

She was specially and carefully craved in the rightful places to befit me and me alone.

Sunny_star_999 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"Ok fine I went out for a short stroll, I was so tired and I needed a peaceful place to calm my nerves". I told her.

"Oh really? How was it outside? She asked me.

"Oh no I hope it's not what am thinking?. I murmured to myself.

"It was fun initially but something happened on my way out". I slipped without knowing.

"Oh what happened? She asked enthusiastically.

"What happened? I asked myself and suddenly I slapped my forehead.

"I am such a loose basket mouth". I said in my mind. And I can't fabricate lies within a short period of time my sister will smell me out like a rat she obviously is.

"So.....? She said while waiting patiently anything that is mischievous and unlawful catches her undivided attention.

"Um I met a girl..

"What? She cut in.

" a girl?

"Yes a girl. I met a girl and her name is Sam. I told her wishing that I have the power to turn humans into a big roach.

"Umm Where? did you hold her hands?. She asked with her eyes as wide as saucers.

"No why would I hold her hands we are not even friends! I told this urchin in front who has a coconut for a head. I wonder and pity the unfortunate planet where she existed before coming to this earth.

" Umm so how did you start giving her nicknames at such a short period of time since you don't know her?. She asked.

I seriously need this supernatural power. I thought to myself and made up my mind to go and dig up our history books in our creepy study and learn magic so that I can return this mouse who called herself my sister back to her right family.

" Hello? She waved jolting me from my reverie.

Nah it won't, The magic won't work on her, I thought and glanced back at my hard nutted sister.

" hey you're creeping me out with that look". She whined.

Yes thank God I found a way out.