

She was specially and carefully craved in the rightful places to befit me and me alone.

Sunny_star_999 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


I hardened my gaze on her to see if it will creep her out of my so that she can let me be.

"Ha hahaha grrrr". She started laughing and snorting like a pig.

"Why are you laughing".

"I hope You didn't think that you can scare me away from this juicy conversation, because it is not happening". She said and sat in my bed.

"So....? She raised her eye brows.

"Fine I will tell you but you will promise not to tell anyone and you will get out of my room immediately the gist ends okay?.

"Yes sir! She saluted.

"Before I forget no questioning, you keep your mouth shut till am done hm?.

"Hmm". She nodded.

"Nothing much happened though, I just saw a side profile of a young girl. And my body started moving towards her".

"Wow! Don't you think she a witch?. Susan asked.

"Why would I think she's a witch? And I thought I said no questions?.

"I was just curious Bro please".

I sighed and nodded my head because even though I didn't I will still answer her. I love her so much that I can't deny her of anything.

"Why did you think she is a witch?. I asked her.

"You said you body all of a sudden started moving towards her without your permission right?.

"Yes and no". I replied her .

"Yes and no, how?.

"I meant that I was so curious to know what a young girl is doing all alone besides the water.

That was why my moved on it's own accord okay".

"Okay I get it now, so wh.."

"Let me continue ma'am". I cut in.

"When I got to her side I aww her holding a knife to her wrist".

"Whaaaaaat?. My sister screamed and shot out from the bed and ran to me.

"Did she kill her self? Is she dead?

Did you wash off the blood in the water?. She asked while turning me over and sniffing me.