
Fun in the...

I don't change clothing between the last client and the current one, my soaking wet towel clinging to my petite body. My wet feet leave small footprints in the fine carpet leading to the door as if I were walking through snow. I haphazardly open the door and gaze upon my new client.

"Name's Lenny, pleasure to meet you."

A tall, tanned man stands at the door, possibly of native american descent. He's dressed in a fine dress shirt with khaki pants and ferragamo shoes. He has his hair tied back in a ponytail. Without hesitation, I gesture him inside.

"Wow. I really didn't expect you to be so... tiny. Pictures usually aren't accurate but they were totally accurate on you."


I give off a small chuckle but I know it isn't funny at all. It's time for business... I hope this Lenny isn't strange.

"Come here"

Lenny motions for me to join him on the couch. I seamlessly glide over and sit next to him, my feet barely dangling over the side. He reaches for my towel while gazing into my eyes. I don't stop him. The towel slides to the floor revealing my bijou breasts and puffy vulva. Without another word, he reaches over and fondles my nipples and cups my breasts. He seems to care about me getting aroused first as he's paying full attention to my sensitive areas without me reciprocating. I let him stimulate me into arousal. I let the pleasure seep in to cloud out any other thoughts. My body gladly welcomes his advances...

"Alright, give me a quick suck."

Lennys' hands quickly move to his pants as he takes them off in a smooth motion. His penis stands slightly erect around 5 inches. My tiny hands gently stroke his shaft and I welcome him into my mouth. Mint... The taste of mint spreads through my mouth as his penis slides and kisses the back of my throat. I strongly resist the urge to gag as he wiggles around in my mouth and I feel his penis start to swell to full length. I quickly stroke his glands while pulling my mouth back and swirling my tongue. Lenny responds with light moans slight slow thrusts of his hips. Like myself, he's trying to bathe in the pleasure.

"Oh man... Ahhh... Ok. Ok. Ok! Let's get down to it."

Lenny's penis started to throb and swell on the verge of orgasm so he quickly pulled out of my hand and mouth. After a few heavy breaths, he stands ready and motions for me to offer my rear for doggystyle. I get on all fours on the couch and face my pussy to him. My body quivers in anticipation. I hope he's a good fuck. I really need it after my last client.

Lenny teases my pussy with his penis, rubbing it up and down while slightly peeking into my folds and pressing against my clit. My body shudders and buckles. My body is ready. I lean my body back and shove my hips onto his penis. Thoroughly lubricated by my saliva and honey, his penis slides in all the way till our hips meet in a classic *thack* noise. I feel his hot manflesh penetrate me deeply and Lenny begins to slowly thrust.

*Thack* *Thack* 'Ahh....' *Thack* 'Uuuuu...' *Thack*

Moans escape me between thrusts. Our erotic noises bounce throughout the room. Lenny is carefully thrusting and trying to hit my sensitive spots and I'm slowly and tenderly clenching and releasing. Our bodies move in sync with each other. Pleasure resounds throughout my body and I give in. More... More... More!

Lenny startles me with a new sensation between thrusts. I feel a wet finger swirling around my butthole, tenderly applying pressure and seeking out its' opening. My body panics with the new sensation and I reflexively struggle but this position locks me down. Lenny begins to increase his thrusting speed while dipping his middle finger in my butthole and twisting softly. The dual sensations drive my body wild. I feel my own orgasm violently rise and before even realizing, I erupt all over his penis and everything behind me. My shoulders buckle and my face plants against the couch but Lenny holds my hips in place and removes his penis slowly. He hasn't cummed yet so I quickly try to regain my composure and breath. Lenny then removes his middle finger and I feel his hot, pulsing manhood making it's way to my anus.


My plea to have him stop is broken off as he violently shoves his whole penis inside my anus. Unfamiliar sensations assault me as he churns and knead. Pain is the first sensation that comes to mind as I felt some tearing as my teeny tiny body was being viciously assaulted by his throbbing penis. I was helpless to his assaults as my cries of pleasure quickly devolved into screams of pain. I felt something trickle down my legs through my pain and from my position I see crimzon spread across the sofa. Lenny feigns ignorance as he continually thrusts deeper and deeper into my rectum without remorse. I see a wicked smile spread across his face. The pain he's causing combined with the pleasure he's feeling is driving him to a new high. I need to get Hyousuke...

I try to reach my cell phone to no avail. I'm completely pinned down while Lenny rapes my asshole. My mind starts to go blank and my body fruitlessly flails about trying to get free. As if to add extra insult to injury, I feel Lenny insert two fingers into my pussy and angle to tap my gspot. Pain and pleasure mix to become one. My love juices mix with my flowing blood. My consciousness begins to fade, my voice begins to falter. Is this the end?


Seconds feel like minutes. Minutes feel like hours. Time has no sense for me currently. The dual assault on both of my holes is leaving me in a physical and emotional wreck. The world spins as tears well in my eyes and distort my perception. My will is broken. My body stops resisting. My screams get caught in my throat and don't leave. I lay there like a broken wheelbarrow. Please let it end...

A flash of movement. Something warm trickling down my back. My brain doesn't register what it's seeing. The room spins and the sensation of floating brings me peace. Colors blur and objects fade. Red spills out and slowly spreads but shrinks in the distance. Slowly my senses are coming back. I feel a strong arm holding me from the side, carrying me. My asshole hurts and I feel blood dripping out. My legs won't respond. I'm helpless in the clutches of a blurry figure...

Cold spreads across my body followed by hot. Strong pressure moves across my bare skin. My eyes won't blink. Am I dead? Nothing responds to my commands. Internally I scream and scream but, no one can hear me. I'm stuck in a prison without a key to get out.