprise, Victor's face lit up with anticipation, his eyes alight with the prospect of an audience with the Godking himself.

"We leave at once," Victor declared, his voice ringing with authority. "Prepare the carriages and gather our belongings. We shall make haste to the citadel and present ourselves before Sinclair Snow without delay."

With a flurry of activity, the servants set about their tasks, their movements swift and purposeful as they prepared for the journey ahead. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting its final rays upon the Frostvale estate, Victor Frostvale stood tall and resolute, his heart filled with anticipation for the court of Sinclair Snow and the mysteries that awaited him within its hallowed halls.

As the Frostvale estate prepared for their journey to the citadel, the air crackled with anticipation and excitement. Carriages were loaded with luggage, servants bustled about attending to last-minute details, and Victor Frostvale stood at the forefront, his gaze fixed firmly on the horizon as they embarked on the road ahead.

As the convoy approached the citadel, a throng of eager onlookers gathered at the gates, their faces alight with anticipation at the prospect of catching a glimpse of the renowned Victor Frostvale and his entourage. Among them, a group of fervent followers of Liam, the young heir whose exploits had captured the hearts and imaginations of citizens throughout the citadel, eagerly awaited his arrival, their cheers echoing through the streets as they clamored for a chance to see their idol in person.

But amidst the excitement, a sense of order prevailed, as the vigilant Inquisitors swiftly moved to disperse the crowd, their authoritative presence ensuring the safe passage of the Frostvale entourage through the bustling streets of the citadel. With practiced efficiency, they cleared a path for the approaching limousine, guiding it through the throngs of adoring fans and curious onlookers with ease.

As the limousine glided through the gates of the citadel, Victor Frostvale gazed out upon the sprawling cityscape before him, a sense of anticipation building within him at the prospect of what awaited them within the walls of Sinclair Snow's domain. And as they made their way towards the heart of the citadel, surrounded by the buzz of excitement and the watchful eyes of the Inquisitors, Victor knew that their journey was only just beginning, and that the mysteries of the court of Sinclair Snow awaited them with open arms.

In the grand hall of the citadel, where power and authority reigned supreme, Sinclair Snow stood before a gathering of his most trusted advisors and loyal subjects. His presence was imposing, his voice commanding as he addressed the assembled throng.

"My esteemed subjects," he began, his words carrying the weight of centuries of dominion, "it is with great anticipation that I announce a pivotal appointment within our realm." His gaze swept across the room, fixing upon each individual with unwavering intensity.

"Victor Frostvale," he proclaimed, his voice resonating with authority, "shall henceforth be entrusted with the stewardship of the lands surrounding our citadel, encompassing a radius of fifty miles in all directions. It is imperative that we extend our reach beyond these walls, and Victor shall play a crucial role in realizing this ambition."

A ripple of anticipation coursed through the crowd, the prospect of expansion igniting a fervor of excitement and determination. To be chosen for such a prestigious task was a testament to Victor's prowess and loyalty, and he stood tall and resolute as he accepted the weighty responsibility placed upon his shoulders.

"However," Sinclair Snow continued, his tone turning grave, "this undertaking will not be without its challenges. The lands beyond our borders are inhabited by untamed tribes of humans, who have long defied our dominion and resisted our authority."

Turning his gaze to Victor, Sinclair Snow's expression hardened with resolve. "To aid you in this endeavor, Victor, you shall be granted command of ten thousand Inquisitors, who shall serve as your enforcers and agents of order. Together, you shall bring these rebellious tribes to heel and ensure the security and stability of our realm."

Victor nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the task before him. With the backing of the citadel and the might of the Inquisitors at his command, he would endeavor to fulfill his duty with unwavering dedication and resolve. As he stepped forward to accept his charge, the weight of responsibility settled upon him like a mantle, driving him onward in service to the divine will of Sinclair Snow and the prosperity of their realm.