

I walk to the door and open, as I'm still too short to see through the peephole. Waiting outside are a pair of caucasian guys in casual attire. The first one is dressed head to toe in black the other in white. I beckon them to both enter and quickly close the door. My previous customer, Shinta, left me with an incomplete feeling. I felt like I should have at least got him off but, he just wanted to take various pictures instead.

... Do I want to do this? Why am I worried about the customers? I know this body has a debt and I do want to live more so... At what point should I put my foot down?

I calmly walk over to a couch and sit down, keeping eye contact with each brother everytime they look in my direction. We sit there in silence as they look around the place, lock eyes with me, then move and look around the place again. I start to impatiently kick my legs one at a time. I guess I must really look like a child.


This continues for a long while. Didn't they have to pay at least $10,000 for this? I feel myself growing impatient.


"So. How bout it then?"

I'm rudely interrupted as I was about to ask a question.

'Umm... Which one of you first?'


They both glace at me as if I asked a dumb question. I immediately look down at my feet to avoid their gaze, still kicking one leg at a time.

"Guess it can't be helped. She seems new."

"Ok, top and bottom still?"

"Sure, switch after 5."

They talk to each other as I just look at them both. They both approach me from either side. My heart starts to beat faster.

'C-can you at least tell me your names?', I meekly ask as they reach the couch.

"Just call me Key and him Plug.", says the black clothing man.

The white clothing man picks me up and puts me in a doggy style pose with my ass towards him. My head is at the groin level of Key as he begins to unzip. Thank god, it's not a monster dick. He points his penis directly at my face and takes a hold of it with his right hand. From behind, I hear Plug unzip his pants and I feel a warm fleshy mass tap against my left ass-cheek. My heart beats fast and my pussy quivers in anticipation. My body craves the pleasure. I'm still not quite comfortable with being on the receiving end.

Key guides his penis into my mouth and pauses about a third of the way in. It doesn't taste bad and it smells like it was washed very recently so I don't gag in reflex. Plug slides the panties that Shinta gave me off slowly exposing my moist, quivering pussy. Perhaps because I can't see Plug behind me, my body feels more turned on than usual. I feel plug trace his penis up and down my puffy vulva, teasing his entrance. Key, from the corner of my eye, nods and they both thrust at the same time.

'Mmmm... Ooooh...'

My body reacts accordingly to both of their simultaneous entries. Key vigorously thrusts and his penis teases the back of my throat with each thrust. Plug, slow and calmly, thrusts completely to his scrotum then stirs in a circle. My pussy welcomes him in and rhythmically constricts and releases in tune to his thrusts. Pleasure quickly assaults me from my behind. I have to resist the urge to bite down as Key drives me near orgasm.

'Haa... Haa... Mmmm... Nnn...'

My body is on the precipice of orgasm. Pleasure is clouding all thoughts in my head. My body is anticipating climax when-


The brothers high five each other, pull out and swap places. I feel my honey run down both legs. Plug slaps my face with his penis, covered in my honey, several times inciting some pain. Key doesn't hesitate and immediately plunges in as deep as possible and holds. My pussy clenches down hard in my surprise.


Key gives a sudden yelp as I tightened around his penis. Plug carefully navigates his penis to my mouth and, once again, slowly stirs and kneads as he gently thrusts into my mouth. He makes sure not to tap the back of my throat or make me gag so I gently run my teeth against his shaft and run my tongue along its base. Giving in to both of their new stimuli, both men moan and thrust with more finesse, wanting to feel more. My mind once again is being assaulted with pleasure, desiring my own personal release. I adjust my butt so the angle that Key is penetrating at would rub and press a more pleasurable spot. I feel his penis stretching open my folds and my constrictions are driving him wild. I want him to hit deeper but he's almost at his limit. I feel his penis twitch and throb and my pussy oozes more honey in anticipation.


Once again, they clap hands and swap places. My body wants release but they keep edging me! I flip over and position my head so it can receive a throat fuck as Jamal did. This position also allows Plug to still do missionary at an angle that would grind nicely around my g-spot. Saliva runs down my face and honey soaks into the couch. I want it. I want it now!

As if taking my cue, Plug positions at an angle to grind and penetrate where I want and he does so rhythmically while stirring. Key mindlessly thrusts down my throat. I feel his glands slide across my tongue and my palette. His penis is twitching and throbbing again, almost at the edge of climax. I start to furiously rub my tongue along his glands. I need to finish Key quickly so I can focus better on Plug...

"Ahhh! I'm cumming!"

Key grabs my head with both hands and thrusts as deep as possible before unloading his hot, sticky, semen into my stomach. With several final thrusts and spurts, Key falls backward and lays on his back. A faint trail of his semen beads from my mouth across my face and a tidge in my hair. I ignore cleaning myself off and focus on Plug's sensual, loving thrust and stirs. I carefully time constricting and contracting several times during each thrust adding to his pleasure. Plug takes notice and starts rubbing my clit with his right hand sending waves of electricity down my spine. Through the pleasure, I navigate my hand to gently caress his face. Key fucked me like a prostitute. Plugs fucking is making love to his lover.

Plug stops stirring and starts to quicken his pace. I feel his penis start to throb and enlarge. He's nearing climax! Through my clothing, he moves a hand across my paltry chest while flicking my clit with his other. Each flick brings about a strong sensation of pain and pleasure at the same time. My mind and body are both torn in the direction it wants to go. My mind is only focusing on the pain and pleasure so my body moves on its own. My legs wrap around Plugs waist and pull him deeper. His precise movements falter and he mindlessly thrusts his hips, trying to orgasm as soon as possible. I feel my own orgasm also start to well up. Almost there!

'Mmmmmpf.... Auuu...... More! Moreeee!'

My moans of pleasure and my own lust mix together. Plug's thrusts with an almost supernatural speed. My pussy can't even react in time with constrictions so it just clamps down altogether. My sudden tightness drives him to do a final deep thrust and spew his milky seed into my womb. At the same time, I feel my body reach its limit and I also orgasm. Our bodies twitch and convulse almost in sync. I pull myself up and kiss him passionately.

Plug slowly removes his penis from my vagina. Pleasure still clouds my mind. As he finally pulls out, a mixture of his semen and my own honey flows out. We both bask in the afterglow and deep french kiss for a while. I twirl my tongue around his and suck on his tip. We finally part from each other panting.

'You're... free... to... take... a shower... if you want....'

My own ragged breathing breaks apart my talking. I force out the words. Of all the sex, Plug was the best in ensuring mutual ecstasy and tenderness. The kind of sex that newlyweds experience. This is the kind of sex I desire...


The brothers wash up and leave a generous tip. I bid them both farewell with kisses but I take my time deep frenching Plug, leaving a small saliva trail from where we connected. Key, noticing his brothers' extra care, grins and softly punches Plug on the shoulder as they both left.

'Come again', I say out to them.

There's still time before next customer. I head to the bathroom and thoroughly wash out my vagina with water. I then carefully use the lavender soap to scrub my body of all previous smells. There is a temptation to masturbate again but, I'd rather not pass out. After rinsing, I take extra care to dry off completely. After I finish my bath, I get a text from Hyousuke.

"Please dress in a swimsuit. Your client asked for specific services. I'll make other preperations while you do so."

I wonder what I have next in store....