
A Beverly Hills love

"What are you doing here?" Marcella asked Ambrose, her voice laced with a mix of surprise and curiosity. Ambrose's eyes, brimming with tears, locked onto hers as he replied, "I have searched for you everywhere, my love. Why have you decided to leave? I want you, Marcella, I need you." His whispered words were laced with desperation, his voice cracking with emotion. As he drew closer, his hands grasped hers, placing them on his chest. "My heart beats solely for you, Marcella. I'm a shell of myself without you. Sleep eludes me, and my every waking moment is consumed by thoughts of you." The silence was palpable, the only sound being Marcella's rapid heartbeat. Ambrose's fingers traced the strands of her dark, curly hair, his touch sending shivers down her spine. He leaned in, his face inches from hers, their breaths intertwining. The tension was palpable, the air thick with anticipation, as if time itself had stood still. Marcella's heart raced faster, her senses heightened, as she felt the warmth of Ambrose's breath on her skin, her very existence hanging in the balance.

JenniferBradford · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

chapter 8

As the morning sun rose over the dazzling Dubai skyline, Marcella woke up with a start, her mind still foggy from sleep. She rubbed her eyes, thinking she was in her modest quarters at Ambrose's mansion, ready to tackle another busy day. But as she sat up, she realized with a jolt that she was actually in a luxurious apartment, with her boss, Ambrose, just a room away!

She was about to snuggle back under the covers when a knock at the door made her jump. She frantically searched for a suitable covering, her heart racing, before making her way to the entrance. "Good morning, sir!" she called out, trying to sound composed.

But Ambrose's response was delayed, and Marcella's curiosity got the better of her. She opened the door to find her boss standing there, his eyes fixed on her with an intensity that made her feel a little uncomfortable. "Good morning, Marcella," he finally said, his gaze traveling from her head to her toes, his voice low and husky.

Marcella felt a flutter in her chest as Ambrose seemed to forget why he had come to her door. But then he snapped back to attention, his eyes sparkling with a hint of excitement. "Oh, Marcella, I need you to get ready. We have a meeting scheduled for my new fashion branch company here in Dubai."

Marcella's heart skipped a beat. "Okay, sir, I'll get ready right away," she replied, trying to sound professional.

Ambrose's eyes still lingered on her, and he added, almost as an afterthought, "And, Marcella, would you please wear the lovely blue gown? It would look stunning on you." Marcella smiled at the compliment, feeling a sense of gratitude towards her boss. "Okay, sir," she replied, her voice clear and confident, Ambrose turned and left, leaving Marcella to get ready.

As Ambrose entered his room, he couldn't shake off the image of Marcella from his mind. He found himself longing to hold her close, to feel her warmth and gentle touch. He couldn't help but think that she was unlike any other woman he had ever met - her beauty, both inside and out, left him captivated. "Gosh, she's stunning," he thought to himself, his mind wandering to her piercing eyes that seemed to see right through him.

But as he stood there, lost in thought, he realized he had forgotten to mention something crucial to Marcella - a detail that his lawyer had discussed with him over the phone. He hesitated, unsure of how she would react to the news. "Maybe I'll tell her later," he thought, pushing the thought aside for the time being.

With a sigh, he headed to the bathroom to shower, hoping the warm water would clear his mind and help him focus on the busy day ahead.

Marcella stepped out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed and revitalized after her bath. She gazed at the clothes she had chosen herself, from the selection Ambrose had given her, a sweet smile spreading across her face. "I'm so glad I picked this outfit," she thought to herself, feeling a sense of satisfaction. She couldn't help but notice that Ambrose had been acting out of character lately,His relaxed attitude and warm smile were both intriguing and captivating, making him seem almost unrecognizable.  and she wondered if he had been wanting to tell her something earlier. "Oh, Marcella, you're worrying too much again," she chided herself, shaking her head.

Pushing aside her musings, she picked up the stunning blue dress, admiring its elegant lines and vibrant color. "This was an excellent choice," she said aloud, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She slipped on the dress, feeling the soft fabric hug her curves, and paired it with the matching shoes she had also selected. As she brushed her hair, she couldn't help but steal glances at her reflection in the mirror. "Marcella, you look absolutely stunning!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with admiration. She felt confident and prepared for the meeting ahead.

Marcella sauntered into the sitting room, her confidence and poise commanding attention. Meanwhile, Ambrose emerged from his own room, and his jaw nearly dropped as he laid eyes on her. He was utterly dumbfounded, his gaze fixed on Marcella as if he was seeing her for the first time. He couldn't help himself, his eyes glued to her stunning figure, which was accentuated by the fitted blue dress that showcased her curves in all the right places. Her cleavage was perfectly on display, and Ambrose's mind went blank as he struggled to process his thoughts.

"Why, Marcella, why do you have to look so breathtakingly beautiful?" he thought to himself, his inner turmoil evident in his frozen expression. "What is it about you that makes me feel this way?" he wondered, his eyes still locked on hers as if searching for answers.

Marcella was already starting to feel uncomfortable under Ambrose's intense gaze, her skin crawling slightly as she fidgeted with her hands. It took Ambrose a noticeable moment to finally snap out of his trance, his eyes still fixed on hers as he spoke in a low, husky tone. "You look...wow, Marcella. I mean, the dress looks absolutely stunning on you." He paused, his compliment hanging in the air like a tangible thing.

Marcella's cheeks flushed slightly as she murmured a polite "thank you, sir" while her eyes darted away, trying to hide her own confusion. "Thank you for the dress," she added, her voice barely above a whisper. Ambrose's response was a simple "you're welcome, Marcella," his eyes never leaving hers.

As they stood there in awkward silence, Ambrose finally broke the spell, his voice snapping Marcella back to reality. "I'm expecting my lawyer, he's on his way," he informed her, his tone matter-of-fact. Marcella nodded, her mind racing with questions. What was the real reason Ambrose had asked her to accompany him on this trip? She couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than met the eye. After all, Ambrose was a self-sufficient man who didn't need an assistant like her tagging along. So, what was his motive?  why  has he asked her to wear a specific dress. She felt curious and intrigued, and couldn't help but think there was more to the dress . Was there a hidden meaning behind his request? She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something deeper going on.she wondered. 

Ambrose was at a loss for words, unsure of how to break the news to Marcella that the lawyer had shared with him over the phone. He was worried about her reaction, knowing how sensitive she could be. As he stood there, pondering the best way to approach the situation, a knock at the door broke the silence. Marcella quickly got up to answer it, revealing a man standing in the hallway.

"Good morning, sir," Marcella greeted him, her voice cheerful.

"Good morning," the man replied, his eyes scanning the room. "My name is Colin. I'm here to see Ambrose. He's expecting me."

Marcella nodded and gestured for Colin to follow her. "Right this way, sir," she said, leading him into the room where Ambrose was waiting.

"Ah, Mr. Colin, you're here," Ambrose said, his voice a mix of relief and apprehension.

Marcella began to excuse herself, but Ambrose caught her attention. "Marcella, please, stay," he said, his eyes locking onto hers. "I need you to hear this too."

Marcella's curiosity was piqued, and she sat back down, her eyes fixed on Ambrose and the lawyer, wondering what was about to unfold.

""Sorry, Marcella, but you're needed here too," Ambrose said, his eyes locked onto hers. "I was informed by Ambrose that you're one of his maids," Colin began, his gaze shifting to Marcella. "He brought you on this trip so you could assist him, is that correct?"

Marcella nodded, her eyes never leaving Colin's face. "That's right, sir," she replied, her voice clear and concise. "He did well by bringing you along Marcella ," Colin continued,

Colin's expression turned serious, and he leaned forward slightly. "Marcella, we need your help to secure this fashion branch in Dubai. Ambrose has been working tirelessly to get this deal off the ground, but there's one condition that's proving to be a stumbling block."

Marcella's curiosity was piqued, and she leaned forward slightly, her eyes sparkling with interest. "What condition is that, sir?"

Colin hesitated for a moment before speaking bluntly. "The investors are insisting that Ambrose be married. They won't sign the contract unless he can prove he's a family man. And that's where you come in, Marcella."

Marcella's eyes widened in shock, her mind racing with the implications. "You want me to pretend to be Ambrose's wife?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Colin nodded, his eyes locked onto hers. "Just for a week, Marcella. We need you to act as his wife so we can secure this deal. It's a lot to ask, I know, but we're desperate. And we'll make it worth your while, of course."