
Total Darkness

Hot and Cold. Wet and Dry. All my senses are dulled to the point where all I can differentiate are hot, cold, wet and dry. Time seemed to stand still even though things were obviously moving. Was I still getting fucked? Am I going to die?

"So... I can do whatever I want?"

'Yes, anything you want.'

"Wow. Most places have specific rules that limit what you can do. Why so lax here?"

'Because she is willing to do anything and has not set any restrictions.'

"Oh man. I can really fuck her while she's asleep?"

'Do as you please.'

Voices are having a conversation. Obviously, they must be talking about me. Why can't I wake up or move? Anything? I never agreed to anything. God damn. When I get out of this... They will pay.


Hyousuke watched the two men talk as if he wasn't there. Rage welled within his very body. But he swore an oath to be just a butler, nothing more. The atrocities during and in the aftermath of war were childs-play compared to what this organization has done to this poor girl.

-It has been 7 years since Hyousuke was sent out on a real mission. 10 years of training and 8 straight years of targetted slaughter. Hyousuke was always chosen for the high-risk, no fault assassinations due to his extraordinary abilities. Always able to find his target and eliminate regardless the circumstances. He was also credited for having assassinated a president but, that information is kept under wraps.-

A branch CEO stood over the poor girl with a close friend of his. Neither are technically clients so I should remove them. This poor girl has endured enough... Can't she get some rest? I've already 'handled' 2 of her clients already due to their deplorable behavior. Why is it always the scum of society that seems to thrive in any economy... It is my sworn duty to protect this girl and I'm forced to watch everything. We're two tortured souls in this purgatory of suffering...

All I can do is wait and hope she becomes strong enough for us to make an escape. If... she becomes strong enough. I believe my skills will allow us a semblance of peace before our end...


Through the dark and numbing darkness that I can perceive I faintly feel the sensation of being rough handled by brutish hands. I vaguely feel my body being roughly groped in my sweet sensitive areas. My vagina feels like it's being roughly fingered while my body ragdolls from the force. My paltry chest is being vigorously squeezed to the point I can actually feel a tidge of pain through this permeating dullness. Normally, I would feel pleasure and try to focus on that but in this current state, all I feel are the rough motions and pain. This sensation is more uncomfortable than all of my other clients. Don't they have any sense of honor?

"Hmm. She's smaller than I'm used to."

'Would you like someone else?'

"Ideally someone with more... development but I already touched the goods so it would be in bad business to stop now."

'Very well. I'll leave you to it then.'

Their very conversation is barely audible. All other miscellaneous sounds are muted. I'm stuck in this... immovable prison of pain and suffering.

A dampened pain from my vaginal area followed by pressure across the top of my whole body. A wet sensation trails across the side of my face. The pressure and pain briefly retreat only to be applied again and again. The rhythm seems uncoordinated or perhaps even uncomfortable. Normally, my body would be gripping his penis in tune to his thrusts but, as things currently stand I'm just a rigid fuck doll at the moment.


A jolt of sudden pain from my abdomen. Did he just punch me?! What the fuck? I may be numb and unable to move but I definitely felt that. I swear to god if he...

*Smack* *Smack*

Two more impacts burrow into my face. I feel my neck bend at an uncomfortable angle as his fist makes contact with my cheekbone near my left eye and the second one hit my nose and upper lip. Blood. I can taste blood in my mouth. The faint sensation of something wet drips from my nose and lips. This son of a bitch better stop or...


Another thundering blow twists my neck uncomfortably. Pain masks all the other sensations I'm feeling. What kind of scum hits a woman while having sex! Someone... Anyone... Please... Save me...


The CEO's friend grabs the poor girl and forcefully exploits her genitals. Laying there and helpless to fight back, her petite form is subjugated to hard finger fucking and breast squeezing. I see a small tear trickle down her flawless face. I clench my jaw and my fists to suppress my rage. It's my duty to protect her but I'm unable to act against these men... for now.

They resume talking again, but only briefly. Their words are incoherent while I try and calm down. My killer instinct is raging to go free once again. I close my eye and take slow deep breaths. Rage slightly subsides. Please let this end quickly.

When I open my eye again, the CEO's friend is alone and sloppily attempting to have sex missionary style. He's quite obese and his fat folds get in the way as her tiny body gets engulfed under his mass. He does accomplish a few thrusts but he keeps slipping out. Tiny dick bastard. That's what you deserve.

The man grows impatient and visibly angry. He raises a fist to the air and unleashes a solid punch into Jean's abdomen. The sudden impact sends ripples across her small body and a large red welt is left where the fist hit.

I bite my lip and withdraw my hands into clenched fists. My training as an assassin drilled the rules (no women, no children, no defenseless) targets ever. This man goes against all of my ideals.

Two more lumbering blows to her defenseless face. Her... untarnished face now has swelling on her upper lip and around her left eye. Blood trickles from her mouth and nose almost simultaneously. She lays there motionless to the assault of this sick fuck. I bite down on my lip hard. My nails dig into the palms of my hands. I start to see red. Motions and shapes become incoherent.

(Do you want to set me free once again?)

The voice of my killer instinct asks the same question every time.

[I gave you up long ago, around the same time I took my own eye.]

(I'll allow you full control of my actions.)

[Really now? Every other time you just took over and let me deal with the aftermath.]

(This time is different. You have every intention to kill this and every other man who wants to hurt Jean.)

[...She reminds me of someone long ago whom I failed to protect.]

(You are failing her now.)

[...I consent to our contract. Allow me to resume my title as Mr. Death.]

(It is done.)


*Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack*

Blows glance all over my body. I don't think he's even trying to fuck me anymore. I'm now his dead fish punching bag. My body flops around with each blow. My prayers go unanswered. This man is going to beat me to death and I can't do anything to stop him. It was a good life while it lasted...

The flurry of blows suddenly stop. Pain echoes across every inch of my being and slowly goes completely faint. Is this what it feels like to die? Nothing seems to be different... All I can see is darkness still. The familiar sensation of floating, yes I must be rising to heaven... Goodnight...