
Between Life and Death

Once again, I'm flying through the clouds towards the light in the sky. I feel the wind blowing through my hair and funneling around my body. I reach out toward the sky as I fly higher and higher. I'm about to reach the light but, I suddenly stop soaring and the wind stops enveloping me. I start to fall and I start to feel a coldness spread through my body, this current body, this avatar of myself. Darkness spreads through the sky and my body goes completely numb. I reach my hand out to grasp something, anything at all. I fall towards the ground below.


I find myself floating in freezing cold water, countless ice cubes floating above me. I reach out to grab hold of the sides and help myself sit up. My movements are responsive but my whole body is numb and cold. I'm sitting in a porcelain bathtub that's sitting in the middle of a clean-white tiled bathroom. The lights above give the room a brighter appearance as they're positioned to reflect across several surfaces and focus on this central tub. Anyways, I hoist myself out of the tub but slip on the tile surface.


My cry of pain echoed through the room. My legs are numb and refuse to stand up. I am freezing cold and all alone. I attempt to crawl across the room but my unresponsive wet body keeps slipping on the surface and I'm just wasting energy.

The door to the bathroom opens and an extremely large man walks inside. The man looks like he's in his thirties but is quite obese, is wearing some cartoon character shirt, is wearing a backpack full to the zippers, and is holding a few bags of undefined things. He gazes upon my petite naked body flailing about, sprawled on the ground. A disturbingly menacing grin forms on his face. His breathing grows deep, labored, and heavy.

*Heeeee Haaaaa... Heeeeee Haaaaa... Heeeee Haaaaa...*

The man puts down his bags and backpack by the doorway. he then begins to rummage through his bags, looking for something specific muttering to himself between deep breaths. My heartbeat starts to quicken. My pussy starts to feel hot. Is my body looking forward to this? I beging to rythmically rub my slit up and down to the timing of his breaths. My own breathing becomes slightly ragged as my body begins to get aroused.

"Yeeeeyeeyeyeeeee" *Heee Haaa* "I found it-----." *Heeeee Haaaaaa*

The man stops rummaging through his bags and muttered to himself between labored breaths. He starts to turn around slowly. My throat feels dry. I swallow some saliva to no avail. I hold my breath.

*Heeeee Haaaaa* "WEAR THIS!" *Heeeee Haaaaaa*

The man suddenly shouts and rushes over to my body while holding a yukata in his hands. His intimidating silhouette coming closer and closer. My body doesn't feel fear and also suddenly loses sexual libido. This man must be one of those "NEET" basement dwellers that fantasize and covet things while having very few social skills. As he lumbers closer, I can start to smell overwhelming body odor and sweat emanating from his body. My body coughs in the hopes of gulping some fresh air to no avail.

*Heeee Haaaa* *Heeee Haaaa*

'Excuse me... Do you want me to.... Put these on?'

*Heeee* "YES! YES RIGHT NOW!" *Haaaa* *Heeeee Haaaaaa*

'Ok.... Could I ask one favor in return?'

"OH!", his exclamation marking his realization that I'm asking something of him. His deep labored breathing quiets down and he nervously looked at the ground, near my feet, avoiding eye contact. "Y-y-YES YOU MAY!"

'Can you please wash your self? I'm finding it very hard to just be near you at the moment. I'll ask them to not charge over if you go overtime.'

"OH!...." He suddenly realizes he reeks and starts to tear up while still staring at the ground. He slowly starts to turn around. His shoulders slouch. I can hear soft sniffles echoing off the walls.

'My name is Jean, what is your name?'

"Huh?...." The man gives a small jump of surprise and looks around and locks eyes with me. I'm staring straight at him with a small, soft, caring smile. "M-m-my name is... Burning Fist of the Falling Star Empire, Shinta!"

Are you fucking kidding me? Somehow my face maintains composure but my mind breaks down in laughter. Is that the name he really chose for himself? How did his parents not see this happening? Whatever... Money is money. He looks like a virgin so this will probably be quick and easy.

'Ok, Burning Fist of the Falling Star Empire Shinta, it is a pleasure to meet you. Please thoroughly wash up and then we'll spend some quality time getting to know each other better!', I say in a cute voice and making a small heart pose with my hands across my bare naked chest. In fact, I just realized I'm still naked. I push my body to shakingly stand up and slowly wobble out of the room so that he can confidently wash, taking his little bundle of clothing with me.

I make it out of the room. Oh my god. FRESH AIR! I can breathe normally once again! I felt like I was drowning more than when I was actually drowning yesterday. I set the different parts of the attire he gave me into several piles on my bed. There's a Japanese Miko Shrine maiden outfit in 2 different pieces, a pair of fluffy fox ears, a fluffier foxtail, a pair of blue and white striped panties, a long roll of cotton sarashi, and a really tiny hat with a string to tie to things. Well, I guess I better get dressed...


'Amazing...', I mutter out loud in dumbfounded amazement. The clothes fit exactly to all of my measurements. The ears on my head actually move as I move around with an occasional twitch and the tail swishes and swirls on its own. This really is interesting... Not that I would buy these for myself but I guess there's a market for things like this.

*Heeee Haaaa* *Heeee Haaaa* "THAT'S PERFECT!" Shinta shouts from the bathroom doorway dressed in a single towel. He bumbles over to me and starts sniffing my entire clothed body from head to toe, even the tail. I try my best at seductively caressing his face but he quickly jumps back.

"S-stop that! My 2D Waifu would never touch me!"

'.... Sorry.'

"Just pose like this!"

Shinta strikes a pose where he has his legs slightly spread but he's bending over and making a heart shape with his hands. I reluctantly abide and hold the pose while he sniffs, examines from multiple angles, and takes pictures with his phone. In fact, he took the most pictures upskirt of the panties on my butt. Fucking pervert. I guess this is better than taking his smelly dick but... This seems a bit out of place for a prostitute I guess?

While he's closely looking at my panties, I try to move it over so he can see my pussy.


I obey.


Several poses later and hundreds of pictures later, a soft chime signaling the end of the allotted time goes off. Shinta looks rather pleased with himself. I start to take off the clothing when...


Shinta had to take a deep breath between his sentences. I actually slightly feel sorry for the guy but, not as sorry for myself as I felt dirtier than when I was a cum dumpster to the other customers. It's hard to explain. There's a certain level of dignity that I felt like I lost since I was some guys poseable mannequin.

'T-thank you. I hope my service was optimal to your needs...'


'I'm glad that I could be of service. *kochi kochi* Please feel free to come back again.'

I do what I remember as a proper bow and the costume does the rest. The tail obediently wags and waves, the ears twitch and turn.

"Ugh!!" Shinta grabs the mound of flesh above where his heart is and he stumbles backward slightly. "I-I... SHOULD HAVE ASKED FOR THAT POSE!"

'Something to look forward to next time I suppose.', I say with a wink.

I walk Shinta to the door and open it for him. As he leaves he looks quite satisfied with himself. For the first time since I've been in this body, I don't have the urge to pleasure myself or even feel pleasure. This is a nice change of pace perhaps.

*Ding Dong*

The next customer is waiting. Lets see what's next...