
Chapter Six

After we loaded and then unloaded and packed all the shopping away when we got home, it was time to start looking for jobs like I planned to, mason just decided to chill on the sofa and watch what was on TV.

"So my sister says you like children? have you thought about helping charities with children? or even nursey's?" he asked as I looked up from my screen and pushed my glasses back onto my face from where they had drooped down. I smiled at him and then readjusted to natural again "what else has Jas said about me?" I added as he chuckled and walked up to me resting his arms on the counter facing me, he winked and then smiled again "nothing much just saying how lovely of a person you are and that we have similar interests" he added as I nodded sarcastically.

Similar interest! I am not that interested in football, I am very much a going out type of gal and I don't think just having Summer as an interest counts.

"I don't think I would be good as a nanny permanently and charities don't offer the best wage and I need a decent wage to be able to still afford my place with Thor" mason nodded with a closed-mouth smile, "talking of Thor how is he? haven't heard you bring him up in the last three days," he said cockily, I frowned my eyebrows and laughed "he's fine, he looks and seeing you a lot differently then I do" I reassured him with a little sassiness laced in my words and he raised an eyebrow, he pushed up on his arms and then proceeded to cross them "is that right? how do you see me?" he asked with a tone that I wasn't familiar with.

I closed my laptop and mirrored his body language and pose, I squinted my eyes "I see you as someone who should be chilling at his own place because he doesn't play billions just to stay at his sister's most of the time" I said as he walked towards me still with his arms crossed "what about if he liked company which he didn't have in his billion-pound house?" he exaggerated the billion as if to be sarcastic, I rolled my eyes and stayed completely marked on my spot not moving a muscle "well maybe he should be a normal 23-year-old and get out there and party, hook up culture is strong in this gen my friend" I added as now we were face to face, eye to eye and both as annoyed as each other.

"What happened to I'm sorry for judging you in my head?" he said as I shrugged "I must have not meant it, you know it's the craziest thing, it's like you say something and make it false information" I sarcastically said as he chuckled sarcastically, this was slowly getting super awkward and uncomfortable "you really know how to make a girl feel uncomfortable," I said as I extended my arms and push him so he had to stand a few steps away from me.

"You allowed me to stand close to you for 5 minutes I am pretty sure you enjoyed being this close to a celebrity," he said, I knew he knew that saying that would wind me up because I didn't care if he was a celeb or if he was Beyonce's long lost step brother, he was a person at the end of the day.

I looked down at my watch and cursed myself for getting wrapped up in whatever this conversation was "look you've made me late to pick Summer up" said annoyed at myself and him for distancing me, I wanted to get so much done today and thanks to him I couldn't do anything properly and how I wanted it.

"Me? you have only yourself to blame" He added as I ignored him and made my way to the door grabbing my bag and jacket and then opening the door, Mason followed me and chuckled when he saw me standing outside the passenger door waiting for him to unlock, "what makes you think I have time to help you pick Summer up?" he said as I laughed wide-eyed and really actually quite shocked at the actual caucacity that had come out his mouth.

"You will help me pick her up and drop her off because if you don't I will let Jas know that you completely ignore all signs of me reaching out for help and I was left to pay for £100 worth of food," I said as he wasted no time running to the driver's side door, not before saying all the names under the sun for how much of an annoying human being I was. Love to hear it.


Once we had picked Summer up we headed back to the house, the drive wasn't long but it was long enough for Mason to give Summer one idea that she wouldn't say no to but I was definitely going to rip his head off at.

"who wants McDonald's! It's on me" mason said as he shot a look at me and smirked and then looked into his mirror at Summer who was gleaming with joy at the mention of a fast food place. Great! I shook my head "I am making stir fry for dinner, you can't have both" I said as Mason shrugged and I turned to look at Summer who shrugged as well "then can I just have McDonald" are you kidding me! breathe. Inhale, Exhale.

I agreed bitterly and Mason drove to the nearest McDonald Drive Thru joint, does anyone else get anxiety about drive thru's or is it just me, how do people know what they want without reading what they want, I always just automatically go for what I know whether that makes me look stupid or not.

"Happy meal please," I blurted out as I just got the end of Mason questions asking me what I wanted to eat, he looked over at me as if to say "is that really your order? a happy meal?" nut in all seriousness if I was at one of the little touchpad monitors I would have picked something else as I would have time to browse the menu.

"is that with the toy as well" I added on as Mason and Summer both chuckled, I was being dead serious I would spend days and weeks when I was little collecting all the toys, I had an advantage as my dad did work in the shop so I could get freebies all the time.

Mason nodded and confirmed the toy was included and Summer had ordered the same order as me because if she didn't favour me before she really favoured me now.


"what made you pick the happy meal?" Summer asked as we were parked in one of the parking bays in the Mcdonald's parking lot, I twisted to face her and handed her a happy meal with a smile, "sometimes people get a little nervous about what they don't remember so they go for the default" I tried to explain knowing that she wouldn't get it no matter how I explained it.

I could feel Mason's eyes bore into my head as I made sure summer was all comfy in the back seat and there was no way she would spill anything in his very expensive car.

"We all get those times, next time we can go in if that's better" he added and I twisted back into my seat and smiled at him as he then added me my food that even though I was looking forward to the stir fry I was going to devour this.

As we all ate in silence I looked between both of them and smiled to myself thinking back to when I would do this with my own family, My dad on his off days would drive us around to every single park in our area and we would spend the am to the pm skating and running around, climbing in tree's and all sorts, then when the time came to call the day quits we would drive by Mcdonald's dad would ask us our order and go in few minutes after come out with all of our food steaming hot and ready to eat, mum would be so annoyed because she had defrosted food ready to eat.

"what you thinking about," Mason asked as he caught me mid-daze trying to eat a fry that definitely not going into my mouth because I wasn't concentrating, I slightly shook my head and yawned a little "just thinking about my family, my dad and siblings used to do stuff like this all the time," I said as he smiled a little and Summer appeared between the two seats to ask a question.

"Do you miss your family? did we take you away from them?" she asked with a little sadness in her eyes and I shook my head "absolutely not! you didn't take them away, My dad, unfortunately, passed away a few years ago, he sadly was murdered and my siblings and I still stay in contact we just are all grown-ups now so we went our own ways, and as for my mum, she moved back to Germany and is living her life in my dad's memory.

Summer reached for my neck and I pulled her on my lap as she embraced me in a hug and whispered how she was sorry about my family situation, I whispered back reassuring her that I was fine and that is why I had Thor and now her, she was family as well.

"We should probably get going" Mason spoke up as I placed Summer back into the back seat and strapped her up making sure she was all safe and sound, I nodded at him and he started his engine up.