
Comments of chapter undefined of The Legendary Mechanic


Gran novela una pena que llegue a su final ...😞👍


You know, I personally dont remember everything i watched nor read. However the ones i always remember the most are those that end. As much pain i feel whenever somethings ends, the more i remember how it was. I've remember not waiting to read this when it had less than 100 chapter because i thought one thing was stupid. Now i Dont regret my decision for sticking with it and going back to this novel that made many memories. I love you guys in the comments and I wish you guys a wonderful and awesome year.


Authors words (MTL): "The plot ends right here. It was originally scheduled to return to the real universe as the end. What I want is the feeling of abrupt cessation. Although there is still something to write in the future, it is another story. "


wow it's over, thank you so much, this book has kept me wanting one more chapter after I finish one. From grinding the XP to keep his mind from being wiped at the beginning, to the sniper who could hold down a battle field, HX determination to become more powerful kept me hooked. Then the Version Updates started and you took us into the galaxy. I NEVER LOOKED BACK. I was hoping that the player would have been able to log in so they could have their powers, but no more respawns. I'm sure from what was stated in previous chapters the interface should be gone now that he is in the true universe. I look forward to any new material to expand on what could happen next. The only thing left to do is left one last meme for everyone.


gg. This went from "What is that a novel about a technician? Sounds uber lame" to "Amazing, best novel ever" ... And now it's finished. I think this is actually the first novel I have not dropped or gotten bored of.


Yeah this is pretty much one of the few if not the onlu book i have noticed on here that has good quality and consistent translations. so good job translator.


It's been a great journey from chapter 1 to chapter 1463! I am happy to have read this novel!


Thank you so much for all the hard work translating!! it’s been such a fun journey guys and theres so much to end with, i hope theres going to be a sequel because i would love to learn about the fall out or more about HX’s feelings or these other civilizations. Regardless though i hope to see everyone again in other novels :)


ALL HAIL BLACK STAR! We will always remember him as our shameless commander. Someday we will look back and perhaps reread this story for the sake of good old times


Bruh, 2 novels I read have ended just in this month and now this, my vibes are terrible rn


This was an epic story. I'm so sad to see it end, but I'm so happy about how it did. I've been following TLM for a long time, and have spent more money than I'd care to admit reading it, but I don't regret the time and money spent. Thank you so much for this experience.


Thank you. The story was amazing, no regret for the coins I sacrificed.


This book was the first book I have read on this platform. It is also the book that brought me to it, the first book I finished on this, and the book that got me back into reading. I remember buying coins for the first time and using them on this. I spent that whole weekend just reading this book.. This book was amazing and you can tell that the plot was thought out from the start. I am sad to see this book go, but I am also excited to see what the author has cooked up next! Farewell, our belovedly shameless Han Xiao!


Im very sad it ended but Blast star will live on in my heart


◢ ▇ ◣ ┈ ┈ ◢ ▇ ◣ ▇ ▇ ▇ ◣ ◢ ▇ ▇ ▇ ◥ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ◤ ┈ ◥ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ◤ ┈ ┈ ◥ ▇ ▇ ◤ ┈ ┈ ┈ ◥ ◤.. ───── Thanks ───── Foя тнє cнαpтєя ────────── from Jack


Gotta say, it's been a blast. An absolutely amazing novel to be sure. Seeing Han Xaio climb up from the very bottom, to finally return to his home. I loved the touch at the end where he recognized Bun-Hit-Dog, it made my mind flutter where I pictured each and every one of his "favorite" players looking up at the skies together, all seeing him look back at them. I would love for there to be a side story, just to get a little more out of the ending, but I respect the author's decision to end it there. There are so many points in the novel that stand out even now, everything from Black Phantom's driving skills causing his whole team to suffer, to him tanking a laser from a space ship, to our bag loli, to his high profile speeches... there's so many great memories. Thank you for the wonderful adventure, I'll never forget it. And thank you translators, because without you I'd have never had the chance to enjoy this masterpiece. To all my fellow readers, good luck on your quest to find another novel to fill the void in our hearts this story will leave us with. Maybe I'll see you there.


I may have wanted a few more chapters for reactions and the changes, but I know deep down that I already know what their reactions would have been. For the changes? Well with Black Star I'm positive it would be all fine.


man this was a great novel. around a year ago I was browsing through Facebook when a post with the first 2-3 chapters of this book was posted for an advertisement for this app. I started reading that post and was immediately immersed in this novel and had to download this app to read more. sad to see this novel end but I don't regret for a second getting this app and reading this amazing story and finding others as well.


Very sad that this is the end! I would have loved for it to have gone a couple more chapters to properly tie everything off. In my opinion it was a little bit of a let down!




How i feel knowing that this book ended sums anything i would sa…😭