
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
283 Chs


In an alleyway in the middle of the city at midnight, Amelia was crying her heart out as she was holding the lifeless Green in her arms. Rodeo was letting out tears while Miguel, while he doesn't know Green much since he arrived today, he couldn't help but feel sad for him. 

He was also blaming himself because he could have grabbed the Stand Arrow and perhaps maybe this wouldn't have happened. 

He then gripped his hands tightly and asked Rodeo, "What do we do now?"

"I.... don't know man. Even... if we call the Foundation through Green or Amelia's phone there is a high chance that Chilli Pepper might track us through the cell phone towers in the city if we make a call." Rodeo said with tears still in his eyes.

"I... see."

Amelia wanted Green to wake up but he had no pulse, his heartbeat and breathing had stopped completely. Amelia just felt her heart shatter knowing the man he just confessed her feelings to today was dead. But she didn't want to give up on him yet. She wanted her loved one back. 

"Rodeo... Can you use Bites the Dust?"

"Ok but who will be the thir-" Rodeo couldn't finish his sentence when he felt the temperature suddenly increase, even Amelia and Miguel felt it. Rodeo's first thought was 'Ride Me to Hell' might be here. He looked around but saw no one. 

But then, the three felt cold instead. 

'First I felt hot. Now I feel cold. What's going on?' Rodeo thought.

The atmosphere change was confusing for the three, they looked at Green and started to notice it was actually coming from him. 

Miguel murmured, "Has he-" 

Before he could finish his sentence, Green's body got surrounded by electricity sparks, the electricity started electrocuting him which jumped started his heart and he let out a huge gasp. 

"Cough! Cough! That hurts." 

Suddenly, Green was tackled into a hug by Rodeo and Amelia, even Miguel joins the hug, feeling relieved and happy that he was alive. 

"Can you explain to me what happened?" He asked.

"Green, you weren't breathing. Your heart stopped and....." She sobs before letting out a smile, "I'm just glad to see you alive. Don't ever leave me like that again."

Green hugs them back, "I won't. And hey I'm too stubborn to die." He said sarcastically.

Amelia chuckles, "Of course you are."

As the four broke from the hug, Green got up from the ground and asked, "So where's the Arrow?"

Rodeo answered, "About that well... Miguel?"

Nodding his head, Miguel opens his mouth and the Arrow comes out before it reels itself back into his mouth and he closes it.


"It was the only place I could think of since his mouth is meant to store arrows." Miguel stated.

"Why did I even bother asking?"

"Miguel." Rodeo called him out.


"I need to talk to you." Rodeo started talking to Miguel regarding something. 

While they were talking, Amelia asked Green. 

"Green, do you feel different? After getting cut from the arrow I mean?" She asked worriedly.

"I'm still me, Amelia."

"But Green, your body was giving off heat, it then gave off cold and you started to get electrocuted by unknown means, now you woke up."

"That's what happened?" 

"Yes, Green I think you've become a Stand user."


"And now, I'm worried the Foundation might lock you up and give you an SCP classification and do experiments on you and-" She couldn't finish her sentence, because Green pulled her into a kiss, surprising her but she returns the kiss back as well. 

They both then break away from the kiss and then Green replies, "Amelia, I'll be fine. Even if they did, at least you can come visit me for you know daily interviews and ask me questions. Like you do with every SCP." He said sarcastically and reassuringly with a smile.

"You always find a way to make someone feel better."

"Well it's because I'm good at it."

As he said that, the two then saw Rodeo and Miguel approaching them.

"Ok, here's our plan." Rodeo started, "Since we can't go back to the park and get Green's car since the enemy knows that's the last place where we might go. So we hotwire some random car and get out of the city with the arrow and head back to Site-19."

"It seems simple enough." Amelia said.

"Yeah, but given that me and Miguel already know how the Hanged Man, Chilli Pepper, Silver Chariot and Ride Me to Hell works, the problem is we don't know how the guy in the bird mask and the other guy with the Mohawk Stands' work. They can still be a threat."

Green said, "But the bird boy pulled out weapons from his top hat and also the Arrow was in it. Which means...."

"That hat most likely stores items and weapons in some sort of pocket dimension, he can pull them out whenever he wants." Miguel finished, "But that's the only thing we know about his Stand. There might be more to it."

"Yeah, but for now we can only consider his top hat as a part of his Stand's abilities and the ability to fly." Rodeo turns to him, "Also Green."


"I'm gonna punch your face now."

"What!?" Everyone was startled.

Before Green or anyone could understand what he meant, Green then saw Rodeo's fist heading towards his face and before his fist could reach him, a muscular arm appeared behind green which Miguel was able to see but not Amelia. 

In an instant, the arm punches Rodeo very fast that Rodeo almost had a hard time to trace, and the punch sends him flying towards a bunch of trash cans and crashing into them. 


"Este poder!"

"Ouch... no wonder you didn't die, because that thing jumped into your heart." Rodeo chuckles while in pain."

"What thing?"

Rodeo points behind Green. Amelia, Green and Miguel turned around. Amelia didn't see anything but Green and Miguel did. 

""Oh my god."" 

Standing right in front of them was a very muscular and well built humanoid that had the same height as Green, but its features were very different. 

Its entire body was covered in gray fur, it wore a Greek flowing loin cloth around its waist which was dark green in color and was wearing yellow colored wide cuff bracelets around its wrists that had the red colored omega symbol imprinted on them. It wore no shoes or anything on its feet but had the same yellow colored wide cuff bracelets wrapped around its ankles which also had the red omega symbol imprinted on them. But the thing about the humanoid was that it had three wolf heads each having a different eye glow color. 

The first wolf head had a red glow coming from its eyes. The second wolf head had a blue glow coming from its eyes. The third head had a yellow glow coming from its eyes. The heads also had gray fur covering them like its entire body.

This was Green's Stand. 

"What in god's name am I looking at?" Greed asked while looking at the three headed wolf man Stand in shock and confusion.

Rodeo got up from the ground and simply answers, ignoring his injury, "That is your Stand. It is the physical manifestation of your soul or fighting spirit. It is bound to you and you only. And since it's very visible then that means it's quite powerful as well."

The Stand floats towards Miguel. Its three heads stared at him menacingly and Miguel found it very intimidating.

"Can someone tell me what's going on?" Amelia asked, she looks at them feeling very clueless.

The Stand effortless moved towards Amelia just a milisecond. She couldn't see it since she was not a Stand user. The Stand stared at her curiously but Green yelled at it. 

'Hey! Keep your distance."

The Stand looked at its user and did just that and kept its distance from Amelia. 

"It listened." He murmured.

"For the love of God, it's your Stand man. Of course it will listen to you but it is also a part of your soul. What you feel. It feels." Miguel said.

"Also only Stands can harm a Stand." Rodeo stated.

"And what about you guys? Can you harm it?"

"Yeah we can."

"Rodeo, explanation. Now." Amelia injertects them and demand some answers.

"Green's got a Stand."

"Oh, so he has a Stand now."

""Very yes.""

"All because of that arrow."

"I see, but we're still being hunted. Remember?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot. We need to move now. Green, call your Stand back."

"Come back."

Following his words, the Stand then disappeared.

"Looks like I need to get used to this."

"Yeah, but I have a name perfect for your Stand and you will keep this name for a long time." 

"What should I call it?"














*Short Skip, brought to you by Chibi Amelia and Chibi Green sitting on a bench together and watching the sunset. While Chibi Cerberus was busy chasing down some cats*


On top of a cell tower in the city, Alvin was standing on top of a cell tower. He was waiting for either Green or Amelia to make a call with their phones and then use the cell tower and his electricity powers to track. But nothing like that has happened yet. 

"No doubt they know that I'm in control of the cell tower and they are keeping themselves hidden... just perfect."

"Yo Alvin."

Alvin looked down to see the 19 year old boy with the Mohawk haircut. Alvin jumped off the cell tower and landed next to the man and asked him.

"What is it Josh?"

"I think I spotted the four not far from our location and I already told Jack and the rest. But I think Jack's the only one who can reach us for now."

"Ok, let's wait for Jack or-"

Josh's phone starts buzzing and he picks it up.


[Hey kid. I called out my Stand so I need you to follow the hoof marks and it will lead you straight to Dr. Buck and the arrow, and I'm still finding it hard to believe they got the Arrow. Anyways just follow the hoof marks.]

Then the call ends. 

"What did he say regarding the arrow?" Alvin asked.

"Well our opponents have them."

"....Great. If we don't have both of them, then we're not gonna get paid. Come on, let's move." 

Josh nods and they start moving out.